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Resource Library

Documents and additional resources to help you understand everything DebtBook has to offer.

Guide to Liquidity Management Strategies for Treasurers

Bank Fee Management: Challenges & Insights for Treasury Teams

[FREE GUIDE] 6 Short-Term Financing Strategies for Treasurers

Common Bank Reporting and Payment File Formats for Treasury

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Cash Flow Forecasting Template for Treasury Teams

Strategies for Financing New Municipal Capital Projects

Feature Flash: Bank Fee Analysis

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Cash Position Worksheet for Treasury Teams

The Case for Co-Sourcing with Modern Software Solutions: GASB 87 & GASB 96

Public Finance Industry Conferences & Events

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Ongoing GASB Compliance Checklist

What is the Difference Between GASB 87 & 96?

Credit Rating Trends: The Key to Knowing Your Issuer

Webinar Recap: The Latest on the FDTA | How Finance Leaders are Tackling Modernization

What the Refunding is Going On? Exploring Tax-Exempt Bond Refunding

How DebtBook Simplifies Lease Payment Reconciliation

Feature Flash: Simplified Change Management

Feature Flash: Automated Audit Notes

Feature Flash: Comprehensive Journal Entry Exports

Feature Flash: Automated Long-Term Obligation Disclosure

Feature Flash: True Lineage Refunding Tracking

Feature Flash: Click-Button Visibility with Filter Views

GASB 87 Ongoing Compliance

Bond Insurance: Making a Marketable Credit Better

[FREE DOWNLOAD] The Issuer’s Guide to Modernizing Debt Management

[FREE PLAYBOOK] How Local Governments Can Prepare for the FDTA

Debt Schedules: What They Are and How to Simplify Them

Treasury Foundations: Understanding Bank Fee Analysis for Municipalities

How Climate Risks are Shaping Municipal Financing

Embracing a More Advanced Approach to Municipal Debt Refunding Lineage

Automation, Strategy, and the Next Generation: How Public Finance Teams are Preparing for 2024

Simplified Approach to Tracking Continuing Disclosure with DebtBook

Estimated Municipal Issuance in 2024

Treasury Foundations: Determining Cash Position

Mastering Bond Refunding Strategy: The Power of Tender Offers

Employee Spotlight: Mariana Longoria, Accounting & Product Enablement Manager

Beyond Compliance: 6 Additional Uses for GASB 96 Software

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Debt Management Software Solution Checklist

Capital Financing Delay Tactics for Issuers Facing High Interest Rates

Employee Spotlight: Max Travis

5 Reasons Proactive Reporting Can Enhance Your ACFR Process

Treasury Foundations: Bank Connectivity for Cash Visibility

Rule 15c2-12: Continuing Disclosure Explained

Employee Spotlight: Itzel Guajardo, Customer Enablement Manager

Variable Rate Debt – The Good, The Bad, The Flexibility

The 6 Best Accounting Podcasts for Public Finance Professionals

Understanding the Role of Treasury Department in the Public Sector

Employee Spotlight: Walker Robinson

3 Factors to Consider for Ongoing GASB 87 & 96 Compliance

Advance Refundings – The Muni Gamble

Employee Spotlight: Hans Lustre

The Accountant Shortage: Solutions for Public Sector CPA Firms

[FREE DOWNLOAD] 8-Step SBITA Accounting Guide

Tax-Exempt Debt: What Does it Mean Economically?

