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Release Notes

October 11, 2024

Debt Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated behavior so that Issue level Premium/Discount now only displays on the Bond Statistics tab
  • Updated behavior so that cash defeasances cannot be added to Issues with override debt service schedules
  • Fixed an error that caused outstanding par amounts to display incorrectly in collapsed Profile Summary views when a Snapshot date was applied in some instances
  • Resolved an error that prevented users from consolidating dimensions in Dimension Settings in some instances
  • Fixed an issue where final maturity was incorrect in Audit Notes in some instances
  • Fixed an error that caused one less milestone than expected to be created in some instances

October 4, 2024

Full Accrual Short-Term Journal Entry Update for GASB Leases

Based on customer feedback, we have adjusted journal entry logic for Full Accrual Short-Term reclassification entries to allow for booking short-term amounts across all frequencies (i.e. monthly), instead of just at Fiscal Year End. Users with the Short-Term/Long-Term accounting setting enabled will now receive the related Full Accrual entries in their non-actual exports going forward.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated logic and corrected validation errors related to par amount in order to make additional Issues fully editable
  • Fixed an error that prevented linked financials in Profile Summary views from being accessible in some instances
  • Resolved an issue where premium discount was populating on maturities without a yield
  • Fixed an error that caused Issuance Expenses fields to appear in two places within the add new Issue workflow
  • Fixed an issue that caused hidden dimensions to appear in some instances

September 27, 2024

Consolidated FASB Lease Disclosure Paragraph
Based on the positive feedback received after similar features were added to the GASB Lease and Subscription applications earlier this year, we are introducing a ‘Consolidated Disclosure Paragraph’ reporting setting to allow FASB Lease users to choose whether Audit Note exports will include individual or aggregated footnotes. The setting will default to ‘Consolidated’, and disclosures will be aggregated by ASC 842 lease type.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated logic and corrected validation errors related to call dates in order to make additional Issues fully editable
  • Fixed an error that made it appear as if user without required permissions could add a cash defeasance to an Issue

September 20, 2024

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated behavior so that changing Accrued Interest Basis in Accounting Settings triggers a recalculation of accrued interest values
  • Fixed some display issues and updated editing behavior for the Refunding Gain/Loss workflow

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Users now have the ability to edit the 'Remaining Asset Life as of Lease Start Date' during a payment modification

September 13, 2024

Debt Expanded Issue Editing

Users can now edit the series name, description, ratings, characteristics, and sources & uses for all Issues in their profile. Previously this may have been restricted for certain Issues including those with “as-is” debt service schedules or other non-standard data.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a pagination error in Payment Reporting that caused payments to appear duplicated in some instances

Subscription Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a validation to ensure the effective date of a term or payment modification is before the subscription end date

September 6, 2024

GASB Lease Change Management Payment Modification: Termination Penalty, Purchase Option, and GRV

Users now have more flexibility when modifying the payment of a GASB lease within DebtBook. During a payment modification event, the fields for ‘Termination Penalty,’ ‘Purchase Option,’ and ‘Guaranteed Residual Value’ are now editable within the Create/Edit form, including the ability to change the reasonably certain input. These updates will allow users to reflect changes in their schedule due to a change in the reasonably certain assumption for these payment types.

Subscriptions Journal Entry Source

Within Journal Entry exports, users can now see the prescribed source for each of their journal entries. This provides greater detail and clarity within journal entries exports.

Debt Audit Note Denominations

When creating audit notes, users now have the option to choose a denomination for the report. The options are “Full Dollar” which aligns with the previous format and “1,000s” where values will be rounded to the nearest 1,000. This should allow users to choose a format that aligns with their current reporting.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated styling and behavior related to adding and editing Refunding Gain/Loss
  • Updated behavior of accounting flyouts in schedule views when applying a snapshot date
  • Updated some styling on the Bond Statistics tab of Issue details
  • Updated behavior when resetting general ledger numbers on Issue detail views
  • Fixed an error that prevented Summarized charts from displaying on some frequencies
  • Resolved an issue that caused an incorrect count of payments being reset in some instances
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when attempting to sort by Type in Issue allocation views

August 30, 2024

Rename Billing Relationships in Bank Fee Analysis

Users can now name a billing relationship something other than the default name from the account analysis file upload. Select the Edit Billing Relationship option from the overflow menu on the billing relationship’s main page to update its name.

August 23, 2024

Accrued Interest for Subscriptions

DebtBook journal entries were originally built to book the balance of accrued interest. But we realize you may not book your journal entries this way. The new setting allows you to control how this interest is displayed (or not displayed) throughout DebtBook and key reports. The setting has with options to 'Include - Balance' (default), 'Include - Activity', or 'None - Remove from exports.'

Short Term/Long Term Liability Recognition for Subscriptions

New Journal Entry Setting to match existing Subscriptions functionality that allows you to populate short-term amounts in journal entries, schedules, and audit notes. By default, this will be set to "Include - Activity" (does not reverse short-term amounts each FYE), but you can also choose "Include - Balance" (reverses short-term amounts each FYE) or "Exclude".

True Draft Subscriptions

Users now have the ability to create and save a lease in 'Draft' status without filling out all required fields. This will increase efficiency for users by allowing them to create leases in DebtBook even if they don't have access to all the required information up front. Schedules will only populate for 'Draft' leases if all required fields are populated.

Debt Refunding Gain/Loss

Users can now record and amortize a gain or loss associated with refunding transactions, pursuant to GASB Statement No. 23, within the Debt Service schedules. Users will have the option to utilize DebtBook calculations, when an advanced or current refunding lineage is present, or manually add the gain or loss to the refunding series. Associated journal entries will be available in accounting exports from schedule views.

Debt Bond Statistics

Bond statistics for individual series are now available in issue detail views. These statistics such as arbitrage yield, true interest cost, and average coupon will be based on data added to the new Sources & Uses section of the add/edit Issue workflow.


Bank Fee Analysis Improvements and Fixes
  • Users can now delete billing relationships
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed display error causing "Redemption Price" to populate as "-" on the refunding detail tab

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix for Accrued Interest Activity column within Lease schedules set to non-actual frequency

  • Update to ensure schedules are accurate when a termination is applied on a payment date

  • Fix to ensure users can enter negative values into Payment Reporting

  • Payment Reporting update to ensure additional filters populate for all profiles

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix to ensure users can enter negative values into Payment Reporting
  • Fix to ensure Modification events saved in an unverified status properly display

August 16, 2024

Debt Improvements and Fixes 
  • Fixed a bug when sorting by Call Date on Profile Summary.

August 9, 2024

Defeased Payments for Debt Issues

Profiles that include advance refundings now have the ability to include defeased payments in Payment Reporting. These payments will be visible by default and clearly marked as defeased payments within the list view. These details allow users to track payments that are made out of escrow for the refunded series. 

Debt Improvements and Fixes 
  • Resolved an issue that caused redemption provision details to not populate on Issue overview pages in some instances.
  • Fixed penny remainders of interest when refunding non 30/360 day count issues.
  • Resolved an error that prevented final maturity dates from populating in audit notes for partially refunded Issues.
  • Resolved an issue that changed behavior in the add and edit Issue workflows.
  • Fixed an issue that caused sorting by final maturity to not work as expected in some instances.
  • Resolved an error that prevented certain charts from displaying on an Actual frequency.
  • Resolved an issue that caused additional Issues to be included when changing dates in chart views.
  • Prepared additional Issues with refunding data to be editable within the application.

August 2, 2024

Capitalized Additional Implementation Project Costs for Subscriptions

Users now have the ability to add ongoing Operation and Additional Implementation Stage project costs directly to a subscription and have those project costs capitalized into the subscription asset at implementation or expensed as incurred, as required under GASB 96.

When an Operation and Additional Implementation Stage project cost is added to an individual subscription component (within the 'Project Costs' tab under 'Ongoing'), users will answer a series of questions to determine whether that cost should be capitalized or expensed. Any capitalized project cost that is added to a subscription will be displayed in a new row in the schedule showing the increase in subscription asset and will also be reflected in journal entries and audit notes. 

Cash Defeasance for Debt Issues

Users now have the ability to add cash defeasances for Issues in their profiles. A new section has been added to the Add New Issue and Edit Issue workflows which will unlock once the Issue is verified. Cash Defeasance details added through this new workflow will leverage our existing refunding lineage features such as refunding detail views on individual Issues and detailed flyouts in bucket schedule views.

Debt Improvements and Fixes 
  • Added enhancement to the self service refunding workflow where users can enter a redemption price for bonds redeemed using a make-whole call
  • Added the ability to allocate overridden interest
  • Fixed an issue that caused the date paid to save as today's date when marking payments as paid
  • Fixed an issue that caused schedules with overridden interest amounts to reset after adding allocations
  • Fixed an error that caused labels on the outstanding par over time chart to be incorrect
  • Fixed an issue impacting the number reported for outstanding debt in the top of the credit type tabs in audit notes
  • Fixed an error that prevented users from adding refunding details
  • Fixed an error that caused refunding badges to be slightly misplaced 

July 26, 2024

Debt Improvements and Fixes 
  • Added enhancement to the self service refunding workflow where users can enter a redemption price for bonds redeemed using a make-whole call
  • Added the ability to allocate overridden interest
  • Fixed an issue that caused the date paid to save as today's date when marking payments as paid
  • Fixed an issue that caused schedules with overridden interest amounts to reset after adding allocations
  • Fixed an error that caused labels on the outstanding par over time chart to be incorrect
  • Fixed an issue impacting the number reported for outstanding debt in the top of the credit type tabs in audit notes
  • Fixed an error that prevented users from adding refunding details
  • Fixed an error that caused refunding badges to be slightly misplaced 

July 19, 2024

'Purpose' Dimension Now Editable for GASB Lease & Subscriptions

Based on user feedback, we've now made the default 'Purpose' dimension editable for both GASB Lease and Subscription profiles. This means you can rename the dimension and change its visibility to best fit the needs of your organization.

Debt Improvements and Fixes 
  • Updated the location of buttons when selecting a Snapshot date so they are not obscured by the help chat icon
  • Updated behavior so that refunded and unrefunded CUSIPs are not required in the refunding workflow if CUSIP information is not present in the refunded series
  • Fixed an error that prevented users from merging dimension names
  • Fixed an issue causing series with outstanding par amounts of 0 to be included in the credit type tabs of Audit Note exports
  • Fixed an issue that caused amount outstanding to not populate as expected in some exports and charts
  • Fixed an error that prevented Manage Dimensions and Dimension Settings from appearing in the sidebar list of options for Profile Settings
  • Fixed an issue that caused bucket headers to swap on schedule views in some instances
  • Fixed an issue that caused a white screen to appear when adding a refunding in some instances

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes 
  • Termination change management for Sales-Type leases now available


July 12, 2024

Debt Snapshot

We’ve introduced new functionality that allows users to view their Profile as it would have existed on a prior date. Users can set a specific date and see their data as it was on that day, excluding any changes made after that date. This will result in the unwinding of any refunding actions after that date and any subsequent issuance. The snapshot applies to the core section of the application, providing a unique way to analyze and compare data.

Debt Improvements and Fixes 
  • Fixed an issue that prevented payments from being marked as verified from the payment detail view
  • Fixed outstanding balance amounts in schedule view debt service exports so principal reductions are reflected in the period paid
  • Fixed an error that caused an incorrect call date to appear in some instances on Issues with multiple call dates
Subscription Improvements and Fixes 
  • Added 'Additional Filters" to Subscriptions Bucket View


July 5, 2024

Subscriptions Conversion Fund

Users now have the ability to add refunding debt to their profiles. A new section has been added to the Add New Issue and Edit Issue workflows which will unlock based on the use of proceeds for the Issue. This is a continuation of our work to provide more agency and ownership to our users over their profiles. Refunding details added through this new workflow will leverage our existing refunding lineage features such as refunding detail views on individual Issues and detailed flyouts in bucket schedule views.

Option to Aggregate GASB Lease Disclosure Paragraphs by Fund 
Users now have another option to consolidate disclosure paragraphs within their audit notes by aggregating by fund.

June 28, 2024

Self-Service Debt Refunding

Users now have the ability to add refunding debt to their profiles. A new section has been added to the Add New Issue and Edit Issue workflows which will unlock based on the use of proceeds for the Issue. This is a continuation of our work to provide more agency and ownership to our users over their profiles. Refunding details added through this new workflow will leverage our existing refunding lineage features such as refunding detail views on individual Issues and detailed flyouts in bucket schedule views.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Profile field in the Add New Issue modal so that only options for which the user has required permissions are shown
  • Updated behavior so that resetting Payment Reporting Settings also resets any previously processed payments prior to the reporting origination date
  • Updated behavior so that the First Period End date is disabled when Frequency is set to Actual
  • Fixed an error that caused refunded par to not populate as expected in some instances in refunding exports
  • Resolved an issue that prevented users from reselecting call dates that were previously saved then removed via an edit action
  • Fixed an error that caused an extra decimal place to appear in allocation detail exports
  • Fixed an error that caused sorting by final maturity date to not work as expected in some cases
  • Resolved an issue that caused maturity amounts on credit type tabs of audit notes to include only splits rather than full maturities

June 21, 2024

Save a Draft Lease without Entering All Required Fields

Users now have the ability to create and save a lease in 'Draft' status without filling out all required fields. This will increase efficiency for users by allowing them to create leases in DebtBook even if they don't have access to all the required information up front. Schedules will only populate for 'Draft' leases if all required fields are populated. This feature is now available for GASB Lease and will be rolled out for Subscriptions and FASB Lease later this year. 

New Subscription Journal Entry Setting to Control Prior Year Balances within Modified Accrual Conversion Entries

In an effort to give users more control and flexibility over how they receive their journal entries from Debtbook, we’re introducing a new option within Accounting Settings > Journal Entry Settings called 'Prior Year Balances within Modified Accrual Conversion Entries.' With this setting, users can choose to include or exclude prior year balances within modified accrual conversion entries. The default for this setting will be to exclude prior year balances within Modified Accrual Conversion Entries. 

Auto-fill Profile Fiscal Year-End When Creating a New Lease or Subscription
When users create a new lease or subscription, the fiscal year-end field will now auto-populate with the fiscal year-end value set at the profile level. This update continues to increase efficiency for users in the lease/subscription creation process. The fiscal year-end dates previously set for existing leases and subscriptions will not change with this update. Users will still have the ability to change the fiscal year-end date on an individual lease or subscription as needed.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the General Ledger Numbers tab on Issue Detail views so it cannot be edited until the Issue is verified
  • Added a message when attempting to add a new Issue with a name and credit type that already exists
  • Fixed formatting on history records that didn't match the exact fields that were edited
  • Fixed a display issue related to Payment Reporting Settings
  • Fixed language for refunded series on the Refunding Detail tab
  • Fixed an error related to selecting credit type when creating a new Issue
  • Fixed an error related to missing dates when creating a new Issue
  • Fixed behavior to return a readable error when uploading a file in some instance

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue within our new Conversion Fund feature where Short Term Liability accounts were not populating correctly

June 14, 2024

Subscriptions Audit Notes Consolidated Disclosure Paragraph

In response to user feedback, we've created a new setting that will allow users to choose between individual disclosure paragraphs for each subscription and a consolidated paragraph aggregated for all subscriptions on a profile.

This new setting is called 'Disclosure Paragraph Type' and can be found under the 'Reporting Settings' section of 'Profile Settings.' This setting will default to 'Consolidated' since this is the preference we've heard from many users and auditors.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the behavior of Profile Setting filters so that only viable options based on the profile as of date will be available
  • Updated styling on the link to edit linked financials on Profile Summary views
  • Updated behavior to prevent contacts from being added to draft and unverified Issues
  • Fixed an error that prevented some users from marking Verified Payments as Paid
  • Fixed an error so that Profiles Summary maturity dates reflect the maturity date of the specific split, not the entire series
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Original Par column in refunding flyouts to be understated in cases where there are more than ten refundings
  • Fixed an issue that caused original principal to not count refunded par in exported files in some instances
  • Fixed an error that caused an unexpected issue in the Add New Issue workflow
  • Fixed an error related to Contacts and associated Issues
  • Fixed an error that prevented using the same DCN after resetting and preparing a DTC report
  • Fixed an error related to duplicating rows of maturity tables in the Add New Issue workflow
  • Fixed an error that prevented users from saving allocations with only a newly added value for the fourth dimension

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Determination Questions in the FASB create new lease form to improve user experience


June 7, 2024

Short-Term Lease Liability and Receivable Recognition Entry Setting

Based on user feedback we have created a new Journal Entry Setting that allows users to populate short-term amounts in journal entries, schedules, and audit notes. By default, this will be set to "Include - Activity" (does not reverse short-term amounts each fiscal year end), but users can also choose "Include - Balance" (reverses short-term amounts each fiscal year end) or "Exclude".

May 31, 2024

As-Is Subscription Payment Schedules

Users can now choose to upload a custom payment schedule instead of using DebtBook's default schedule calculations. This mirrors the same feature available in the GASB Lease application.

One-Time Payment Frequency Option for Subscriptions

Users can now select a "one-time" frequency for subscription payments. This better supports organizations with multi-year subscriptions that are paid in full upfront.

New Lease Journal Entry Setting - Accrued Interest Activity

DebtBook journal entries were originally built to book the balance of accrued interest, but we realize organizations may not book their journal entries this way. This new setting allows users to control how the accrued interest is displayed (or not displayed) throughout DebtBook and key reports.

Ability to Reset Invalid Lease Payments

Previously in Payment Reporting, payments become invalid when a user modified a lease with payments that were verified or marked as paid. Our enhanced payment reporting will now call out invalid payments. This will help users quickly reset these payments so reports populate correctly.


Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Users can now manage more than 10 guests via a new fly out panel
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an error that prevented guest users from adding new Issues
  • Fixed an error that caused new Issues created with principal only payments to generate all schedules on a monthly frequency
  • Fixed an error that caused additional Issues to appear in a list of new debt for the fiscal year when generating audit notes
  • Updated behavior so that users do not have the option to add draft or unverified Issues to Favorites

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Corrected edit functionality for user dimensions across the lease application
  • Updated the lease details export to exclude hyperlinks for as-is schedules
  • Added messaging to clarify that the lease end date is calculated based on the lease term
FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in which verified payments with variable and other payments were not correctly populating in journal entries
  • Added Schedule Columns for breakout between Lease Receivable and Unguaranteed Residual Asset Value

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix to ensure the subscription asset recalculates correctly after modification
  • Updated error messaging during a modification when the dates entered are invalid
  • Add messaging to clarify that the subscription end date is calculated based on the subscription term

May 24, 2024

Removal of Project Costs Assigned from Project to Subscription Journal Entries

Project Costs that are assigned from a Project to a Subscription are no longer included in the Individual Subscription Component Journal Entry exports. In addition, Project Costs created within Projects will now have the project name listed in the 'Subscription Component' column within Comprehensive Journal Entry exports.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where exports were failing with matured issues in schedule views
  • Resolved an error that caused roll-forward by activity in audit note exports to include an error in some instances
  • Updated payment exports when grouping by date to remove the total at the end of each page on multiple-page exports
  • Fixed a column header name in the Accreted Values export
  • Fixed an error that caused font size to be too large on schedule bucket views

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Term Ended now calculates correctly as a Secondary Status when a Lease ends

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Account names are correctly updated to be in alphabetical order

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in Lease & Subscription component exports to ensure allocations are correctly reflected after different change management actions have been applied to separate components of a multi-component lease or subscription
  • Fixed an issue in Audit Notes to ensure subscription asset and liability are correctly calculated when a modification occurs one day before subscription end date

May 17, 2024

Guest Managed Guest Experience

New experience for how Guests are managed within DebtBook.

GASB Lease Journal Entry Source

Users can now see the prescribed source of their journal entries, which allows teams to understand the entries in greater detail.

Aggregate Consolidated Disclosure Paragraphs by Asset Type for GASB Leases

Users requested more functionality on how their Consolidated Disclosure Paragraphs were aggregated. The top request was by asset type which can now be enabled within Reporting Settings.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated performance so that schedule bucket views and accounting details load quicker
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from seeing their Favorites if the visibility settings were set only to them
  • Fixed an issue that caused some refunded maturities to be double counted in summary by schedule views
  • Fixed an error that caused total original par amounts to be incorrect in some instances on the Profiles list view and Profile Summary grouped view
  • Fixed an Issue with Padding on blank Refunding Detail tabs
  • Fixed an error that caused status to be blank in Profile Summary views
  • Resolved an issue that resulted in refunding flyouts missing formatting on some rows when viewed on an actual frequency

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix for lessor type leases when a customer applies a change management event

May 9, 2024

Conversion Fund for GASB Leases

Users can now create a new fund within their General Ledger Settings called “conversion fund.” This fund can be associated with modified accrual fund(s) within the profile. As a result, journal entries will replace the associated modified accrual fund GL Code with the new conversion fund GL Code in the modified to full accrual reconciliation entries.

GASB Lease Journal Entry Source

Users can now see the prescribed source of their journal entries, which allows teams to understand the entries in greater detail.

Consolidated Disclosure Paragraphs for Regulated GASB Leases

Fixed an issue where disclosure paragraphs for Regulated Leases did not populate in Audit Notes when exporting consolidated disclosure paragraphs.

Debt History Tab

We have added a History tab to Issue Detail views, which allows users to track and review actions during the Issue creation and Issue editing process.

Edit Linked Financials in Debt Profile Summary
Users now have the ability to update the financial reports that are linked on Profile Summary views. These are initially uploaded during implementation and previously could only be edited through a Support request. Links must be from the domain.
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the layout of the refunding flyout data in "summary by" schedule views
  • Updated behavior when an error is present in maturity table uploads during the Issue creation workflow
  • Updated behavior when an error is present due to redemption provisions having the same date in the Issue creation workflow
  • Resolved an error that caused Issues with no principal in the period to be excluded from schedule bucket view debt service exports
  • Fixed an issue causing incorrect as-is interest value to appear on allocation views
  • Fixed a bug that caused yield to maturity to calculate incorrectly in some instances where all maturities were not saved

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  •  Fix to ensure the list of Lease types in the ‘Override Lease Type’ dropdown is correct

May 3, 2024

Actual/365 Interest Basis for Subscription Payments

Users now have the option to select Actual/365 as the interest basis for their subscription payments.

Reconciliation updates for GASB Leases

Updates have been made to the Reconciliation tab within the individual Lease view to allow users to more clearly sum the ‘variable’ and ‘other’ payments they have added through Payment Reporting.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated behavior to allow errors with refunding bifurcations to be edited
  • Updated the error message when uploading an interest override template with a blank row when creating a new issue
  • Fixed an error that caused a steady loading screen when trying to access issue details for some issues created in the application
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when attempting to export data for manually created issues
  • Fixed an error related to the Profile filter in DTC reporting
  • Fixed an issue that displayed an incorrect count when bulk verifying previously processed payments

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Journal Entries with a refundable deposit and termination change management event to close out on the termination date instead of the original lease end date
  • Fixed issue within journal entries after a termination to a lease to ensure the entries are not duplicated
  • Fixed an issue in which audit notes were failing to export if a lease began a fiscal year but there were no payments made in that fiscal year

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Update within create/edit form to remove duplication of ‘lease type’ field
  • Updated the Liability Ending Balance on the modification date when payment is scheduled for that day, giving users more flexibility
  • Fix to ensure that newly created FASB profiles have start dates and end dates that populate in the milestone chart
  • Clarification within Operating lessor Audit Notes to ensure headers match industry expectations
  • Journal entry updates to ensure non-refundable deposits are noted correctly
  • Key updates to implicit rate calculator in the FASB application for lessor lease types

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Error fix to display the correct number of assigned contacts on Contacts tab of profile
  • Fixed to ensure all Account Names populate within Account Settings
  • Updated Journal Entries with a refundable deposit and termination change management event to close out on the termination date instead of the original lease end date

April 26, 2024

Accounting Values in Horizontal Debt Reports

Exports from schedule bucket views (Accounting) and issue details now include the relevant accounting data on the Horizontal Report tab. Previously, these were only on the primary debt service tab. The populated columns depend on the Profile’s accounting settings for Journal Entry Recognition Basis.

Bulk Reset Paid Debt Payments

Payments that are in a Paid status can now be bulk selected and reset. This behaves just like other bulk actions in payment reporting; just as with individual Payments, statuses will be reset from Paid to Verified.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to view detailed Issue inputs for Issues in a Profile that the user does not own
  • Fixed a display issue where refunding badges were not present for fully refunded issues in Issue Detail view
  • Fixed an error that caused the schedule in the add new issue workflow to appear incorrect when overriding interest and making another change
  • Fixed the display of an error in the Date Paid field when recording Payments
  • Resolved an error that prevented accruals from calculating in some instances

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Audit Notes are now updated to accurately reflect changes due to a Term and/or Payment Modification
  • FASB users are now able to select both Lessee and Lessor leases within the Comprehensive Journal Entry Export modal

April 19, 2024

Edit Verified Debt Issues

Users can now edit details of Issues that are in a Verified status. Editable fields include series name, series description, issuance expenses, ratings, redemption provisions, and characteristics. The Issue will remain in a Verified status after any changes. This delivers on a requested feature for all of our users to have more ownership of their profile and data. Some verified Issues, such as those with variable rate interest and refunding details, will remain uneditable for now but will be included in future updates.

Term & Payment Modification for Subscriptions and FASB Lessee Leases

Users can now modify the term and/or payments of their verified subscriptions and FASB lessee leases within DebtBook using the Modification/Remeasurement change management feature. Users can choose to modify term, payments, or both, effective on a specific date within the lease or subscription term. This feature reduces the manual effort required for users to modify exports outside of DebtBook in order to keep up with changes to their subscription or FASB lease agreements. 

Ability to Export Filtered Profile Summary for Subscriptions and Projects

When a user views the Profile Summary page filtered by type or other dimension, they now have the ability to export data from the filtered page.

Lease (GASB): Consolidated Disclosure paragraph newly defaulted to ‘Consolidated’

After launching the new feature within Reporting Settings a few weeks ago, we've now set ‘Consolidated’ to be the default. Users will now get consolidated paragraphs in their audit notes with no action required. However, you can always navigate to Reporting Settings to switch back to Individual.

Lease (GASB): ‘Prior Year Balances within Modified Accrual Conversion Entries’ newly defaulted to ‘Exclude’

In late 2023, we added a new Account Setting called 'Prior Year Balances within Modified Accrual Conversion Entries' to let customers further customize their Journal Entries. After receiving feedback from users, we've realized this setting should be set to 'Exclude' by default and that update is now available in DebtBook.

Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an error preventing users from adding display names to documents during upload
  • Added the ability for users to see the total number of leases, subscriptions, and total obligations in each profile group from the Manage Profile Groups page in Organization Settings

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added an indication that the debt service schedule has been modified from the calculated values when creating a new Issue
  • Updated logic so that users cannot assign allocations over 100% at any point in the add new Issue workflow
  • Added support for variable rate and short-term ratings in imports
  • Fixed an issue where Journal Entry activity was not populating an amount when a payment occurred in the final period
  • Fixed an error for Payment Offset in Audit Notes Export so that "Original Par" value is unaffected by Offset Dates and reductions in the period are reflected
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Schedule Notes from being added while the Issue is in an unverified status
  • Fixed an error that prevented users from generating a schedule in the Add New Issue workflow in certain circumstances
  • Fixed an error that caused dimensions to be reordered in the allocation bulk upload template if a dimension name was changed
  • Fixed a minor formatting issue that resulted in a refunding badge missing formatting in some cases with long first periods
  • Fixed an issue with audit notes for issues dated at the fiscal year-end
  • Fixed a display issue that caused allocations in the Add New Issue workflow to round to one percentage decimal place

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in which users with a ‘Viewer’ role experienced an error within Accounting Settings
  • Updated the calculation for ‘Date of Residual Value’ so it aligns with the End Date of the Lease
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when a user was viewing Reporting Settings and switched profiles. The page was caching old data and the update prevents this by presenting the correct data per the new profile
  • Fixed an issue with 'Schedule' for Lessor lease types in which the flyout was not available
  • Fixed an issue with As-Is schedules that are created and saved in the application

April 12, 2024

FASB Lessor Operating lease type

This is the first lessor lease type available within DebtBook’s FASB Lease applications. Users now have the ability to create lessor operating leases, manage schedules, perform Allocation and Termination change management events, and review these agreements in their profile level audit notes and journal entries.

Subscription Audit Notes Now Rounded to Nearest Dollar 

Within the Subscription Audit Note exports and the Subscription component level Disclosure Paragraphs, all dollar amounts will now be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. This update is better aligned with the GASB 96 standard as well as user expectations.

Ability to Export Filtered Profile Summary for Subscriptions and Projects

When a user views the Profile Summary page filtered by type or other dimension, they now have the ability to export data from the filtered page.

Debt Use of Proceeds Filter

There is now a Use of Proceeds section within the advanced filters on debt Profile Summary views. The filter allows users to filter by three options: New Money, Refunding, and Mixed. This update makes it easier to view the exact data set a user wants with less hassle.

Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Resolved a redirection error that occurred within Milestones for Lease and Subscriptions
  • Resolved an error preventing the options from populating in the State field in the Lease and Subscriptions Create/Edit Profile dropdown

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Resolved an issue that prevented users from configuring the visibility of default milestones
  • Fixed an error that retained previous Payment selections when changing filters in Payment Reporting
  • Resolved an issue that prevented bulk upload of allocations in the Add New Issue workflow in some instances
  • Removed journal entries from Issue detail exports

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in which Step Payments with 2-year or more increases were failing to save
  • Fixed Journal Entry exports from Schedules tab that were displaying blank rows
  • Improved Schedule display when switching frequencies and expanding flyouts
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when the frequency was updated within expanded Schedules
  • Update to ensure correct links are included in milestone notification emails
  • Corrected an issue to resolve unwrapping problems in bucket view
  • Update to ensure Step Payments with 'Increased Frequency' set to 2 years or more can be added and saved

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in which a user could not perform an allocation-only change when a contact was assigned
  • Update to ensure correct links are included in milestone notification emails
  • Update to ensure Step Payments with 'Increased Frequency' set to 2 years or more can be added and saved

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Update to ensure correct links are included in milestone notification emails
  • Corrected an issue to resolve unwrapping problems in bucket view
  • Update to ensure Step Payments with 'Increased Frequency' set to 2 years or more can be added and saved

April 5, 2024

Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Payment milestones in Debt are now hidden by default when Debt Accounting is not enabled for the organization
  • Fixed an issue where guest users were experiencing a loop after accepting the EULA
  • Fixed an issue preventing members and viewers from accessing Lease and Subscription profiles pages

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added new displays for enhanced ratings in the app and exports
  • Updated Debt Service displays in Issue details view so that refunding badges appear with the default dates
  • Resolved an issue that prevented notes from appearing on Issues created through the Add New Issue workflow
  • Resolved an error that caused allocations not to appear in Issue detail views in some instances
  • Resolved an error that caused premium/discount reduction to populate incorrectly in refunding detail exports
  • Resolved an issue that prevented users from uploading documents to an Issue from the Overview tab in some instances
  • Fixed an error that caused today's date to appear in chart names rather than the selected end date
  • Fixed an issue with single maturity refundings
  • Fixed a problem that caused interest payments following the final maturity to not appear on debt service schedules
  • Updated behavior so that a banner on the interest payments section of the Add New Issue workflow disappears after saving
  • Removed options to edit and remove maturity tables for a new Issue after changing status to verified

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed the new Consolidated Disclosure Paragraph feature so the page loads fully upon switching from Individual to Consolidated
  • Update to ensure all Bulk Actions are functional within Profile Summary
  • Update to ensure Lease schedule exports correctly calculate the sum of Depreciation Expense
  • Improved Change Management modification experience to accommodate a significant decrease in the Lease Term
  • Improved Lease schedules after a modification; when a user selects 'view' on the tag in the schedule, the information box will be relevant only to the updated information

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in which Profile Summary and Schedules would not load within the FASB application
  • Updated help text in the FASB create/edit form to clarify the ASC-842 standard
  • Updated Chart of Accounts within GL Settings to prepare for Modification
  • Updated determination question flow in the FASB create/edit form to correctly align with 'Purchase Option'

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed Subscription level exports to ensure proper labeling of the tabs
  • Updated Subscription exports with Step Payments to ensure proper labeling within the exports

March 28, 2024

GASB Lease: Consolidated Disclosure Paragraph

Based on user feedback, we have created new ‘Reporting Settings’ available within ‘Profile Settings’ to enable profile-level consolidated paragraphs. Once enabled, Audit Note exports will include consolidated disclosure paragraphs that are aggregated by lessee and lessor leases on the user’s profile. Future updates will provide more flexibility on how these paragraphs are aggregated.

Lease & Subscriptions: Profile Tab Enhancement

The Profiles tab within the Lease and Subscriptions modules has been updated with a ‘Fiscal Year End’ column for each profile. This feature allows users who manage multiple profiles in DebtBook to more easily identify this key date. If a profile does not have a Fiscal Year End listed, users can use the three-dot action menu to edit the profile and add it. Additionally, the column can be filtered in ascending or descending order.


Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Addressed an issue that allowed users to override principal in the override interest template when adding a new Issue
  • Fixed an issue causing refunded maturity count to reflect the count of the most recently opened dropdown in the case of multiple refunding associations

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Profiles tab to correctly sort the new Fiscal Year End column
  • Updated the calculation for Regulated Lease Expected Future Receipts Paragraph value
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to revert change management events for leases with as-is schedules
  • Fixed an issue within Lease Modification modal to ensure validation on the ‘Select Modification / Remeasurement Type’ field is working consistently

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Addressed an issue to ensure the prepaid journal entries correctly display when the Subscription Contract Date is different from the Subscription Start Date

March 21, 2024

GASB Lease: Cash Lease Clearing Account Enhancement

The application has now been updated with two new accounts: Cash/Lease Clearing Lessee and Cash/Lease Clearing Lessor. For users who already have ‘Cash/Lease Clearing’ established, we’ve split this account (no action required).

Debt: Support for Tender Refunding Types

We have added support for tender refunding types. These will appear with a unique color in schedule views and be incorporated with other refunding lineage features.


Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Update for all Milestone visibility across DebtBook. When a user sets the visibility to ‘not visible,’ the milestone will not appear when establishing a custom milestone.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Refactored behavior related to allocation uploads in the Add New Issue workflow to improve performance
  • Updated logic to ensure Audit Notes generated before a refunding correctly report final maturity dates and outstanding interest rates
  • Updated Issue Detail views to only show the Defeased Debt Service tab when it is relevant
  • Removed the Archived option from the Status filter on the Issues list view and added a default All option
  • Updated styling on locked section banners within the Add New Issue workflow
  • Fixed Payment Date milestones to reflect the current number of Payments following any refunding activity
  • Resolved an error that prevented notes from being added or edited on Issue details
  • Fixed display issue when refunding maturities with split coupons

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where modifications one day after FYE were resulting in incorrect lease asset balances in modified accrual reconciliation entry
  • Fixed width of 'Name' column in Contact Export

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Adjustment of Profile Summary export for Lessee leases. The first tab will show the lease type exported and the second will list all lease types. This update provides users with more valuable information and makes it easier to read.

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Resolved an error within the Payment Reporting page for organizations that have a default profile set up. When the user switches from the default profile to ‘All’, the page will correctly update to show all subscription payments.

March 14, 2024

Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • When a new milestone is added to a Lease, Subscription, or Debt issue, the Overview tab milestone chart will refresh to correctly show the new information

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated styling in schedule and debt service views for cash defeasances and instances when more than one refunding occurs in a period
  • Updated views so that the Edit Issue option does not appear on verified Issues
  • Removed the Debt filter from Payment Reporting as it does not apply
  • Removed the Charts tab from Issue Details as it does not apply
  • Added contextual error messaging for maturity table bulk uploads failing due to formatting differences
  • Resolved an issue that prevented certain characters and spaces from being retained in series names after upload
  • Resolved an issue that returned an unexpected error when saving and exiting the new Issue form
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Milestones section to not load on the Dashboard in some instances
  • Fixed an error relating to the values shown for refunded bonds in audit notes for fiscal years prior to the refunding date
  • Fixed an error that caused some columns to be misaligned in an exported premium/discount amortization schedule
  • Fixed an error that caused rates to still appear on refunded splits for Issues in some instances
  • Fixed an error that caused refunding classification to appear incorrect in some exports

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Resolved an issue that occurred within the create/edit form Payments tab during a modification event so that when the payment amount is removed (set to $0), the rate value (or index value) field is now correctly cleared out and disabled

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated text to correctly reflect the selected Subscription groupings at the right of compare schedules within the profile summary tab

March 7, 2024

Debt: Search Feature Enhancement

We have added a search feature to Dimension Settings on the Debt side of the application, enabling users to find what they are looking for more quickly in long lists of dimension values.

FASB Lease: Updated Determination Questions Placement

To improve the user experience and align with the GASB Lease application, 'Determination Questions' have been added to the top of the FASB create/edit form at the Lease level.

Lease & Subscriptions: Custom Milestones Enhancement

Key updates have been made to the recently released ‘Custom Milestones’ for Lease and Subscriptions applications. Users can now choose to make a custom milestone only available within the lease or subscription component overview. Additionally, we’ve updated the naming convention from “Issue”, which is Debt specific, to Lease or Subscription to reduce confusion.

GASB Lease: Change Management Modification Modal Improvement

We have enhanced the user experience within the GASB Change Management Modification modal flow by removing the final informational modal and ensuring the user is presented with more specific error messages immediately after entering an invalid modification date.


Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Custom Milestone Notifications Email Update for Subscriptions
  • Removed milestones Receipts type for Subscriptions
  • Display no profile selected when creating a new milestone in the modal for Lease/Subscriptions
  • Clicking End Date now redirects the user to the Lease or Subscriptions tabs & filters the correct agreements
  • Add New Milestone ordering updated within the plus "add new subscription" button in Subscriptions 
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a minor display issue with 2 refundings in a long first period
  • Refactored the Maturity Table section of the Add New Issue workflow to improve performance while retaining existing behaviors

Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the associate Issues modal to be able to add Issues by credit type
  • Updated language throughout the Disclosure Tool to reference “Internal Point of Contact” instead of "Disclosure Point of Contact” for improved clarity
  • Updated two field names in the Requirement and Submissions "Details" card from "Preparer" to "Assigned Preparer" and from "Submitter" to "Assigned Submitter" on Requirements and all Submissions for improved clarity
  • Fixed an issue which caused Agreement filters to not appear in certain situations
  • Fixed an issue which caused Submission filters to not display some data in certain situations

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a validation to the Create/Edit Lease form to prevent users from performing a term modification that results in a change to the lease type
  • Update made to best align the ‘additional column’ button within each agreement's schedule
  • Fixed issue within the Edit Profile modal where the previously entered 'State' was not being displayed
  • Fixed issues related to Amortization Entries for Terminated Leases, Underlying Asset Type filter on the Leases tab, and Regulated Lease Revenue Paragraph value

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added key help text around the 'Key Date' section within the FASB create/edit form
  • Fix to ensure the values in the 'Accrued Rent Receivable' column for split schedules reflect the selected allocations
  • Update to best align the ‘additional column’ button within each agreement's schedule
  • Fixed issue within the Edit Profile modal where the previously entered 'State' was not being displayed

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed alignment of Principal column in Bucket View to be consistent with other columns
  • Update to best align the ‘additional column’ button within each agreement's schedule

February 29, 2024

Lease and Subscriptions: Custom Milestones

Two new Secondary Statuses are on the GASB Lease platform. ‘Term Ended’ and ‘Active’ will help users find their agreements on the ‘Leases’ tab faster.

GASB Lease: Whole Dollar Rounding in Disclosure

For every dollar value in the GASB Lease Audit Note exports and within component level Disclosure Paragraphs, the values will now be rounded to the whole dollar with cents/decimals removed. This update better aligns the feature with the GASB standard, as well as, user expectations.


Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue causing Original Issue Premium/Discount Amounts to not populate in the Audit Note export for Issues Dated in month of Fiscal Year using Straight-Line premium Discount Amortization with an Amortization Start date on the First of Month after the Dated Date
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when favoriting a Selected Issues view that prevented it from saving
  • Updated behavior in the Add New Issue workflow when changing the Issue's status so that it does not appear to update if an error occurs
  • Resolved an error that made the Amount Verified field editable when attempting to mark a payment as paid without a payment method

Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Submissions column name from "Preparer" and "Submitter" to "Assigned to"
  • Fixed an issue that caused the EMMA Categorization selected in modal to not appear in Overview
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Ready to Prepare/Submit counters on the Submissions page to be incorrect when the "Assigned To" filter is applied

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated validations on term length to protect schedule calculations. This reduces the maximum term of agreements in DebtBook to help system performance.
  • Added a validation to prevent users from performing a Termination event before a Modification event
  • Updated the 'Lease Details' tab of individual lease exports to include prior data related to non-lease components and incentives after commencement modification changes
  • Fixed an issue with the Create/Edit Lease form where error messages were not being displayed upon creating a new lease with missing/invalid fields
  • Milestone fixes on issues with redirects from Dashboard

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated validations on term length to protect schedule calculations. This reduces the maximum term of agreements in DebtBook to help system performance.
  • Milestone fixes on issues with redirects from Dashboard
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a display issue with schedule table rows extending past columns
  • Updated validations on term length to protect schedule calculations. This reduces the maximum term of agreements in DebtBook to help system performance.

February 22, 2024

Subscriptions: New Secondary Statuses - Term Ended and Active

Two new Secondary Statuses are on the GASB Lease platform. ‘Term Ended’ and ‘Active’ will help users find their agreements on the ‘Leases’ tab faster.


Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the display in Maturity Details for Term Bond Sinking Funds
  • Added validation so that users cannot create two Issues within a Profile with the same name and credit type
  • Updated behavior so navigating to Defeased Debt Service does not set the Frequency filter to Actual and impact other views
  • Resolved an error that resulted in empty buckets being displayed in schedule views in some instances
  • Updated behavior to ensure Edit Allocations and Edit Table buttons are disabled in the Add New Issue workflow until the banner on the Interest Payments section is confirmed
  • Fixed an issue where a newly created dimension was not appearing for issues in Unverified status in profile summary
  • Fixed a problem that caused dimension values to be labeled incorrectly in some Profile Summary exports

Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Agreement History functionality to handle Removing Information

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated workflow to prevent users from removing or renaming allocated dimensions
  • Updated Principal column to only show balances related to payments and renamed Principal column to 'Principal Payments/Receipts'
  • Enhanced the behavior of the Status filter on Payment Reporting page when completing bulk actions
  • Fixed an issue that occurred with the Comprehensive Journal Entry export where duplicate entries for Lessor Initial Direct Cost were being created under certain circumstances
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect payment reconciliation entries were populating in situations where a lease had payments that were marked as paid prior to the first scheduled FYE date

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Update to Practical Expedient modal to give users the best experience while selecting multiple options
  • Fix within the create/edit lease form to ensure the proper header displays when a user selects “Both” to Payment Type

February 15, 2024

GASB Lease: New Secondary Statuses - Term Ended and Active

Two new Secondary Statuses are on the GASB Lease platform. ‘Term Ended’ and ‘Active’ will help users find their agreements on the ‘Leases’ tab faster.


Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated sorting of Profiles page to ensure Priority Profiles Sort to the top of the Profiles page table
  • Fixed an issue that was affecting users' ability to add Attachments on the Edit Issue Page
  • Fixed a display issue that caused the Arrow to overlap with the file size column header when sorting by date
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when users attempted to Filter with no values selected

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to export refunding details from schedule views summarized by any dimension
  • Added context to locked sections in the Add New Issue workflow to indicate prerequisite sections
  • Added additional validation to ensure an Issue created through the Add New Issue workflow is 100% allocated at the Fund level before applying a Verified status
  • Disabled export functionality for the "Refunding Detail" and "Defeased Debt Service" tabs if empty
  • Updated behavior to set a limit of 50 individual Issue selections in Profile Summary
  • Fixed an issue where accruals were not generating if payment date was not included in monthly period range for schedule views
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the uploading of files in the Add New Issue workflow
  • Fixed an issue where extra spaces were added in Series Names for Series created through the Add New Issue workflow
  • Fixed an issue where the final interest payment was removed on fully refunded bonds from the schedule view and issue detail for some users
  • Fixed a display issue to ensure the "Defeased Debt Service" tab only populates in cases with Advance Refundings
  • Fixed an issue on refunding detail export for cash defeasances "Refunded Series" field
  • Fixed an issue that caused First Period End Date to not display in summary by dimension exports

Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to the sorting Agreements behavior

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the Create/Edit Lease form by adding warning messages for the following data input scenarios:
    • a current allocation is set to 0%
    • all interest rate input fields are set to 0%
  • Updated the payment reporting bulk verification and bulk mark as paid user flows so that upon completion, the Payment Status filter will reflect the updated status
  • Updated the 'Optional Items' menu to include the 'Principal' column
  • Updated the behavior of Milestone payments display when a user scrolls
  • Fixed an issue where leases with 0% additional allocation(s) could not be saved
  • Fixed an issue where leases with as-is schedules could not be verified
  • Fixed an issue where Lessor leases with non-depreciable underlying assets were incorrectly calculating depreciation expense
  • Fixed an issue within Lease Modification modal to ensure validation on ‘Select Modification / Remeasurement Type’ field is working consistently

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Profile Summary and Bucket view to better accommodate the specifics of FASB accounting
  • Updated the chart of accounts to accommodate Lessor Operating lease buildout
  • Fix to ensure that non ACS-842 leases inputted into a profile via the import template will have the determination questions answered correctly
  • Fix to ensure Leases with multiple components have correct options in the three dot action menu when one component is terminated.

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the date behavior for prior allocation data shown in Create/Edit Subscription form when user performs an Allocation Only change to always populate as Subscription Start Date.
  • Updated the behavior of Milestone payments page when a user scrolls

February 8, 2024

Debt - Add New Issue:

Users now have the ability to add new Issues to their profile themselves! This feature is available to users with Admin or Member permissions by clicking on the ‘+’ icon in the top navigation bar and selecting ‘Add New Issue’. Users will now have much more control over the data in their profile with the addition of this and recent dimension management features. New articles and videos are live in the Support Center with more details on every step of creating a new Issue.

Subscriptions - Accounting Setting to Include Reconciliation in Journal Entries: 

Users now have the option to ‘include’ or ‘exclude’ payment reporting year-end Reconciliation in journal entries at the profile-level via a new Accounting Setting. This setting can be found under Profile Settings > Accounting Settings > Journal Entry Settings. When Payment Reporting is fully leveraged in combination with this feature, DebtBook exports can be used to compare scheduled vs actual payment amounts without manual manipulation.

Lease (GASB) - Change Management Payment Modification: 

Users now have more flexibility when modifying the payment of a Lease. When entering the create/edit form to make the modification the fields in ‘Incentives and Prepayments’ and ‘Non-Lease Component’ tabs are now editable. These updates have been made after direct feedback from customers they need to modify these sections during a payment modification.


Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to Rename Documents during Upload

  • Every user must accept our End User License Agreement (EULA), which governs acceptable use of our product, once per year or when the agreement is updated before logging into DebtBook


Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Audit Note logic to allow CAB values to be accurate when using "Actual Reporting"
  • Added a Refunding option when exporting data from bucket schedule views with refunding fly-out data
  • Updated Payment Reporting Settings to prevent actual balances from being edited for CABs
  • Updated behavior to flag users when attempting to move an Issue to an Unverified status but certain required fields are left blank
  • Updated styling to hide the Edit Balances button in Payment Reporting Settings until a Reporting Origination Date is set
  • Fixed a problem caused when editing Credit Type for an unverified issue with existing allocations
  • Fixed a problem that caused filters for DTC reports to not work as expected
  • Fixed a problem that prevented horizontal debt service schedules from being included in some schedule exports
  • Fixed a problem that caused the Issues list view to sort incorrectly based on final maturity date for fully refunded Issues

Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Improved Agreement list view filtering by resetting the issue filter when the profile filter changes
  • Improved the behavior when attempting to save an incomplete requirement Associate Agreement form
  • Improved the behavior when no Submission Method is selected on Agreement creation
  • Updated the button text to disappear after clicking on 15c2-12 step pages

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a table formatting issue on Individual Lease Exports for Lessor leases with Underlying Asset table
  • Fix to ensure users can delete profiles
  • Fix within individual payment reporting verification so that general ledger numbers correctly update when users change the 'Variable'/'Other Payments' allocations
  • Fixed an issue with the Modify button placement and behavior during Term modification
  • Fixed an issue where Lessor Lease Type Leases with Non-Depreciable Underlying Assets and reasonably certain purchase options were calculating deferred inflow of resources schedules incorrectly
  • Fix to ensure Guest Admins and Members can edit GASB Lease Accounting Settings
  • Updated the Help Center link for IBR on the Create/Edit form
  • Fixed an issue within the Create/Edit Lease form where the Non-Lease Component tab was failing to load
  • Fixed an issue within Change Management Modification flow where the lease status was incorrectly set to Unverified after entering an invalid modification date and closing the modal

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the create/edit form to ensure the 'Lease Term' reflects Cancellable/Noncancellable Lease Term based on answers to 'Month-to-Month or Year-to-Year Lease' and 'Is the period stated in the contract enforceable?' properties. This ensures accurate lease end dates for FASB leases created in the application.
  • Fix within the FASB Lease create/edit form to ensure the form processes correctly given any value input into 'Fair Value of Asset as of Commencement'
  • Improvement to correctly present data for Short Term FASB Lessee leases after a Termination or Allocation change event. These changes will reflect correctly within Journal Entries.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when users updated the determination questions and Lease type within the FASB create/edit form
  • Fix within individual payment reporting verification so that general ledger numbers correctly update when users change allocations 'Variable'/'Other Payments'
  • Fix to ensure lease classification uses the Total Lease Term instead of Maximum Lease Term for Short-Term Lease evaluation
  • Update to ensure the Create/Edit form accurately displays the following field properly: Non-Lease Portion and 'Capitalize Within the Lease'

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Help Center link for IBR on the Create/Edit form

February 1, 2024

Subscriptions - Principal column within individual Subscription and Bucket View Schedules:

Principal payment amount is now automatically displayed as a column for Individual Subscription schedules, all bucket view schedules within the ‘Schedules’ tab, and all corresponding exports

Subscriptions - Allocation for Project Costs Assigned to a Subscription: 

With this update, project costs will maintain the GL strings users enter at the project level as opposed to displaying the GL string from the associated subscription.

Subscriptions - Reconciliation Included in Audit Notes:

In a new addition to growing Reconciliation features for Subscriptions, Audit notes exports will now show variances between scheduled payments and reported payments. This feature will be available for journal entries soon!

Debt - Manage Dimensions and Dimension Settings:

Users can now edit the visibility and name of their fourth dimension as well as add, delete, or edit all values for any dimension. These features will work hand-in-hand with the upcoming ability to Add New Issues directly in the application.


Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that prevented organizations from deleting profiles they own in Subscriptions

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a problem that caused general ledger numbers not to populate in the Issue Detail Overview
  • Fixed issue with 0 payment amounts generating for matured splits when refunded
  • Fixed penny interest over-refunding of maturities in some instances
  • Fixed bond pricing for Issues dated on the 31st of a month
  • Fixed a problem that prevented individual Issues from being marked as Favorites in some instances

Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Added more detailed statuses and tooltips to help users understand which Submissions need immediate attention versus those that may need action at a later time
  • Resolved an issue which caused a validation error when associating requirements and agreements in certain cases
  • Made a change to retain filters when using the back button to go from Detail views to List views

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Update within Payment Reporting to change the status of reset payments back to unverified, no matter the previous status
  • Updated GASB Lessor leases to exclude Depreciation Expense for leases of the Lessor Lease Type, where the underlying assets are mandated to be returned in their original or enhanced condition
  • Fix to Individual Payment Reporting exports to include cents
  • Update to Payment reporting bulk verification and bulk mark as paid workflows so that users will now land back on the payment just modified to view its new status
  • Fixed an issue where Comprehensive Journal Entry Lease Revenue entries were populating on incorrect dates
  • Fixed an issue where Lessor Lease Type Leases with Non-Depreciable Underlying Asset were not receiving Deferred Inflow of Resources schedules
  • Fixed an issue where leases with reasonably certain termination penalties were populating duplicate termination penalty journal entries if the lease was terminated
  • Updated dates for previous data shown in the Create/Edit Lease form when user performs Modification/Allocation Only change to always populate as Lease Start Date

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Users are now able to edit the Determination Questions within the Create/Edit Lease form after Lease creation and while editing a Lease
  • In the Create/Edit Lease form for Non-lease components, "include/exclude" has been removed as it is set within the practical expedient questions
  • For Lessee Allocation Only Changes, only fields related to the change management event are editable

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated logic for project costs to ensure project allocation is not overridden by subscription allocation when the project cost is assigned to a Subscription
  • Customers now have the ability when creating or editing a subscription to choose whether to include (default) or exclude any non-subscription components from their subscription schedule calculations
  • Update to allow customers to add negative dollar values within payment reporting
  • Revised logic for how roll forward tables are ordered in the audit note export to provide consistency for users viewing their exports

January 24, 2024

Subscriptions - Create/Edit Subscription Form Improvements:

Introducing significant enhancements to the create/edit subscription form to better guide customers through the process of creating or editing a subscription in DebtBook. These updates include reordered tabs, asterisks to mark required fields, and additional help text throughout.

FASB Lease - Ability to create Non ASC-842 Leases:

FASB Lease customers can now enter and manage agreements in DebtBook that do not meet the ASC-842 standard. This gives users more flexibility on the type of leases they can manage in DebtBook.