Employee Spotlight: Lilith Carpenter

What Rising Interest Rates Really Mean to a Municipal Issuer

Top 5 Podcasts Public Finance Leaders Should Listen To

Employee Spotlight: Chris Hendrix

Project Costs: What They Are & How They're Relevant to GASB 96

6 Helpful Resources for Finance Teams Preparing to Implement GASB 96

[FREE DOWNLOAD] GASB-96 Implementation Roadmap

GASB 91 & Conduit Debt Obligations Explained

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Subscription Management Vendor Evaluation Checklist

Why Early Adopters of GASB 96 Will Come Out Ahead

[FREE DOWNLOAD] GASB-96 Subscription Decision Tree

Building an Action Plan for GASB 96 Compliance

DebtBook’s Guide to the Incremental Borrowing Rate

DebtBook's Premium/Discount Amortization Methodology Explained

Planning and Preparing for GASB 96

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Myths of Using Spreadsheets for Lease Accounting

Exploring the Risks of Using Spreadsheets in Lease Accounting

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Leveraging Debt and Lease Management Software to Make Data-Driven Decisions

The Importance of Protecting Your Finance Data from Cyber Attacks

5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Lease Management Software

[FREE DOWNLOAD] How to Overcome Today's Biggest Challenges in Accounting

Four Tips for Creating Better Financial Statements

How Technology Can Help The Biggest Challenges Facing Accountants

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Infographic: Top 3 Priorities for Finance Professionals in 2022

How Technology Can Transform Common Financial Department Tasks

Improving Financial Reporting Accuracy: The Impact of Limited Data Visibility

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Best Practice Guide: How to Successfully Transition to GASB-87: Before, During, & After

3 Things Finance Professionals Should Prioritize in 2022

Embracing Technology to Attract and Retain Young Finance Talent

How to Select a Debt and Lease Management Software Vendor

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Best Practice Guide: How to Boost Financial Transparency

Resources for Teams Who Want to Go Digital and Implement GASB 87

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Infographic: 5 Reasons Your Organization Needs Lease Management Software

Webinar Recap: Planning and Preparing for GASB 87

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Checklist: Is Your Organization Ready to Implement GASB-87?

Factors to Consider When Evaluating Debt & Lease Management Software

Embracing Technology to Digitally Transform Finance Operations

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Checklist: Evaluating a Lease Management Software Vendor

Why Early Adopters of GASB 87 Will Come Out Ahead

Boosting Efficiency, Accuracy, & Collaboration with Debt Management Software

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Checklist: Demo Evaluation Checklist for Debt & Lease Management Software

How To Evaluate and Choose Lease Management Software

Here’s Exactly How to Prepare Financial Statements Faster

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Infographic: How To Be Compliant with GASB-87: 6 Key Steps

9 Steps To Prepare For GASB 87 Lease Accounting Standard

How Technology Showcases Prudent Debt Management

GASB 87 Explained: Types of Lease Arrangements

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Checklist: 10 Signs Your Organization Needs Debt Management Software

How to Ensure Your Finance Team is Audit-Ready

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Worksheet: Does Your Contract Have an Embedded Lease?

Integrating ERP with Debt and Lease Management Software

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Infographic: GASB 87 Lease Decision Tree

Using Technology to Prepare for the Future & Support Succession Planning

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Checklist: Switching from Spreadsheets to Software

Understanding Non-Lease Components

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Checklist: Building a Business Case for Debt and Lease Management Software

How DebtBook Makes Life Easier When Serving Municipal Clients

Building the Business Case for Debt and Lease Management Software

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Incremental Borrowing Rate Template

4 Considerations for GASB 87 Implementation

[FREE DOWNLOAD] GASB 87 Implementation Roadmap

Debt Security 101: Definitions, Overviews, & Examples

Arbitrage: 6 Insights Tax-Exempt Issuers Should Know

4 Ways Debt and Lease Management Software Can Improve Decision-Making

The Ten Principles of Continuing Disclosure

Calculating Separate Incremental Borrowing Rates for Leased Assets

GASB 87 Changes for Lessees vs. Lessors

3 Ways Technology Can Streamline Debt Management Processes

What is Lease Management Software?

Get to Know Arbitrage Rebates and Yield Restrictions

Building an Action Plan for GASB 87 Compliance

Municipal Debt in North Carolina | DebtBook

What is Debt Management Software?

GASB 87: What Is an Embedded Lease?

The Factors That Saved Florence County $12 million

GASB 87 Implementation Guide: Planning and Preparation

GFOA End the Acronym Initiative

Skyline illustration

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