FASB Lease - Secondary Status: 

In addition to the current status of Draft, Unverified, and Verified there is a new Secondary Status of Terminated and Pending Change. These statuses will be present within the Leases tab, component view, and edit lease form to help the user better understand an agreement's current situation within the application.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a Defeased Debt Service tab to Issue details to provide a schedule of defeased debt and an associated export
  • Changed default end date for refunded bond debt service schedules under "Issue Detail" to ensure the final interest payment is shown
  • Corrected display bug causing "Total Par" and "Total Debt Service" to be swapped under the Favorites tab
  • Added a control to prevent actual balances from being saved for Payment Reporting Settings without a Reporting Origination Date
GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added help text with Comprehensive Journal Entry modal to help users with date logic update
  • Fix to ensure correct error appears within create/edit for when no data is input for 'Date of Termination Penalty Payment’ or 'Date of First Subscription Incentive Received"
  • Update to Lease GASB Audit Note export to ensure consistency in the roll-forward table ordering
  • Update in individual payment editing within Payment Reporting to better guide customers through the addition of variable or other payments
FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added help text with Comprehensive Journal Entry modal to help users with date logic update
  • Update to FASB Lease Cost for Short-Term leases to now use the straight line methodology
  • Update made in individual payment editing within Payment Reporting to better guide customers through the addition of variable or other payments
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added help text with Comprehensive Journal Entry modal to help users with date logic update
  • The chart of accounts in Subscriptions App has been updated to include 'Variable Subscription Income' and 'Other Income'
  • Fix to ensure Beginning of Restatement Period and GASB 96 Implementation Date calculate correctly in the create/edit project form
  • Update to individual payment editing within Payment Reporting to better guide customers through the addition of variable or other payments

January 17, 2024

GASB and FASB Lease - Payment Reporting:

Lease customers can bulk verify and mark as paid in one user flow. This significantly cuts down on a process that was highly manual and time-consuming.

Platform Improvements and Fixes
  • Users can set a display name of files in the Lease/Subscription Create/Edit form.
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the General Ledger Numbers table in Issue Details to remove Other
  • Updated placement of buttons in the Profile Summary filters side panel to prevent overlapping elements
  • Fixed a problem that caused Outstanding Par Over Time chart views to ignore the first period
  • Fixed an issue that included more data when changing "Profile as of"
  • Fixed a problem that caused new Favorites for "summary by" views to navigate the user to unsummarized bucket schedules
  • Fixed a problem that caused the Schedules menu to not appear correctly in certain circumstances
  • Fixed a problem that prevented Issues Summary exports from working after applying specific sorting and corrected the related sorting
  • Fixed a problem that prevented uploading new contacts if one is added in app between the time of file download and upload

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue with payment journal entry when Lease Payment equals Sum of Non-lease component and Incentives after Commencement did not balance correctly
  • Fixed issue where Amortization/Revenue entries were not populating in Comprehensive Journal Entries export in specific instances
  • Users can now enter negative dollar amounts into the bulk verification flow within Payment Reporting
  • Fix to ensure files that were removed no longer display in the application
  • Fix to ensure Lease Type is in alphabetical order
FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Established logic to how roll-forward tables are ordered in the audit note export. This enables consistency for customers viewing their exports.
  • Disclosure paragraphs are formatted to display the full text regardless of length in the audit note export
  • Fix to ensure FASB Lease customers can mark payments as paid in bulk
  • The 'Select...' option is removed from the dropdown menu when user attempts to override the lease type during initial lease creation. Select is not applicable as a lease type must always be chosen.
  • Update to FASB create/edit form so users can input all variety of answers to determination questions
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix to ensure files that were removed no longer display in the application
  • Fix to ensure the return of the refundable deposit journal entry for modified and full accrual funds is stamped with the subscription termination date for terminated subscriptions
  • Update to Subscriptions application so users are now able to override a subscription's GL code on an individual basis

January 11, 2024

FASB Lease, GASB Lease, & Subscriptions - Comprehensive Journal Export modal update

To align with expectations and improve user experience, users will now input the first and last days of a fiscal year in order to pull the comprehensive journal entry export. For example, given a 6/30 FYE, the inputs would be 7/1/23 - 6/30/24.

FASB Lease, GASB Lease, & Subscriptions - Addition to History tab update on “who” modified a lease or subscription:

Through this feature enhancement, the History tab has been updated to display which user initiated, completed, or reverted a modification event. This surfaces key information for teams who have many teammates working within DebtBook managing Leases and Subscriptions.

GASB Lease - Principal column within individual Lease schedule and Bucket View (Schedules):

Principal payment amount is now available with each lease schedule and the ‘Schedules’ tab, as well as the exports from these pages.

GASB Lease - Bulk Mark as Paid:

This update allows users to select verified payments in bulk and mark them as paid on the scheduled date or a custom date. This pairs with the functionality just released to allow for bulk verification.

Subscriptions - Reconciliation Tab & Export (Component View):

Users can now view any variance between scheduled payments and reported payments in DebtBook via the Reconciliation tab at the subscription component view. This reconciliation information will also be included in the subscription component export.


Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue within the Bulk Download feature which occurred when users attempted to download multiple files with the same name

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that caused premium/discount values in app to be overstated when the amortization method was set to straight line and there were refundings within the profile
  • Fixed an issue that caused schedules summarized by a secondary dimension to include additional data and display incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue that caused the schedule header to update incorrectly when changing the Profile as of date

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Disabled the ability to Delete files on Completed Submissions
  • Updated the styling on the Requirement page loader
  • Update for Submission emails to open in a new browser tab
  • Updated Par Amounts to align to the right on the Associated Issues Tables
  • Added the “Edit Requirement Name” option to the Three-dot Action Item
  • Updated permissions so Viewers and Non Owners are not able to return Submissions

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated functionality which allows users to add negative dollar values within payment reporting
  • Fix to ensure Beginning of Restatement Period and FASB Implementation Date calculate correctly in the create/edit lease form
  • Fix within Payment Reporting to ensure payments at the end of a page display correctly
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when the 'Profile as of date' was set to have one day of Amortization Expense and the frequency was non-actual - the resulting export has been corrected
  • Fixed an issue within Change Management Modification which caused credit and debit amounts to be unbalanced in the journal entry full accrual export

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Removed the 'Right-of-Use Asset' & 'Prepaid Right-of-Use Asset' from the chart of accounts as they are not applicable to the FASB standard
  • Users can now override their FASB Lease type within the create/edit form
  • Updated the Lease Milestone Notifications dropdown to enable the selection of FASB Lease profiles
  • Update to establish an ordering of footnote paragraphs when a user exports FASB Audit Notes to create consistency when users export and compare multiple exports
  • Update to Short Term FASB leases to ensure the correct columns within the component exports
  • Fix to ensure Beginning of Restatement Period and FASB Implementation Date calculate correctly in the create/edit form

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added more descriptive verbiage to error messages when invalid payment dates are entered while creating or editing a subscription
  • Fix to ensure Beginning of Restatement Period and GASB Implementation Date calculate correctly in the create/edit form
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when the 'Profile as of date' was set to have 1 day of Amortization Expense and the frequency was non-actual - the resulting export has been corrected

December 27, 2023

FASB Lease: Journal Entries available without allocating the Lease

Users are no longer required to allocate FASB Leases in DebtBook as FASB leases are always reported on full accrual basis.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix to the default selection on profile drop downs in Debt
  • Fix to the default Subscription Profile on Preferences page
  • Fix to the default selection on profile drop downs in Subscriptions

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated behavior so that selecting View Summary from a split in the Profile Summary presents a schedules view with all splits for that dimension

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Improvement to the Submission filter by Due Date when a user changes the date input
  • Improvement to make the EMMA Categorization selection optional
  • Improvement to make the Description input optional in Requirement Steps
  • Disabled Users' ability to Create Checklist Requirements to improve user experience
  • Fixed an issue related to the Material Event "Prepare Later" feature
  • Fixed an issue relating to duplicate steps generating on the Requirements detail view
  • Fixed an issue relating to the Sorting by Due Date on Ready To Prepare Submissions Index
  • Disabled the "View Submission Files" is permanently disabled to improve user experience
  • Fixed the "Do Not Default Profile" in Report Material Event Modal
  • Fixed an issue related to the Optional Description in Requirement Step: Submissions
  • Users no longer able to "Submit Later" material events

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Improved the ordering of footnotes in application exports to result in consistent export formats overtime
  • Enhancement to the create/edit form to inform users of incorrect date validations within 'Date of Guaranteed Residual Value Payment'

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Addition to the Chart of Accounts to include a 'Lease Expense' account to record journal entries for Non-ASC 842 leases
  • Fixed an issue in the create/edit form so users will now receive error messages upon saving the form if required fields are not filled out
  • Fix to ensure the 'Beginning of Restatement Period' and 'ASC 842 Implementation Date' reflect FASB's effective date of 12/15/2021
  • Fix for Profile Summary to only display one Lease type at a time

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Established logical ordering for Component Footnote Paragraphs within Audit Notes exports
  • Fixed an issue relating to the Profile filter not resetting when clicking back to "Payments" tab from a filtered view within Payment Reporting

December 20, 2023

GASB Lease: Bulk Edit Updates to Payment Reporting

Users can now save significant time by adding variable or other payment amounts in bulk while verifying payments. For instance, if a CPI increase is present across payments, users can add that increase across all payments during the verification process.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Attachments from Payments will now populate in the Lease Documents section
  • Attachments from Projects and Payments will now populate in the Subscription Documents section
  • Updated the document uploads workflow to ensure that submissions without attached files will no longer be accepted
  • Updated the Attachment Bulk download feature to include all types of attachments.
  • Fixed the placement of the "Upload Files" link on the Documents pages to align it to the right side of the page

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated behavior so that clicking a series from the Refunding Detail navigates the user to that series’s Refunding Detail view
  • Updated Maturity Detail views to show the price for capital appreciation bond maturities
  • Fixed a problem that caused unfiltered data to appear in some exports from Profile Summary views

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the behavior of the "Assigned to" and "Agreement" filters on Submission views.
  • Updated behavior so that selecting "Submit Later" for an Agreement within a Submission in a "Ready to Submit" state does not send it back to a "Ready to Prepare" state
  • Fixed a problem that prevented Submissions from being returned if the related Requirement has a new template file
  • Fixed a problem that prevented files from being deleted from Submissions

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • 'Credit Card' is now a Payment Method when users mark a payment as paid in Payment Reporting.
  • Users can now input negative values into variable and other payments while completing payment reporting
  • Fixed an issue where exports for Bucket View and Comprehensive journal entries were not producing for GASB 87 Leases when attempting to generate reconciliation journal entries for prepayments
  • Refinement of the customer experience on the new bulk edit screen for payment reporting
  • Fixed an issue where no leases were displayed when sorting by type on the leases tab
  • Removed additional filters from Summary By schedules (bucket view)

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • 'Credit Card' is now a Payment Method when users mark a payment as paid in Payment Reporting
  • Removed additional filters from Summary By in Schedules (bucket view) to give users a better experience on the page

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Removed additional filters from Summary By schedule view for Subscriptions
  • Fix to ensure audit notes are aligned across both scheduled and actuals while considering payments in the future
  • Fix to ensure that when a user clicks on a payment displayed in Milestones, they are redirected to Payment Reporting to view the selected payment

December 13, 2023

FASB Lease: Audit Note - Actuals and Comprehensive Journal Entries

We added reporting features within the FASB application to mirror the functionality available on our GASB platforms; Audit Notes and Comprehensive Journal Entries. Audit Notes are able to be pulled at an actual frequency and Journal Entries at a profile level.

GASB Lease: Reconciliation - Accounting Setting and Journal Entry Updates

In November, users gained the ability to view the new 'Reconciliation' tab within the Lease application component view and export. In this most recent update, users can now navigate to Profile Settings > Accounting Settings > Journal Entry Settings and choose to include or exclude payment reporting year-end Reconciliation entries. When Payment Reporting is fully utilized, this feature eliminates the need for manual manipulation of DebtBook exports to compare scheduled vs. actual amounts.

GASB Lease: New Journal Entry setting to control Prior Year Balances within Modified Accrual Conversion Entries

In an effort to provide users with increased flexibility in receiving journal entries from DebtBook, we have expanded functionality within Accounting Settings > Journal Entry settings. In this update, users will be able to include or exclude prior year balances within modified accrual conversion entries.


Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Users now have the ability to manage documents directly from the Documents tab within the Debt, Lease, and Subscriptions platforms, respectively
  • Debt Documents stored within the Documents tab now include Attachments from Payments, Disclosure Agreements and Disclosure Submissions

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated bucket schedule views to include the new, expandable data columns on all views
  • Updated minor formatting details on the Refunding Detail tab of Issue Details
  • Updated audit note logic to pull principal values for Capital Appreciation Bonds based on the Profile as of Date
  • Updated sorting "Type" and "Series" filters in Profile Summary
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from bulk Verifying Payments
  • Fixed Profile Summary display issue which occurred when selecting multiple options in one filter
  • Fixed an issue that impacted "summarize by" filters in bucket schedule views
  • Fixed an issue with double interest populating on a limited number of CABs
  • Fixed sorting of Redeemed and Defeased maturity detail reports to first sort by series, and then by maturity date
  • Fixed an issue that removed lines from the GL Table in the Issue Details view

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to return Submissions to prior statuses
  • Updated behavior related to Agreements, Requirements, and Submissions to hide actions if the user does not have the required permissions
  • Updated routing to navigate Users back from a Requirement detail view to the Agreement view
  • Update to only include unique 6-digit CUSIPs on Submission pages with a Submit to EMMA submission method
  • Fixed an issue that caused Submissions in February to incorrectly be grouped with January Submissions in some instances
  • Fixed an issue that caused select inputs to expand too far and prevent modal functionality
  • Fixed an issue that prevented guest Admin and Member users from creating Agreements or Requirements

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Variances where the verified/paid amount is less than the scheduled amount will now show as negative on the Payment Reporting Individual Payment Screen. For example, ($100) instead of $100
  • Fixed an issue to ensure General Ledger Account numbers do not populate for payment journal entries when Variable and/or Other expenses are allocated to a dimension not associated with the lease

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix to ensure audit notes are aligned across scheduled and actuals while considering payments in the future
  • Fix to ensure Asset removal entry occurs only once when establishing a FASB lease within DebtBook
  • Fixed an issue to ensure G/L Account numbers do not populate for payment journal entries when Variable and/or Other expenses were allocated to a dimension not associated with the lease
  • Fix to ensure the Underlying Asset filter works correctly in the bucket view

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Removed additional filters from Summary By schedule view for Subscriptions
  • Fix to ensure audit notes are aligned across both scheduled and actuals while considering payments in the future
  • Fix to ensure that when a user clicks on a payment displayed in Milestones, they are redirected to Payment Reporting to view the selected payment

December 6, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Issue resolved where download links in the Exports panel were expiring too soon
  • Updated placement of Upload Files button on Documents pages
  • Updated permissions for Lease and Subscription Milestone Notifications - users cannot establish notification for a profile the organization does not own
  • Updated Attachments view to reset the file list when upload modal closes

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added additional charts to “summary by” views for outstanding and callable par
  • Added Bond Type to Maturity Detail exports
  • Fixed a problem that caused Premium/Discount reductions not to appear in Refunding Details when the Straight Line methodology is selected
  • Fixed a problem that caused the header to update incorrectly when changing the Profile as of Date in bucket schedule views
  • Fixed a minor display issue related to bifurcated maturities in Issue Detail debt service schedules
  • Fixed a problem that caused bucket schedule views to not populate for Offset dates on Actual frequency
  • Fixed alignment of titles on profile summary export
  • Fixed zero dollar payments showing for refunded issues on Profile Dashboard
  • Removed payments on refunded issues from DTC reporting
  • Fixed a problem causing blank columns in interest and effective interest in Issue Detail "Amortizations" tab
  • Fixed CAB Accreted Value table formatting during scrolling

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated navigation within Agreement, Requirement, and Submission detail views to include a back button and a three-dot action menu
  • Fixed a problem that resulted in a blank screen for guest users viewing the Requirement and Submission list views
  • Fixed a problem that resulted in a 500 error when attempting to edit visibility for the Disclosure Milestone type

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Key issue fix within Comprehensive Journal Entries to ensure activity is aggregated for each fiscal year-end
  • Fix to ensure audit notes are aligned across scheduled and actuals while considering payments in the future
  • Fix for small issues in which if the lease list was empty after applying filters, the exported file is in zipformat and relevant for "Lease input Details", "Basic list" are in xlsx format
  • Updated 'Totals' bucket within Schedules (bucket view) to reflected totals of the remaining schedules after additional filters are applied. This was a key update after adding 'Additional Filter' into Schedule and to ensure accurate data
  • Updates to the create/edit form for Lease (GASB) based on feedback from customers and our internal teams. These updates address improvements to the experience of entering a new lease or editing an existing lease.
  • Fixed issue where Comprehensive Journal Entry Lease Revenue entries were populating on incorrect dates
  • Fix to ensure users can establish Milestone notifications for profiles their organization does not own

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Users now have the ability to override lease end date with a date that is up to 6 weeks after the calculated lease end date. This allows increased flexibility for customers who need to customize their end date
  • Journal Entries for 'Other Asset Adjustments' are appropriately allocated to their respective dimension. This ensures proper reporting for customers using this account

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated 'Totals' bucket within Schedules bucket view to reflect totals of the remaining schedules after additional filters are applied


November 29, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a notification that will appear in the bottom left of the application for when a document is finished downloading

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated behavior when editing GL numbers from Issue Details so that account strings are not changed for verified or paid payments
  • Updated the bottom row in profile summary exports to accurately reflect contents
  • Fixed a problem related to cash defeasance to reflect the defeasance date when it occurs after the call date of the bonds
  • Update on the bucket view which now shows fixed interest expense on refunded issues

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Modified Accrual Reconciliation entries populated with incorrect balances when the Profile As of Date equaled the Modification Date
  • Update for when a customer chooses a payment from milestones, they are now correctly redirected to Payment Reporting to view those payments

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix for Journal Entries for financing leases to include asset removal at the end of the lease term and/or asset's end of economic life

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Only allocated dimensions will display in the Schedules drop down for bucket view

November 22, 2023

Required Fields Denoted in Lease Create/Edit Form

To improve the experience of adding/editing leases and improve clarity, required fields in the the create/edit lease form are now denoted with a red asterisk. 

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a standardization of export filter view across Lease and Subscription when downloading using the Additional Filters feature
  • Updated filter displays in Advanced Filter exports in Subscriptions
  • Fixed an issue within the FASB Bucket Exports: Lease Type
  • Fixed an issue within Advanced Filtering - Subscription Split Group Filtering and Consolidate Subscription Filtering
  • Added a NOTIFICATIONS.JS update to the new default profile ID
  • Fixed the document filename overflow

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added an option to edit General Ledger Numbers on the Issue Detail - Overview tab
  • Added the ability to remove additional rows for funds on hand in payment reporting
  • Updated the group by date functionality in Payment Reporting to consider Offset Dates when appropriate
  • Fixed a display bug that caused Issue Details to indicate an increased number of splits in some instances
  • Fixed an issue that caused appropriate errors to not display when bulk recording payments
  • Fixed a problem that caused Payment detail views to display incorrectly when a long Purpose name was present
  • Updated Issue Summary exports to show final outstanding maturity
  • Fixed a problem that caused original principal to display incorrectly for refunded series
  • Fixed a problem that caused badges to display incorrectly in instances where there is a current refunding and cash defeasance in the same period

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Users now have the ability to override lease end date with a date that is up to 6 weeks after the calculated lease end date
  • Updated rounding method for Payment Reporting Reconciliation Journal Entries so that debits always equal credits
  • Fixed issue where certain leases' schedules did not match lease detail inputs causing ending balance to be non-zero
  • Fixed issue where Year End Comprehensive Journal Entry feature was not aggregating Cash / Lease Clearing account in certain instances
  • Improvement to Lease application so that users with Intra Entity agreements can view their disclosure paragraphs in their component view
  • Added journal entries for Non-Lease Type Lessee/Lessor Modified and Full Accrual Refundable and Non-Refundable Deposits
  • Updated Change Management Modification so that Implicit Interest Rate is not updated due to modification changes

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix to the "Schedules" button to include a "Type" fly-out to display unallocated and allocated leases by type
  • Users can now adjust the beginning asset value due to the transition from the ASC 840 to ASC 842 standard

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Improvement to Subscriptions step payment feature so users cannot set step payments over 100%
  • Project Cost bulk import template successfully downloads and re-uploads into the application

November 15, 2023

Subscription End Date Override

To address consistent feedback around the Override End Date feature, users now have the ability to override the subscription end date with a date that is up to 6 weeks after the calculated end date. Lease updates will follow in the coming weeks.


Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added Lease (FASB) Bucket View Advanced Filtering and updated Type fix & Export
  • Added Bulk Download: Allows for selecting files on Documents page
  • Added DAACs - When debt accounting is not enabled, Edit settings is hidden

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added new charts for tax status, outstanding par, and callable par to bucket schedule chart views
  • Fixed freezing panes in Debt Service Exports
  • Added Horizontal Report to additional areas of the application
  • Fixed the final maturity values of refunded issues
  • Updated the layout of Refunding Detail tabs use expanding sections for refunding/refunded maturities
  • Added badges signifying call dates to Issue specific bucket schedule views
  • Fixed a problem that caused audit note exports to fail
  • Fixed a problem that caused bucket schedule views to render incorrectly when refunding and call date badges are present
  • Fixed a problem that caused Final Maturity Dates to display the wrong date on the Issues tab
  • Fixed a problem that caused some refunding details to be listed twice in bucket schedule views
  • Fixed bucket schedule views to show the correct context in the headers
  • Fixed a problem that caused dropdowns to display incorrectly when managing custom Milestones
  • Fixed a problem that caused long Profile names to display incorrectly in some dropdown filters
  • Fixed a problem that caused an error to be misplaced when marking a Payment as Paid

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated default sorting for Submissions to show the most recent first
  • Added the ability to filter by Associated Issue on the Agreements view
  • Fixed a problem that caused Associated Issues to not display as expected in some instances

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Feature update to complement the work that was done to enhance the create/edit form for GASB, this feature updates the component view export to match the form improvements
  • Updated Audit Note Roll-forward Logic in certain Modification scenarios
  • Fixed issue where Lessor Underlying Asset Schedule did not depreciate throughout the entire asset life in certain situations.
  • As-Is Improvements:
      • Added field for 'Payment Schedule Source' to Individual Lease Export. Updated Individual Lease Export for leases with As-Is schedules to include the As-Is Template
      • Updated validations for As-Is Schedule template
      • Fixed issue where As-Is Schedule would not save successfully as a Verified Lease when initially creating the lease
  • Fix for headers on Bucket View Journal Entry exports
  • Fixed issue where Lessee Paragraph Disclosure dates populated based Create/Edit Lease Form FYE selection rather than FYE selected in Audit Notes modal
  • Update to only show the current GL string in the overview tab of the component view. The goal of this is to reduce confusion on what current allocation set is being used

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Improvement to FASB bucket view page and export to improve the experience around using the additional filters
  • Update to only show the current GL string in the overview tab of the component view. The goal of this is to reduce confusion on what current allocation set is being used

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updates to schedule calculations when subscriptions begin at the start of a month and have incentives at the end of the first month
  • Revised Subscription End Date Override Validation

November 8, 2023

Subscriptions: Add Advanced Filtering to Schedules (Bucket View)

This feature enhancement gives users more control of how they view their schedules as they can now filter the page down to a more granular view on items such as Materiality and Status.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Changed Profile Dropdown Default to Default Profile instead of ‘All’ in Subscriptions
  • Changed Profile Dropdown to Default Profile instead of ‘All’ in Leases

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added tags to Funds in Payment Reporting Settings to easily identify Governmental, Business-Type, and Operating activites
  • Added Premium/Discount balances to Roll-Forward by Activity tabs in Audit Note exports for profiles that use straight-line amortization by fund, and updated language in Accounting Settings
  • Added additional charts to the “view as” option for tax status, outstanding par, and callable par over time
  • Enhanced the “Compare All Schedules” selection in the profile to compare all schedules within the selected or filtered dataset, not “All” Schedules in the entire profile
  • Updated Payment Reporting to support CAB payments
  • Added dynamic principal values for CABs in charts based on the profile as of date
  • Updated Payment Reporting so that Payments are not generated for CABs with zero interest and principal amounts
  • Fixed a problem that caused Interest Expense Balance in last period of Interest activity to include the running expense balance
  • Fixed ordering of issues in All Dimension bucket view selections
  • Fixed interest type labels on chart exports
  • Fixed alignment on dollar values in Payment Reporting Export
  • Fixed a problem that caused split allocations to be listed as separate maturities

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Added additional error handling for the EMMA Categorization fields in Requirement modals
  • Updated sorting and filtering on Submissions to remove the current and next fiscal year date options if all profiles are selected
  • Updated language and routing when completing a checklist to direct the user to the Completed list view
  • Fixed a problem that caused the incorrect Profile name to appear in the filter after preparing or completing a Submission

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Lessor Depreciation journal entries for Underlying Assets were not populating for periods after end of lease life
  • Fixed issue on Lease Documents storage, users can effectively filter by all profiles in the Organization
  • Fixed issue in lease schedules when payments are 1 day apart
  • Fixed issues for roll-forward balances when using Change Management - Allocation Only
  • Fixed within Lease (GASB) change management modification in which credit and debt were flipped in journal entry full accrual export
  • Formatting updates and follow-ups in create/edit form for Lease
  • Fixed issue where Implicit Interest Rate calculated value was not being shown in Create/Edit Lease Form.

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • The rate picker logic for FASB lease has been updated to always display options for ‘Entity’s Incremental Borrowing Rate’/‘Risk Free Rate’
  • Payments for ‘Other’ and ‘Variable’ payment types are reflected in the Journal Entries

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhancement to Subscriptions bulk edit to more easily allow customers to select draft or unverified agreements

November 1, 2023

Lease (GASB): Reconciliation tab + Component Export

First iteration of Reconciliation feature set within Lease (GASB). This feature will give Lease (GASB) customers the ability to compare their scheduled vs actuals payments in Debtbook. In this first iteration, a new tab has been created within the Lease component view and component export. Future iterations will give customers updated Journal Entries and Audit Notes.

Subscriptions: Change Management Termination 

This feature gives users the ability to apply a termination date to one or more components of a verified Subscription. "Termination" will be the first of several new modification types being rolled out for verified subscriptions through the overall Change Management feature.

Subscriptions: Secondary Status

New feature with Subscriptions in which we complement the recent updates in Debtbook’s Lease application. In addition to the current status of Draft, Unverified, and Verified there is a new Secondary Status’ of Terminated and Pending Change. These statuses will be present within the Subscriptions tab, component view, and edit lease form.

Lease (FASB): Audit Note - Scheduled Frequency and Payment Reporting

The first reporting feature to be brought into the Lease FASB application gives a user the ability to pull Audit Notes in a scheduled frequency and manage all their verified lease payments in Payment Reporting.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Changed Profile Dropdown to Default Profile instead of 'All' in Debt
  • Added the ability for users to select a default profile for Subscriptions
  • Lease: Payment Reporting Filtering Enhancement so users to narrow down payments presented on the page

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added annual roll-forward tables to Profile Summary exports based on the currently selected dimension
  • Fixed a problem that caused the title of the browser tab to not match the selected page
  • Fixed a problem that caused inflated amounts to appear in Issue Details Allocations views
  • Fixed a problem that caused some filters to be misaligned and too small
  • Fixed a problem that caused all Issues to display in schedule views when attempting to compare selected Issues
  • Fixed a problem that caused some chart options to not display from bucket schedule views

Continuing Disclosure Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to report Material Events from SEC Rule 15c2-12 as a Disclosure Submission
  • Updated styling for the Submission landing page that is shared with Recipients
  • Added the ability to remove previously uploaded template files from Disclosure Requirements
  • Added Agreement filtering to the Disclosure Submissions list view

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issues with create/edit form after releasing first iteration
  • Fixed size of status items in the drop-down in the create/edit form
  • Fixed issue where leases with As-Is schedules did not recalculate initially upon lease changes being saved

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue for how a Termination event impacts Audit Note actual frequency
  • Fixing Subscriptions import template so Variable Payments based on Future Performance works

October 25, 2023

Continuing Disclosure Tool

With this set of features we’ve added the ability to organize and track disclosure responsibilities. This includes the ability to create Requirements for one or more disclosure Agreements, track when disclosures are due, receive notifications for Submissions, follow a simple workflow to prepare and submit disclosure requirements and maintain a clear audit trail of disclosure activity.

Create/Edit Form Updates- Lease (GASB)

A significant redesign and enhancement to the Lease (GASB) create/edit form. The updates introduced reorder the current tabs and add help text throughout to better guide the creation of a Lease

Advanced Filtering to Lease (GASB) Schedules (bucket view)

Enhancements were added to Schedules (bucket view) by giving users additional filters on the page, such as Materiality.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to select a default profile for Debt
  • Added the ability for users to select a default profile for Leases
  • Display the original attachment filename
  • Fixed Bucket View overlapping issue
  • Changed colors of document tags

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the behavior of “flyout” columns in some bucket schedule views to show accounting data or refunding data (when relevant) in the expanded view
  • Fixed a problem that prevented some data from appearing on the Dashboard

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Leases & Subscriptions: A notification bar appears (recalculation of schedule) after a change event is reverted.
  • Added Instructions tab to As-Is Schedule template
  • Fixed issue where error messaging for required fields was not shown on Payments tab of Create/Edit Lease Form
  • Added validation for Non-Lease Component 'Frequency' field requiring field input
  • Fixed issue where incorrect Modification entry populated when Profile As of Date was equal to Modification date

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Addressed fix in Journal Entries on the day of Allocation Change to reflect the correct balance.
  • Chart of accounts within FAAB (GL Settings) and the GL import template includes 'Other Lease Expense' account.

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Adding Advanced Filtering to Payment Reporting for Subscriptions.
  • Fix for issue that prevented users from removing contacts or dimensions that were associated to deleted subscriptions.

October 18, 2023

Secondary Status—Lease

Introducing a new concept into Debtbook, called the ‘Secondary Status’ feature. In addition to the current status of Draft, Unverified, and Verified, there is a new 'Secondary Status’ of Terminated and Pending Change. These statuses will be present within the Lease tab, component view, and edit lease form.

Document Custom Naming and Search

Users can now edit a document and give it a customer name. Additionally, users can search for documents' original and custom names within the ‘Documents’ tab.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a problem that caused an error when attempting to bulk reset Payments in some instances
  • Fixed a display bug that showed an option to reset status on unverified Payments
  • Fixed a problem that caused profile summary filters to not work as expected
  • Added dynamic principal values for CABs based on the “profile as of” on the Issues tab, Issue Details Allocations, and Dashboard views

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated End Date filter on Lease Schedule tab to reflect updated lease end date when user applies Modification - Lease Term
  • Update to reorder the tabs for Lease and Subscriptions Profile Settings around General Ledger related items. New order is more intuitive to a user flow.  Dimensions > GL Formats > GL Settings.
  • Fixed misaligned total value rows in Schedules
  • Fields Offset Due to Validation Error Hint
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes Liability/Asset balances in Audit Notes Roll-forward were showing in Additions rather than Beginning Balance after allocation change in certain instances.

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Export Individual lease view- empty End/Termination dates.

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix within the create/edit form in which users could not override the subscription type.
  • Further update to Lease and Subscription action menu once a customer has made an update to their agreement. The options are locked until the agreement has completed processing.
  • Further updates to Lease and Subscription so users are informed their agreements are processing. In this iteration, users will be notified if they are pulling an audit note that has a corresponding agreement that is still processing.
  • For customers who are not certain of Subscription extensions but have step payments included in these additional payments, this fix ensures they have a correct beginning balance.

October 11, 2023

Subscriptions and Lease

To help with component view navigation and align with our Debt application, we’ve greyed out the date and frequency fields in our component view when using tabs in which they don’t apply.

Subscriptions and Lease

Continued efforts to help customers know that leases on their profile are calculating. With this update, we've added the awareness to audit notes.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to group Payments by payment date and download a single PDF file for a single date
  • Added an additional tab with “horizontal” debt service schedules to all debt service exports
  • Updated Profile Summary filters so that user can now apply filters across multiple dimensions and select desired Issue characteristics
  • Updated behavior so that users receive an error page rather than an infinite loader when trying to access a page without requisite permissions
  • Improved Refunding Details tab to show Refunded CUSIPs after a full refunding
  • Fixed a problem that caused users to see a 403 error when resetting Payment Reporting Settings in rare instances
  • Fixed a problem that caused an infinite loader to appear rather than issue details when the Issue had zero outstanding par

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue in which updating the name of a profile would not allow the user to create a lease on the profile.
  • Updated 'Lease Details' tab of individual lease export to include prior data related to Allocation and Modification changes
  • Feature updates to Bulk Edit so users get back the ability to bulk edit lease components one by one. Further updates to improve the customer experience around messaging.
  • Fixed issue in Lease app in which the Second Payment Date could not equal the Lease End Date.
  • Fixed issue where undefined GL codes for Variable and Other Payments/Receipts in Payment Reporting caused JE exports to fail.
  • Fixed frontend display issue for Non-Lease Type Bucket View Schedules

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix so each answer to each lease classification question is defaulted to 'Select...'

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • View modal within the Schedule once a Subscription is terminated.

October 5, 2023

Subscriptions Bulk Project Cost Import

Subscriptions users gain the ability to bulk import project costs within a specific project in their profile.

Subscriptions Error Correction and History Tab

Enhancements to the Subscriptions application so users can error correct an agreement, save the changes, and navigate to the history tab to view the changes and choose to revert them if needed.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Notification Indicator enhancement: Icon dot will clear upon opening the notification bell
  • Added Lease (FASB) as an option in user settings> default view

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a problem that prevented a Milestone from being removed if the only related Issue was archived
  • Accrued Interest Calculating for 0 Payment Amounts has been fixed
  • Summary by Exports on Actual Frequency Cause Error

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Lessee and Lessor Non-Lease Type leases were showing incorrect journal entries for reversal booking of prepayments
  • Fixed issue where Lessor Lease with Underlying Asset Depreciation term greater than lease term export failed when generating journal entries.
  • Update to Subscriptions and Lease application so users can input 'Date of First incentive Received' equal to the End Date of the agreement.

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Update to Profile Summary so it displays dynamic values for Lease Liability and Lease Asset Balance

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Update to Subscriptions and Lease applications so users are now able to override a lease's GL code on an individual basis.
  • Updated validation so if 'Variable Payments Based on Future Performance' is Yes then "Entire Payment Based on Future Performance' cannot be null.

September 27, 2023

Extended Guest Admin and Member Access

Extended functionality for Guest Admins and Members to have the ability to access and edit Milestone Settings within the Subscriptions and Lease applications.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Resolved incorrect Refunding Classification on Refunding Detail Tab under "This Series Refunded"
  • Resolved blank value issue in Accrued Interest, Interest Expense and Rate columns for partially refunded issues
  • Fixed a problem that caused a placeholder for additional ratings to be present in Underlying Ratings fields
  • Updated logic to ensure no premiums are over-amortized in rare instances using effective interest methodologies
  • Fixed a problem that prevented actual balances from displaying correctly within Payment Reporting Settings in some instances

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes Principal and Interest to Maturity was not labeling Fiscal Years correctly in certain export instances
  • Fixed issue where user was not required to add input for 'Reasonably Certain' field after adding input for Fiscal Funding Clause
  • Updated journal entry exports so that dimension items only populate when the account includes the dimension item in its GL code format.
  • Fixed issue where Lessee Non-Depreciable Asset removal for Modified Accrual was not populating in certain instances

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where user was not required to add input for 'Reasonably Certain' field after adding input for Fiscal Funding Clause

September 20, 2023

Debt Refunding Lineage

We have added the ability to see additional refunding details across the Debt app. Issue details will provide relationships to refunding and refunded series as well as all refunded maturities. Schedule view will provide indications of when a refunding occurred and principal reductions over time.

New Email Notifications for Exports

We have added a setting to manage email notifications for exports. This is a new global setting within Profile & Security that allows a user to enable or disable email notifications for exports.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a problem that caused funds on hand data to be retained for a Payment after it was reset
  • Fixed a problem that prevented the last milestone from being created in instances where the end date day is a month end but less than the start date day

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue in which a user would perform a modification event and was told they updated a contact within the History tab.
  • Fixed issue in which a user can click 'duplicate' multiple times within a component and it does not throw an error.
  • Fixed issue where the Audit Notes - Lease - Lessor Footnote tab did not populate if the fiscal year selected only contained terminated leases
  • Fixed issue where Refundable Deposit field was not populating on Bucket View Schedules page
  • Updated the lease schedule calculation and presentation when the modification date fell after the final lease payment date.
  • Adjusted interest expense calculations for periods that contain multiple payments. This addresses edge cases that we've seen reported during audit season.
  • Fixed issue where if a lease is duplicated and then allocated 100% to a different fund, then again allocated back to the original fund. Roll-forward tables correctly display.

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Improvement that correctly updates Subscriptions' schedules when assigned project costs are deleted from a subscription.

September 13, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a setting allowing users to manage email notifications for exports
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a Funds on Hand option in on payment details so that users can indicate a reduction in total amount transmitted for payment
  • Added Dimension Settings and Manage Dimensions options within Profile Settings to begin managing some Dimension aspects
  • Added validation for refunding maturities CUSIPs
  • Added validations to the Debt import process to ensure each Fund has at least and only one activity type 
  • Fixed a problem that prevented Yield to Maturity from appearing in app and in data exports for some profiles
  • Fixed a problem that caused inconsistent rounding in certain instances
  • Fixed a problem that caused the payment list export to be blank for guest users 
  • Fixed a problem that caused inconsistent rounding in certain instances on the Issues list view
GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Adjusted the Interest Expense calculations after a modification to match the treatment of an original lease in some day count edge cases.
FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated FASB Lease Cost calculation within the final lease period
  • Removed duplicate journal entry for Incentives Received after Commencement


Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue to ensure that subscriptions uploaded via App Admin into the application have the State populate correctly

September 7, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Styling fix for profile photo on Manage Guests page 
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a problem that caused some Payments to appear twice in Payment Reporting in certain instances
  • Fixed the alignment of the Other payment tooltip 

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added help text and tooltip to clarify the Modification Remeasurement Date field and updated the error message received when providing an invalid date
  • Fixed issue where modifying lease with multiple components on lease end date was causing changes to components that had not been modified in certain instances
  • Existing GL Account Codes Missing from Journal Entry Export
  • Added the ability for users to bulk select and edit all draft and unverified leases at once
  • Fixed JE removal of Lease Asset and booking of Capital Asset when Lessee Lease Type Non-Depreciable Asset is terminated for Modified and Full Accrual
  • Updated the Modification / Remeasurement Type dropdown to include an 'All' option to help indicate the ability to select multiple options
  • Fixed issue where no error message was shown when attempting to add modification before the previous modification
  • Fixed issue so that users can modify all lease components while performing a termination and allocation change
  • Added the ability to bulk edit all draft and unverified leases via Profile Summary > View All Leases page
FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Made the following updates to Lessee Short-Term leases
    • Schedule: The Lease Payable balance on the day of Termination reflects the Lease Payable balance from the last payment date.
    • Journal Entry: Lease Payable value refers to Lease Payable on the day of Termination (accounting for allocation weights).


Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fix for Subscriptions starting in 2022, if the user exports Audit Note actuals with a fiscal year ending in FY 2023

August 30, 2023

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated formatting on actual frequency debt service exports to include an outstanding balance on each line as appropriate

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added an ‘Editable’ badge to the Create/Edit Lease form for Termination and Allocation Only change events to better clarify which tabs to address
  • Updated Accrued Interest and Interest Expense/Income Balance for dates in between the last payment date before a Modification and the Modification date
  • Updated the Profile Summary > View All Leases page by limiting manual selection to 50 leases in order to prevent issues with larger selections
  • Fixed issue where updating change management selection to or from Modification/Remeasurement prevented user from completing change
  • Fixed issue where Individual Lease Schedule View and Bucket View showed Liability/Receivable Balance before start date in certain instances
  • Fixed issue that was preventing users from reverting change management events
FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the daily interest expense calculation for Lessee Financing and Operating leases


Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to Bulk Edit subscriptions by dimension from the main Profile Summary page
  • Updated the way GL Codes are handled so that they are associated to unique Dimension and Account Groupings rather than just the current Allocations of the subscription
  • Updated schedule processing notification to ensure it is displayed when a user assigns or unassigned project costs to a subscription

August 23, 2023

In-app Export Notifications

We have added in-app notifications for exports. When generating an export in the app, the files will now be available for download via the bell-shaped notification icon in the global navigation bar. This new feature provides a centralized place for handling all data exports from directly within the app.

Schedule Processing Notifications

This new feature within the Subscriptions and Leases apps will inform customers that their schedules are processing or have failed after an agreement has been saved at the component level. Editing will now be disabled while a schedule is processing in order to prevent recalculations from being disrupted.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for all Guests to subscribe to Milestone notifications
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Payment Reporting views for Guest Viewers so that a Profile is set in the dropdown field by default
  • Corrected discrepancy in Yield-to-Maturity Calculation on issues with As-Is Schedules
  • Fixed a problem that displayed an incorrect variance amount for payments for some users in certain profiles
  • Fixed a problem that caused Favorite Charts to reload and not display correctly in certain instances
  • Fixed a problem that prevented the First Period End date from updating as expected
  • Enhanced minor validation when creating custom milestones to prevent a negative number from appearing
  • Updated audit note behavior to take advantage of input template changes and fully support and track refunding transactions
  • Fixed a problem that caused schedules to refresh unnecessarily when clicking out of the Profile as of date field
  • Fixed a problem that allowed accounting settings to be changed while previous jobs are still running
  • Fixed a problem that caused the page to crash when ‘All’ was selected in the states filter for Debt Profiles
  • Fixed a problem that caused an unowned Profile to appear as the selection when creating a new Milestone
  • Fixed a problem that caused all Issues to render when selecting a Favorite that includes only a few Issues
  • Fixed a problem that caused some users to see a blank page instead of Favorites
  • Removed legacy Milestone and Reporting access fields that were used for Guests

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed 30/360 Present Value calculation of Lease Liability/Lease Receivable for certain leases
  • Fixed issue where hidden dimensions were visible in exports
  • Fixed issue where users were able to save a lease with blank input in the Lease End Date field
  • Fixed formatting issue with tooltips on Profile Summary pages

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Overview tab to ensure the Date of Termination Penalty Payment is no longer displayed as the Termination Date
  • Fixed issue where Guest Admins and Members were unable to add GL codes for custom dimensions
  • Fixed issue where un-assigning implementation stage cost from a subscription was causing the asset beginning balance to update incorrectly

August 16, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where the Add User modal on the Manage Members page was not working correctly

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a validation to ensure the Straight-Line Amortization Dimension is populated
  • Removed “Straight-Line Amortization Recognition Basis” field from Accounting Settings
  • Fixed a problem that prevented users from setting a schedule End Date prior to the current date when Frequency is set to Actual
  • Fixed a problem that would occur if a user was unassociated from all Organizations

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated fields in Edit Account modal on GL settings page to ensure blank inputs are automatically removed
  • Updated the way GL Codes are handled so that they are associated to unique Dimension and Account Groupings rather than just the current Allocations of the lease
  • Fixed issues where overridden GL codes were not populating correctly in exports after performing Change Management events
  • Fixed issue where Monthly Schedule was showing incorrect beginning balance of Liability/Receivable & Asset/Deferred Inflow of Resources when Payment Date and Modification both occurred on end of month

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Milestone Notification permissions to allow Viewers to view and subscribe to notifications for all Profiles they have access to regardless of Organization ownership
  • Fixed issue within Subscriptions bucket view to ensure customers see correct amounts when Profile as of Date is moved to 1 year after implementation and frequency is moved to Actual
  • Updated the validations around Non-Subscription Components to ensure the Payment End Date is after the First Payment Date

August 9, 2023

Milestones and Notifications for Subscriptions

Milestones allow Debtbook users to view their upcoming Subscription payments, start dates, and end dates from the dashboard and subscription overview in a calendar view. Users can also configure the visibility of these milestones and subscribe to email notifications for each Milestone Type.

Ability to Edit Determination Questions for Subscriptions

We have added the ability for users to edit their determination questions within the create/edit Subscription form after a Subscription has been created.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where the ‘Approve Account Access’ button was not functioning properly
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a problem that caused schedule views to end early rather than extending to the set End Date
  • Fixed a problem with Effective Interest to Maturity calculations related to term bonds that are refunded
  • Fixed a problem that caused the filters in Payment Reporting to be misaligned
  • Fixed a problem that prevented certain schedule views from being accessible from the Favorites page
  • Fixed a problem that caused the schedule end date to not populate in some debt service exports
  • Fixed a problem that caused the count of Milestones being created to be off by one in the creation modal

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to delete custom dimensions that are only associated with deleted lease components
  • Updated the calculation for the 30/360 interest method
  • Updated the Create New Lease modal to ensure determination questions are appropriately hidden and reset when updating responses for dependent questions
  • Updated the Change Management accordion within sections of the Create/Edit Lease form to ensure it is displayed correctly when performing a modification change for a multi-component lease
  • Fixed issue preventing users from successfully saving changes to leases with a large number of components
FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the journal entry calculations for non-lease components that are not capitalized within the lease

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to delete project costs when all costs are unassigned

August 2, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the presentation of the Organization Profile Settings page
  • Fixed alignment of help text within the Add Guest modal on Guest Permissions page
  • Fixed permissions for editing and deleting profiles across the application
  • Fixed issue where File Uploader was disabled but still allowed users to attempt uploading files

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a display bug related to the Profiles dropdown in Payment Reporting
  • Fixed a problem that prevented outstanding balance amounts from populating in debt service exports for zero-rate Issues
  • Fixed a problem with the Profile dropdown on the Payment Reporting page

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Journal Entry logic for leases that are reduced to zero due to modification
  • Updated the Modification Date validations around modifying leases with multiple components
  • Updated the validations around Non-Lease Components to ensure the Payment End Date is after the First Payment Date
  • Fixed issue where Step Payment amounts were not removed from Lease Payment in schedule if removed during Change Management Modification
  • Fixed issue where user was unable to update Lease Term through Change Management Modification if end-date of modified lease was previously overridden
  • Fixed issue where Split View Non-Actual frequency was showing incorrect beginning balance for Liability/Receivable/Asset/Deferred Inflow of Resources in row in which Modification occurred
  • Fixed issue where schedule, journal entries, and audit notes were showing incorrect values for modified leases when modification date equals period end date
  • Fixed issue where ‘Viewer’ accounts with multiple assigned Profiles were unable to change Profile selection within Milestone Notification Settings

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to Error Correct / Update verified subscriptions with verified payments
  • Fixed issue within Create/Edit Subscription form where the error message was not being displayed when leaving Payment End Date blank for Non-Subscription Components

July 26, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for guests to make changes to verified leases and subscriptions within profiles shared with them
  • Added the ability for users to see the role assigned to each guest on the Manage Guest Permissions page

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Ensured optional columns do not reset when applying filters in Profile Summary views
  • Updated performance for loading large schedule view details
  • Updated visibility of Audit Notes so that Guests and the related owning Organizations can view shared reports
  • Fixed a problem that was causing 403 errors for Guest Admin users when editing some settings

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the calculations for the payment portion of the Modified Accrual Reconciliation Entries when interest is greater than payment
  • Updated the determination question modal for Modification / Remeasurement changes to ensure users are unable to continue when providing invalid responses
  • Updated the Create/Edit Lease form to ensure the Date of Final Lease Incentive received is not required
  • Updated the Create/Edit Lease form to ensure error message is displayed when leaving Frequency blank for Other Payments
  • Fixed issue within Create/Edit Lease form where the error message was not being displayed when leaving Payment End Date blank for Non-Lease Components
  • Fixed issue within the Create/Edit Lease form where users were unable to successfully save a lease with a payment schedule source of “As-Is”
  • Fixed issue where errors were not being displayed in Create/Edit Lease form when Payments tab was blank

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated journal entries for Lessee Financing leases to ensure they are presented correctly
  • Updated journal entries for Lessee Operating leases to ensure they are presented correctly
  • Updated the Create/Edit Lease form to ensure error message is displayed when leaving Frequency blank for Other Payments
  • Fixed issue where schedules were not populating for Lessee Short-Term leases

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Comprehensive Journal Entry Year-End report to ensure accumulated amortization is accurately calculated and appropriately reflected in the Modified Accrual tab
  • Updated the Create/Edit Subscription form to ensure the Date of Final Subscription Incentive received is not required
  • Updated the Create/Edit Subscription form to ensure error message is displayed when leaving Frequency blank for Other Payments

July 19, 2023

Membership Expansion

We have enhanced the application by allowing Guests to have expanded Customer-like scope and authorization in order to manage Debt, Lease and Subscription profiles shared with them. Guests will now be able to create/update/delete data where relevant based on the permissions granted by Admins or Members within the Customer’s Organization.

Bulk Edit Subscription Status

Consistent with the Lease side of the application, we have added the ability for users to bulk edit the status of a Subscription from Draft to Unverified or visa-versa.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added an additional view to DTC exports to indicate the associated Series
  • Added additional sorting to Profile Summary views so that Issues are easier to find
  • Updated permissions so that all Admins and Members with Debt Profile access can create and download Audit Notes
  • Updated error messaging when trying to mark a file as the “source file” if that designation already exists
  • Updated how values populate for using actuals and offset if a user switches the selected Profile when creating audit notes
  • Fixed a problem that was causing the Profile as of Date selector to not update as expected in all cases on the Issues tab

GASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Journal Entry logic for leases that are reduced to zero due to modification
  • Fixed Audit Note calculations for a lease modification that reduces the Lease Asset or Deferred Inflow to zero
  • Updated payment chart logic for Regulated Leases within Audit Notes
  • Fixed issue impacting certain Profiles where users were blocked from saving Change Management events but no errors were displayed
  • Fixed issue that was preventing users from saving Lease Incentives with a one-time frequency

FASB Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the calculations for straight-line treatment of Lease Cost within Lessee Operating Lease schedules
  • Updated the calculations for Accrued Interest and associated Lease Liability within Lessee Financing Lease schedules

Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Create/Edit Subscription form with clarification regarding the Month-to-Month or Year-toYear Subscription field
  • Updated Modified Accrual journal entries to include the appropriate description for Subscriptions with initial implementation costs as of commencement
  • Added the ability to resend an invite to a Guest via the Manage Guest Permissions page
  • Fixed issue that was preventing users from saving Subscription Incentives with a one-time frequency

July 12, 2023

Leases: Change Management Modification / Remeasurement

We have added another change type to the overall Change Management feature. Modification / Remeasurement gives users the ability to modify certain details of a lease component after the lease start date, providing them with a workflow for modification changes that is compliant with GASB 87 standards. Lease Term and Lease Payments are the first within a series of modification types that will eventually be enabled.

Subscriptions: Comprehensive Journal Entry Export Year-End

We’ve enhanced the Comprehensive Journal Entry export by adding the ability to export all yearly Subscription activity at a year-end frequency.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added “Outstanding Balance” values to “Debt Service” Bucket View Exports
  • Updated bucket views to improve loading time for all schedules and load flyout data only when it is selected
  • Updated error handling and messaging if a user sets a premium/discount methodology while a previous methodology is being calculated
  • Fixed a problem that caused additional Issues to be included in schedule views after using advanced filters and changing the frequency
  • Fixed the formatting for Optional Redemptions in Issue Detail views
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where the Lessee/Lessor filter within the Comprehensive Journal Entry feature was exporting both Lessee and Lessor leases regardless of user input
  • Fixed issue impacting Audit Notes where lease assets within roll-forward tables were not calculating correctly when performing an allocation change after a modification change
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the ‘Modified Accrual’ and ‘Full Accrual’ tabs within the Subscription details export to clarify implementation stage costs at commencement
  • Updated permissions for Membership Expansion to give Guest Admins and Guest Members the ability to duplicate a subscription
  • Fixed issue where deleting a subscription with project costs was not unassigning those project costs

July 6, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Improved the way large exports are handled in the application so that the files are provided via a secure link within an email rather than an attachment
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated in app and export views to support varying stand-alone call dates within a single Issue
  • Updated permissions to ensure Member users are restricted from changing the Reporting Origination Date
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated calculation for Lessor lease allocation only journal entries
  • Corrected user permissions for Advanced Accounting Settings
  • Fixed issue where Profiles not owned by the Organization were included in the Profile dropdown within the Create New Lease modal
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to immediately re-verify their Subscription upon initially saving an Error Correction / Update
  • Removed ‘Type’ as an option when creating a new GL format

June 28, 2023

Duplicate a Subscription

We have added the ability for users to easily duplicate an existing subscription and all of its components. This feature significantly improves usability and saves time for users when attempting to create multiple subscriptions with similar input details.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added an optional Outstanding Interest column in Profile Summary and reformatted the Profile Summary export to align with the app view and include additional fields
  • Removed labels and options that were not formatted correctly from filters and tables
  • Fixed a problem in Issue Detail views that prevented long dimension names from fitting on screen in the split dropdown menu
  • Fixed a problem that caused the Original Net Amount for Premium/Discount to be incorrect in some instances
  • Fixed an issue in Profile Summary exports that caused export criteria to display incorrectly in some instances
  • Fixed a problem that caused Accrued Interest amounts to populate incorrectly when generating audit notes using actual reporting and payment offset
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where balances were not showing in Rollforward tables when the lease started and ended in the same Fiscal Year
  • Fixed an issue where reverting allocation changes caused the previous allocations to be displayed in the wrong order
  • Updated the calculation of the Allocation journal entry for change in fund balance of Interest Expense/Income Clearing account for leases with interest greater than payment
  • Fixed issue where file uploads were preventing users from successfully completing Allocation and Termination change
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue that was resulting in unbalanced schedules for Subscriptions where the non-subscription portion payment was larger than the subscription payment

June 22, 2023

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Premium/Discount table in Issue Details to remove the unamortized amount
  • Improved the loading time for ‘Summary by’ schedules in very large profiles
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to generate more than one Premium/Discount amortization method for a Profile
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Make-Whole redemption options from displaying correctly across the application
  • Fixed an issue that prevented GL numbers from appearing correctly in payment reporting exports in some instances
  • Fixed an issue that displayed an incorrect variance amount for payments for some users in certain profiles
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a ‘Save Note’ button to the Payment Reporting details page to allow users to save a note without having to change the status of the payment
  • Added a validation to the Create/Edit Subscription form to prevent users from inputting more months into the ‘# of Options Reasonably Certain’ field than the ‘# of Options’ field
  • Updated the Comprehensive Journal Entry Export to ensure only journal entries that fall within the specified date range will appear within the respective tabs of the export
  • Fixed issue where users were able to select a Non-Subscription Component payment frequency other than the frequency selected for Fixed/Variable Payments

June 15, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the links presented on the login page to use valid up-to-date URLs
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the sorting on the Allocations tab of Issue detail views to be sorted alphabetically by Fund, Purpose, and then 4th dimension
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed the issue where the error message was not being displayed when leaving the Profile field blank in the Create Journal Entry Export modal
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated journal entry exports for Short-Term and Non-GASB 96 subscriptions to properly document refundable deposits
  • Fixed issue within Create/Edit Subscriptions form where users were unable to save text input for Organization Extension Options

June 7, 2023

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced Audit Notes exports to include bookings for Premium/Discount balances and reductions for each issue in Roll Forward Table tabs
  • Fixed formatting inconsistencies when logged in as a guest user
  • Fixed an issue that caused Interest Type labels to display incorrectly on charts
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Audit Note and Profile Summary files from exporting in some instances when Tax Status was blank
  • Fixed an issue where certain Profiles were missing Premium/Discount data when using the Straight-Line method
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the Subscriptions and Projects tab with additional filters contained within a new multi-filter button and added optional columns
  • Updated ‘Non-GASB 96’ to ‘Non-GASB 96 Subscription’ within the Type dropdown in the Subscription tab and related exports
  • Fixed incorrect Reconciliation entry in Journal Entry exports

June 1, 2023


We’ve added a new Documents page to Debt, Lease, and Subscription Management applications. This feature provides users with a single repository where they can view, download and upload files within the selected application based on their permissions.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Documents pages to remove the upload icon for users with viewer permissions
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Series Premium/Discount to not fully amortize using the straight-line method for short splits
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Edit Lease Form prevented user from terminating lease if lease’s end date had previously been overridden
  • Fixed issue where accrual amounts were not pulling correctly within the Comprehensive Journal Entry export
  • Fixed issue where users are unable to see the full schedule in-app for leases where Remaining Asset Life as of Commencement (in months) < Lease Term
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Subscription schedules and exports to account for negative payments
  • Updated field names within the Create Export modal for Comprehensive Journal Entries
  • Updated the Variable Payments Based of Future Performance fields in the Create/Edit Subscriptions form to ensure previous selections are cleared out when updating fields with dependencies
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to verify a Subscription during the initial creation

May 24, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Admin users were unable to add new members when SSO is enabled
  • Fixed issue where certain users were unable to access the Dashboard upon logging into their Profile
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue that caused Tax Status to display incorrectly in maturity detail exports
  • Fixed issue that caused an incorrect Premium/Discount journal entry to be included in Issue Detail data exports in some instances
  • Fixed the alignment of the Status filter on the DTC Reporting page
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Allocation journal entry to include change in fund balance for Interest Expense/Income Clearing account for leases with interest greater than payment
  • Updated Create/Edit Lease form to automatically set Entity’s Incremental Borrowing Rate to blank when a Stated Interest Rate is populated
  • Fixed incorrect journal entries for incentives after lease start date that do not occur on a payment date
  • Fixed issue where Lessee lease type Modified Accrual final reconciliation entry did not include reclass of Expenditure: Lease Financing Principal to Lease Liability in certain instances
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to add and bulk import new contacts via the main Contacts tab
  • Updated the Create/Edit Subscriptions form to ensure users cannot establish Incentives before the Subscription Start Date
  • Updated the Manage GL Formats modal to ensure all ‘Visible’ and ‘Allocations Only’ dimensions are displayed as options
  • Fixed issue where users were seeing an incorrect option in the 3-dot menu when attempting to edit verified subscriptions

May 17, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for Admins to manage password policy requirements such as Maximum Password Age and Minimum Password Length
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed a problem that caused matured Issues to be included in the counts in the detailed Profile Summary view
  • Fixed an issue that removed the default sorting from Profile Summary all Issues views
  • Fixed a problem that prevented verified amounts from displaying in verified and paid payments for unowned profiles
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated journal entry exports for Lessee Non-Lease type leases to include entries for Initial Direct Costs
  • Fixed issue where Amortization/Revenue activity was not accurately reflected on Non-Actual Frequency JE exports for leases with Allocation Changes
  • Fixed issue where Bulk Edit feature was not successfully updating Lease Status
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Underlying Asset Type was no longer a required field within the Create/Edit Subscription form; updated leases that were saved without an Underlying Asset Type
  • Removed duplicate entry for non-refundable deposit in journal entry exports
  • Removed validation from Reasonably Certain field in Create/Edit Subscription form to allow users to verify a Subscription when the Fiscal Funding or Cancellation Clause Period is zero

May 11, 2023

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the location of the debt accrued interest entries that do not occur on period end dates
  • Fixed issue that was preventing Guest users from viewing profile Payment Reporting Settings
  • Fixed an issue that was causing data to be shifted and display incorrectly in some Profile Summary exports when a dimension value was left blank
  • Fixed a display issue that was occurring when viewing premium/discount amortization amounts on Purpose or Project Dimensions
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the description for reversing journal entries within the individual journal entry exports and the Comprehensive Journal Entry export
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added fields to the Create/Edit Subscription form in order to give users the ability to track subscriptions where the entire payment or receipt is based on future performance
  • Added validations within the Create/Edit Subscription form for Organization Extension Options
  • Enhanced Audit Notes to increase clarity of disclosure paragraphs
  • Fixed issue where users were not receiving an error when attempting to create Allocation Sets with duplicate names
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes Principal and Interest to Maturity Chart was showing only four individual subsequent fiscal years instead of five before the aggregated years

May 4, 2023

As-Is Schedules for Leases

We’ve added the ability for users to manually enter their actual payment schedule via the Edit Lease Information page. This feature will be useful in complex cases where a lease schedule cannot be accurately calculated in the app.

Override Subscription End Date and Subscription Type

We’ve added the ability for users to manually override both the Subscription End Date and the Subscription Type that is calculated within the app. These features provide additional flexibility to users and align with existing functionality in the Leases app.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Lease and Subscription apps to ensure users with multiple Profiles are redirected to the Dashboard of the same profile after deleting a lease or subscription
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the App Admin Issuers space by adding a search bar to find profiles
  • Updated the “Add New Guest” component on Debt to match Lease and Subscription
  • Updated and clarified the workflow for Audit Note creation using “Actual” reporting
  • Updated payment reporting settings validation for Fund and Activity type changes in imports
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated large bucket view exports to include Lease Schedules in multiple tabs when necessary due to Excel limitations
  • Fixed issue impacting Lessee ‘Lease’ type leases with a reasonably certain purchase option where the Underlying Asset Class is Land were producing unbalanced initial start date journal entries due to missing beginning Lease Asset balance within the Lease Schedule
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to select a Payment Frequency when setting up Step Payments
  • Updated the schedule columns within the Subscription Detail View export to align with the columns displayed in app
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to select certain options within the Increase Frequency dropdown  when setting up Step Payments
  • Fixed issue within Guest Permissions page where search functionality was not working

April 26, 2023

Subscriptions - All Journal Entry Export

We’ve enhanced the Reporting functionality on the Subscriptions side of the application with a Journal Entries option. Users now have the ability to generate customized and comprehensive journal entry exports from their profile in preparation for their financial reporting. 

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Dashboards within the Lease and Subscriptions applications to align the order of tabs for upcoming expirations, draft agreements and unverified agreements 
Debt Improvements and Fixes (H5 bold)
  • Updated the links within Milestone notification emails related to payments to direct the user to Payment Reporting 
  • Updated the Profile Summary enhanced filters to function as expected in the collapsed dimension view 
  • Fixed issue where the Filter by Type within Profile Summary was not working as expected in some cases 
  • Fixed issue that was causing Issue call details to be presented incorrectly in some instances 
  • Fixed issue that resulted in an irrelevant user prompt when updating Payment status to Paid 
  • Fixed a problem that displayed an incorrect variance amount for payments for some users in certain profiles 
  • Fixed issue that prevented Issue Detail pages from loading in some instances due to memory limitations 
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to save changes in Create/Edit Lease form due to erroneous Payment Dates but no error was being presented 
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Journal Entry exports for Projects to ensure GL account names are correct
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to create new Profiles in the app

April 19, 2023

Year-end Comprehensive Journal Entry Export for Leases

We’ve added the ability for users to export aggregated Year-end journal entries within the Comprehensive Journal Entry report.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue within Subscriptions and Lease apps where errors were being displayed upon initial load of bucket view schedules
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Standardized the sorting of journal entries in all Debt accounting exports so that users can easily add GL codes
  • Added support for Activity related journal entries to Effective Interest Premium/Discount Amortization Method
  • Fixed a problem that prevented values in the Premium/Discount table in Issue Detail - Overview sections from accurately reflecting profile selections
  • Fixed a problem which prevented some import jobs from completing and some premium/discount values from populating when Straight-Line by Maturity amortization method was used
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added ability for Viewers to View/Edit Milestone Notifications
  • Updated Termination journal entry to include removal of Interest Expense/Income Clearing account for leases with interest greater than payment
  • Fixed issue where Total columns were misplaced within schedule exports
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to successfully complete Allocation Only changes the calculated Lease End Date was previously overridden
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Audit Notes to help align the user experience with the Lease application
  • Updated schedules to change Security Deposit to Refundable Deposit in the app and related exports

April 12, 2023

Milestones & Notifications for Leases

We have added the ability for users to view important Milestones for their Leases on the Dashboard and within the Overview tab of the Individual Lease Detail View. Similar to the Debt side of the app, users can also configure visibility and subscribe to email notifications for each Milestone Type.

Audit Notes - ‘Actuals’ & ‘Charts Only’ for Subscriptions

‘Actuals’ and ‘Charts Only’ options are now available for Audit Notes within the Subscriptions app. Users have the ability to select ‘Actuals’ as the source in order to create their Audit Notes based on actual Payment Reporting activity rather than scheduled activity. They also have the ability to select ‘Charts Only’ as the export format in order to create their Audit Notes with charts only rather than disclosure paragraphs and charts.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Dashboard button so that it is no longer included in the app’s top-level main navigation bar and now directs users to the Dashboard of the currently selected Profile
  • Removed DebtBook’s physical address from all system generated emails
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated all Premium/Discount Journal Entries to be calculated on an “Activity” basis and no longer align with the “Journal Recognition” basis
  • Updated the Debt Payment Reporting workflow so that allocations tables default to an editable state and provide user prompts when adding “Other” payments
  • Updated Milestone notification emails to more clearly distinguish events that occur on different dates
  • Updated debt service exports to include Issue ratings
  • Updated some column headers and exports to clearly reflect and include Yield to Maturity calculations
  • Fixed issue where users were encountering an endless loading screen when attempting to filter by Type on the Issues page
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to bulk update the status of payments in Payment Reporting
  • Fixed issue with Profile Summary enhanced filters where not all options were available in some instances
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a filter within the Comprehensive Journal Entry modal allowing user to select the specific lease type they would like to export
  • Fixed issue where Profiles were not populating in the dropdown when duplicating a lease
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Journal Entries were not populating correctly for Subscriptions with Incentives after Commencement


April 5, 2023

Advanced Accounting Settings for Leases

We’ve added an Advanced Settings section to the Profile Settings > Accounting Settings page for Lease Profiles. Within Advanced Settings, users now have the ability to designate how the app should handle payments where interest is greater than payment for all applicable leases in the profile. We will be adding more settings in the future as needed to support greater flexibility in managing leases.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed formatting issue with 2-Factor Authentication dropdown on Account Security page
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added “Delivery Date” column to Maturity Detail in application and exports
  • Improved loading time for the Dashboard
  • Updated rounding methodology on all Premium/Discount methodologies to account for penny variances through the life of the schedule vs. the final period
  • Updated exports from Payment detail views to include the Payment Reporting Notes that apply to the entire series
  • Updated the column headers in bucket view exports to present consistent formats on the total tab and individual Issue tabs
  • Fixed links in milestone email notifications that were redirecting users to profile dashboards
  • Fixed issue that was causing the End Date to be displayed incorrectly in bucket view exports in some instances
  • Fixed issue that was preventing users from generating data exports for an Issue when some maturities had no amortization balance
  • Fixed issue with Payment Reporting exports that caused the incorrect Amount Due to be displayed in some cases
  • Fixed issue that was causing information in Details tables of individual Issues to be formatted incorrectly
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a lease schedule column to account to reflect accrued interest that was not fully cleared by a payment for leases where interest is greater than payment
  • Fixed issue where users were able to edit the Description and General Notes sections within the Overview tab for Profile now owned by their Organization
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes Rollforward balances were shown in Additions columns instead of Beginning Balance columns when Beginning of Restatement Period is equal to Lease Start Date
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes Rollforward reductions balances were not populating in instances where FYE was after Lease End Date
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated error messaging within General Ledger Settings > Add Account modal to make it clear that users must select an Account Name
  • Updated all exports to populate journal entries based on Refundable Deposit and Non-Refundable Deposit fields for Non-Subscription type subscriptions
  • Updated the Project Details export to ensure Project costs as of commencement and allocations to both modified and full accrual funds are accurately reflected based on the end date chosen by the user
  • Corrected the verbiage in the ‘Basic Information’ section of the Subscription Details export from Software Component Name to Subscription Component Name

March 29, 2023

Change Management - Allocation Only

We have added another change type to the overall Change Management feature. Allocations Only gives users the ability to re-allocate leases after the lease start date, providing them with a workflow for allocation changes that is compliant with GASB 87 standards.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the placeholder text and tooltips for all note types to be more consistent
  • Updated a workflow within Issue Detail views so that when a user selects a partial allocation split they remain on the same section rather than being taken back to the Overview
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to edit existing Milestones
  • Fixed issue impacting certain profiles where the link text to ACFRs on the Profile Summary page was not updating based on the input template
  • Fixed issue where the links within Manage Guest Permissions were disabled in some instances
  • Fixed issue causing inflated Outstanding Par Amount to Appear on Profile Summary Export
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • ‘Termination Penalty’ journal entry now populates on the ‘Termination Date’ input by the user through Change Management
  • Fixed issue where ‘Principal and Interest Requirements to Maturity’ Charts within Audit Notes were showing incorrect balances for terminated leases
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to edit or update their Disclosure paragraphs via the Disclosure tab within the Individual Subscription Detail View
  • Added a warning modal to notify users when they are attempting to perform an ‘Error Correction / Update’ for a Verified subscription that has verified or paid payments
  • Removed unnecessary accounts from the dropdown within the Add New Account modal on the GL Settings page
  • Fixed issue impacting Bucket View and Individual View exports where certain journal entries were incorrect
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to delete GL codes when they were allocated to Subscription components
  • Fixed issue where changes to the Fiscal Year End date within the Create Notes modal were not being reflected within the Audit Notes export

March 23, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to add Contacts to individual Leases and Subscriptions
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added Issue underlying ratings to various views throughout the app as well as maturity detail exports
  • Fixed issue causing Accrued Interest and Premium/Discount values to display incorrectly in rare cases where there are no interest payments and a rate is not provided
  • Fixed issue where a value was incorrectly displaying for original Net Premium/Discount for Issues with null yield and price
  • Fixed issue that was preventing users from adding a Title and saving charts as Favorites
  • Fixed issue causing revisions to fund balances in Payment Reporting Settings to be cleared when scrolled off screen while in a editable state
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Bucket View Schedules Total - Actual Frequency was aggregating prior period balances for Lease Receipt/Payment and Interest Income/Receipt
  • Fixed issue where certain leases were not populating in the Rollforward tables within Audit Notes for certain profiles
  • Fixed issue where terminated lease components were showing balances on rollforward tabs in subsequent fiscal years
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to depreciate the Subscription Asset over the asset’s useful life
  • Made the following improvements to Payment Reporting
    • Users can now enter a zero (0) within payment reporting and mark the payment as verified
    • Variance values now show correctly as positive or negative values
    • Files can now be uploaded and automatically show to the user on the page
    • With ‘History’ verbiage was updated to align with the Lease app
  • Updated the Payment Reporting page to ensure the filters are working correctly in the app and the related export
  • Fixed wording for help text within Add New Subscription modal
  • Fixed issue where project costs were ordered incorrectly within Project Costs tab in app and related export
  • Fixed issue where GL codes were not pulling through to individual payments within Payment Reporting

March 15, 2023

Audit Notes and Payment Reporting for Subscriptions

Audit Notes for Subscriptions

Audit Notes are now available within the Subscription Management application. This feature gives users the ability to generate detailed Audit Notes with ‘Scheduled’ as the source and ‘Disclosure Paragraphs and Charts’ as the export format. ‘Actuals’ and ‘Charts Only’ options will be added later.

Payment Reporting for Subscriptions

Payment Reporting is now available within the Subscription Management application. This feature gives users the ability to view and manage payments for all of their verified Subscriptions.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added functionality on the Profile Summary page for users to filter by special characteristics such as tax status and interest type
  • Updated all ‘Summary By’ bucket views to include the ‘Add to Favorites’ option
  • Corrected Viewer permissions so that they can no longer create and delete audit note reports
  • Corrected Viewer permissions so that they can no longer process historic payments
  • Fixed issue where some Schedule Notes were not appearing in Issue Detail Debt Service views
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Payments section of the Create/Edit Lease form to ensure previous selections are cleared out when updating fields with dependencies
  • Fixed issue where clients were receiving an error on the Payments tab within the Create/Edit Lease form but no error messages were displayed on any lease input fields
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Subscription status to show as Unverified when the user lands on the Create/Edit Subscription form after clicking ‘Error Correction/Update’ on a Verified Subscription
  • Fixed issue where users were able to edit a Project Start Date to be after an established Project Cost date
  • Fixed issue impacting General Ledger Settings where duplicate entries were populating in the Account Name dropdown when adding a new account

March 8, 2023

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to reset Payment Reporting Settings to the application default for a Profile
  • Fixed minor styling issues on the Manage Members page
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where individual payment screens in Payment Reporting were not correctly populating GL numbers for Non-Lease type leases
  • Fixed issue where Edit Lease Form prevented user from terminating lease if lease’s end date had previously been overridden
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to delete previously existing lease profiles
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the calculation for the ‘Fiscal Funding or Cancellation Clause Period (in Months)’ field to take into account reasonably certain extension and termination options if present

March 1, 2023

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to add and bulk import new contacts via the main Contacts tab
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a data validation to debt import templates that blocks the upload of interest only Issues
  • Updated the order of the Issue Detail tabs so that users initially see the Overview section
    Fixed the sorting on Maturity Detail views to ensure maturities without CUSIPs are not grouped together
  • Fixed issue where an error message was displaying twice when attempting to add a chart to Favorites
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Improved the performance of the Summary by Fund page for large lease profiles
  • Fixed issue where the Default View setting was not working for the Lease side of the app
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the Create/Edit Project Cost modal by allowing users to clear the Allocation Set selection
  • Fixed issue impacting Summary by Dimension exports where the End Date in the export did not match the End Date in the application

February 22, 2023

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to create a note that appears on all payments of a selected Issue
  • Added the Profile as of Date on the Issues tab so users can see and change the date used for determining Outstanding Par Amount
  • Enhanced data exports tied to Milestones to only include Issues associated with the Milestone
  • Fixed issue impacting some Issue Detail exports where the Total Row in the “Amortization Schedules” worksheet was displaying an incorrect value
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated Split View Schedule exports to align with the format of the Split View exports in the Debt app
  • Updated the Assets tab to ensure all assets are displayed
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added a validation preventing users from adding costs to projects before the project start date

February 15, 2023

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the styling of the Amortization Schedules tab when it only has one entry
  • Fixed issue where attempting to use the Add New Milestone modal was causing errors
  • Fixed issue where attempting to filter by ‘All’ payments in Payment Reporting was not working correctly
  • Fixed issue impacting Bucket View pages where Purposes with a long description were overlapping schedules 
  • Fixed issue where Premium/Discount values were appearing on issues with no price
  • Fixed issue where attempting to edit an issue’s Accounting Settings was causing an error for Guests and Viewers
  • Fixed issue where exporting the Total Debt Service (Aggregate) chart was causing an error
  • Fixed issue impacting the 30/360 Accounting Settings for Interest Expense Balance where 31st of the month was not being accounted for if it is the dated date
  • Fixed issue where attempting to add new Milestones to a profile was updating the default profile instead of profile selected in the Add New Milestone modal
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the order of columns within the Bucket View Schedules to align with the Individual Lease View Schedules; also updated Other Payments and Variable Payments columns to populate correct amounts
  • Fixed issue where Profiles could not be deleted
  • Fixed issue within the Create/Edit Lease form where the validation to prevent users from providing a Second Payment Payment Date after the Lease End Date was not working
  • Fixed issue where journal entry exports were not populating manually overridden GL codes for certain leases
  • Fixed issue where draft and unverified leases were being included in the Comprehensive Journal Entry export
Subscriptions Improvements and Fixes
  • Added validation to require a unique name for each Allocation Set within a single project
  • Updated columns in Profile Summary to be sortable
  • Fixed issues where filters were not populated correctly in ‘Summary By’ exports
  • Fixed issue where a blank space was being displayed instead of a ‘--’ for empty notes in the Contacts tab

February 8, 2023

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to select “Profile” as an optional column within Payment Reporting
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes were displaying an incorrect outstanding balance for some credit types
  • Fixed dropdown options in the Add New Milestone workflow to correctly present options and selections
  • Fixed an issue with Interest Expense balances and date counts when using the 30/360 Accrued Interest Basis
  • Fixed issue where long Fund names were overlapping Issues on the Payment Reporting Settings page
  • Fixed issue where navigating to the Overview tab was resulting in an error within Profiles not owned by the Organization
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to review and verify $0 payments for payments not paid or received
  • Added the permitted file size/type information back into the file upload section of the Create/Edit Lease form
  • Updated the calculation for the Fiscal Funding or Cancellation Clause Period (in Months) field to take into account reasonably certain extension and termination options if present
  • Updated the default sorting on the Comprehensive Journal Entry Exports page to sort by the creation date in descending order
  • Fixed issue where switching from Profile Settings to Leases tab or Contacts tab was not updating the browser tab name accordingly
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes Principal and Interest Requirements to Maturity/Future Minimum Expected Receipts to Maturity charts were excluding certain years within the Fiscal Year column

February 1, 2023

Single Sign-On (SSO)

SSO is now enabled for all organizations by default. SSO enables users to sign in with their organization login instead of an email address and an app-specific password. Organizations which use a SAML-based identity provider can enable SSO, which helps prevent unauthorized access and enables IT departments to enforce their own security policies.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated accrued interest calculation when using Payment Offset Audit Notes to reflect a 0 accrued amount for any interest payments pulled forward
  • Updated the “Add New Milestone” language to add clarity on where titles/descriptions appear
  • Fixed issue where using the browser’s back button to navigate to the Issues tab was causing the app to crash
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes were displaying an incorrect outstanding balance for some credit types
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to edit allocation table in debt payment reporting
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the accumulated amortization entry related to the termination of a lease to ensure it is booked on the day of termination
  • Fixed issue where ‘Initial Direct Costs (Not Debt Issuance Costs)’ were incorrectly displayed for Lessor leases in the ‘Lease Details’ tab of the Individual Lease Detail export and incorrectly included in the Deferred Inflow of Resources calculation
  • Fixed issue where Validations for Override Lease End Date were no longer working for Draft and Unverified Leases
  • Fixed issue where duplicate Audit Note reports were being displayed in the list of reports on the Audit Notes page

January 25, 2023

Duplicate a Lease

We have added the ability for users to easily duplicate an existing lease and all of its components. This feature significantly improves usability and saves time for users when attempting to create multiple leases with similar input details.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the option for users to begin amortizing their Premium/Discount on the First of the Month of the Dated Date of a bonds issue when utilizing the Straight-Line methodology
  • Fixed issue where “Summary by” schedules were taking longer than usual to load for some profiles
  • Fixed issue where an empty bucket was displaying in split schedule views even when there is no par left outstanding
  • Removed the remaining accounting data from all Capital Appreciation Bonds (CABs) until we fully support CABs
  • Fixed a problem with data exports from Profile Summary views that were including all Issues rather than only the selected Issues
  • Fixed issue where the Maturity Detail export was rounding values incorrectly Fixed issue where the Dashboard was taking longer than usual to load the Payments table
  • Fixed issue where Bucket View pages were taking longer than usual to load the Total bucket
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Bucket View Schedules and Individual Lease Export to include the Termination Date for leases that have been terminated
  • Fixed issue where the Accrued Interest and Interest Expense Balance columns within all lease schedules were being calculated incorrectly
  • Fixed issue where Manually Overridden GL Codes were not populating within Individual Lease exports, Lease Schedule exports and Comprehensive JE exports

January 18, 2023

Ability to Favorite ‘Views’

We’ve added the ability for users to favorite ‘Views’ which can be a grouping of otherwise unrelated Issues or Summarized datasets. This feature improves ease of use and provides shortcuts for user navigation.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the original Net Premium/Discount to the Issue Detail Overview space for each Issue
  • Updated “Filter by” functionality in Profile Summary view to only contain those values that are displayed in selected view
  • Updated calculation of 30/360 accrued interest and interest expense for issues dated on the 29th, 30th or 31st of a month
  • Fixed issue impacting certain data exports where Unamortized Premiums/Discounts were previously not rounded to the nearest penny 
  • Fixed issue where opening the Mark as Unverified modal in Payment Reporting Settings was not hiding the ‘Reset All Previously Processed payments to Unverified’ button
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added journal entries to Modified Accrual reconciliation entries for leases that were previously presented as capital leases prior to GASB implementation. Additionally, fixed issue where Full Accrual entries for leases previously presented as capital leases were showing incorrect debits/credits.
  • Added a validation to the Create/Edit Lease form requiring the Lease Termination Date to be after the latest Allocation Change Date
  • Updated ‘Date of Second Variable Payment Fixed in Substance’, ‘Date of Second Variable Payment Fixed on an Index’, and ‘Date of Second Variable Payment Based on a Rate’ to default to ‘Second Payment Date’ from Basic Lease Information within the Create/Edit Lease form. Also updated ‘First Other Payment Date’ and ‘Second Other Payment Date’ to default to Payment Dates from Basic Lease Information within the Create/Edit Lease form.
  • Fixed issue where the Comprehensive Journal Entries export was generating lease asset entries after the specified Lease End Date
  • Fixed issue where Deferred Inflow of Resources for Lessor ‘Lease’ type leases was amortized over the Asset Life rather than Total Lease Term
  • Fixed issue where Regulated Lease Audit Notes Actuals Minimum Receipts Paragraph value showed understated balance when Payment Reporting Payments were marked as paid after Scheduled FYE payment date
  • Fixed issue where calculations for ‘Beginning of Restatement Period’ and ‘GASB 87 Implementation Date’ were defaulting to 1 year later than the intended date
  • Fixed issue where leases with no payment activity within the first year of the lease term were not populating within Audit Notes for the related fiscal year

January 11, 2023

“Summarize By” Schedule View

This feature gives users the ability to isolate or filter debt service schedules by multiple dimensions. Selecting the “Summarize by” icon allows users to further define the bucket view. For example, the user can Summarize one Purpose by Funds or Summarize one Fund by Purposes.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where certain dropdowns throughout the app were not loading more than 10 options
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added an option for users to save edits to payment amounts in payment allocation tables
  • Updated the Payment Reporting page to default to the Organization’s selected Default Profile instead of ‘All’ Profiles
  • Updated sorting in the Maturity Detail tab and exports to always group together sinkers and term bonds
  • Added the profile-level accrued interest basis to the modal users see when editing Accounting Settings for a single Issue
  • Fixed issue within Audit Notes where the “Created On” date of saved Notes was defaulting to the current date instead of the actual date that the Note was created
  • Fixed issue within Payment Reporting where ‘Other’ payments in the Allocation table were only showing the whole dollar amount without the cents
  • Fixed issue within Issues tab where sorting by Original Par Amount and Outstanding Par Amount was not working properly
  • Fixed issue where total Unamortized Bond Premium/Discount amounts were listed for dates prior to the Issue Dated Date
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue within General Ledger Settings where attempting to add a new account without selecting an Account Name was resulting in an incomplete error message
  • Fixed issue where termination journal entry was populating for Non-Lease types
  • Fixed issue where Audit Notes Principal and Interest to Maturity Chart was showing only four individual subsequent fiscal years instead of five before the aggregated years

December 21, 2022

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where Excel chart downloads on the Debt side of the application were not including data labels in some cases
  • Fixed issue where Series names that ended with a closing parenthesis were displaying incorrectly
  • Removed duplicate options that sometimes appeared in Payment Reporting filters
  • Fixed issue in Payment Reporting where variance amounts were not populating in PDF exports
  • Fixed issue impacting bucket view schedules where the Total bucket was displaying an incorrect amount for accrued interest balance, interest expense balance, amortized and unamortized premium/(discount)
  • Fixed issue impacting the Profile Summary by Type exports where the total original par amount was populating incorrectly
  • Fixed issue impacting the schedules bucket view where incorrect values were populating under the Unamortized Bond Premium (Discount) column within the Total bucket
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the validations for Step Payments, Stated Interest Rate, Implicit Interest Rate and Entity’s Incremental Borrowing Rate
  • Updated the disclosure exports to remove lease data that is no longer applicable to the selected fiscal year
  • Fixed issue where ‘Summary’ schedule views were not showing all schedules and total balances for leases with multiple allocation splits
  • Updated the Overview tab within the Individual Lease Detail view to include the Termination Date for leases that have been terminated
  • Fixed issue where leases with a reasonably certain Purchase Option were calculating Amortization Schedule 1 day longer than expected
  • Fixed issue where Individual Lease Export was not generating for certain profiles

December 14, 2022

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed an issue causing the “Reset Allocation Table” option in Payment Reporting to act as a ‘save’ rather than a reset
  • Fixed an issue where some users were receiving emailed milestone notifications to which they are not subscribed
  • Removed highlighting that was appearing throughout the Audit Notes export
  • Fixed an issue where charts in the “summary by” area of schedules views were pulling incorrect data
  • Fixed an issue where payment reporting exports did not have the secondary sorting criteria of series ID as expected
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated journal entries to include the final entry to remove the depreciated asset for leases with reasonably certain purchase options
  • Fixed issue where ‘Incentives after Commencement’ inputs were producing incorrect journal entries
  • Fixed styling issue where Payment Reporting ‘Date Paid’ input box was not aligned correctly with surrounding inputs
  • Fixed issue where Dashboard amounts were not being displayed for certain profiles

December 7, 2022

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to identify issues in the application as ‘State Loans’, ‘State Revolving Loans’ and ‘Federal Loans’ by populating ‘Investor Type’ in schedule view and issuance note in Audit Note exports
  • Added ‘Next Fiscal Year’ as a preset date range option in Payment Reporting
  • Added the maturity by maturity premium/discount amortization schedules to Issue Detail export
  • Updated maturity detail tab and exports to include indicators for Term Bonds
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the styling for various action buttons within the Leases app
  • Fixed issue where edited Profile Names were not populating correctly within Disclosure paragraphs
  • Fixed issue impacting the Warning modal for updating leases with verified/paid payments where the ‘Go to Payments Reporting’ button was not working correctly
  • Fixed alignment of Total Payment/Receipt column header within individual lease schedule

November 30, 2022

Bulk Edit

We’ve enhanced the Bulk Edit feature on the Leases side of the app. In addition to bulk editing the Status, users now have the ability to bulk edit various lease input details for up to 50 leases at a time via Profile Summary.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where the Default View profile setting was not working properly which caused conflicting sides of the app to be reflected upon sign-in
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where the Profile Summary tables were not updating based on the selected dimension
  • Fixed issue where the Create Audit Note confirmation modal was displaying “undefined” instead of the series description
  • Fixed issue where navigating to the Issue Detail Contacts page resulted in a blank screen
  • Fixed issue with data exports from Profile Summary views where exports used previous selections rather than current selections in some instances
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated dashboard calculations related to monthly expenses to ensure values from Lessor leases are excluded
  • Updated the ‘Incentives After Commencement’ fields to ‘Incentives After Start Date’ within the Create/Edit Lease form and related exports
  • Updated the Audit Notes “Actuals” export to automatically include all Payment Reporting Principal variances

November 23, 2022

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the Account Security settings by adding the ability for Admins to set their users’ maximum session duration
  • Fixed issue causing ‘;’ character to appear at the end of the file name for source attachments
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the Payment Reporting settings display by updating the Scheduled Balance to 0 for issues dated after the Reporting Origination Date
  • Updated the export file modals to have consistent wording of “Generate Export”
  • Fixed an issue in Profile Summary aggregate charts where balances and percentages were referencing the incorrect date
  • Fixed an issue where Audit Note reporting was not using the correct balance provided in certain instances
  • Fixed issue where GL codes for Principal and the allocated Purpose were not populating in bulk or individual Payment Reporting exports
  • Fixed an issue where charts displaying issue by issue data included all issues rather than the selected subset of issues
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect number of issues for any given dimension value was displayed in Profile Summary views
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the Leases tab with additional filters and optional columns supported by an updated layout
  • Removed the ‘Uncollectible Amounts’ section from the Lessee Edit Lease Information View and related exports

November 16, 2022

Debt Payment Offset

Payment Reporting and Milestones now populate with Payment Offset dates. In payment details users can see the payment ‘due date’ compared to the payment ‘offset date’, if applicable. Notifications for Payment Date Milestones are now tied to offset dates. Users can also apply a  profile setting to see Bucket View, Issue Detail View, and Payment Reporting defaulted to “Maturity Dates” or “Offset Dates”.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Improved the file upload experience by adding messaging to inform users of the file size limit and displaying an error message when they exceed that limit
  • Fixed issue where users were not being routed to the expected part of the app as designated by their Default View setting within Profile Preferences
  • Fixed issue within the main Contacts tab where Guests were unable to access the list of Assigned Issues / Assigned Lease Components
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where navigating to a split via the Issue Detail Split dropdown and then adjusting any of the filters was reloading the original view of the issue without the split
  • Fixed issue where the First Period End date was always defaulting to a month end date based on the selected ‘Profile as of’ date and Frequency
  • Fixed issue where navigating to the Issue Detail view via the Issues tab was setting the ‘Profile as of’ date to the current date regardless of the default date selected within Profile Preferences
  • Fixed issue where attempting to preview additional edits via the Offset Payment Schedule page was sending the user to a blank page
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the format of Summary Split Views to be consistent with the Debt side of the application
  • Updated the Override Lease End Date functionality to only be available upon lease creation and during error correction/update type changes
  • Fixed issue where Allocations section in Create/Edit Lease form was preventing user from using allocation percentages with 3 or 4 decimals
  • Fixed issue where alignment of ‘Download’ button on Journal Entries tab was inconsistent for Owned Profiles vs Viewable Profiles

November 9, 2022

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where password reset was generating several duplicate confirmation emails for certain users
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed penny rounding issue when in Monthly Frequency view on premium/discount amortization
  • Removed accounting data for Capital Appreciation Bonds since the app currently does not support the necessary functionality for accurately reporting them
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added validations to the Create/Edit Lease form to ensure the Date of First Lease Incentive Paid and the Date of Termination Penalty Receipt both fall on or after the Lease Start Date
  • Fixed issue impacting large profiles where the Summary by Fund bucket view schedules were sometimes failing to fully load when using the 'Actual' frequency
  • Fixed issue where Comprehensive Journal Entry export was generating duplicate/extraneous entries for certain leases
  • Fixed styling for Activity tooltip on Fund Settings page

November 2, 2022

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where interest rate for specific maturities were not displaying in a debt service schedule
  • Fixed issue where the first monthly period of premium/discount amortization was populating incorrectly for issues dated on the 30th
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated all instances of “Ownership-Transfer-Contract” lease type to “Lease” lease type
  • Fixed issue within Audit Notes export where Immaterial Leases were being included in the Disclosure paragraphs

October 26, 2022

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed placement of 2-Factor Authentication tooltip and tooltips for various section titles throughout the Edit Lease form
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated “First Period End” logic to automatically populate with actual month end date regardless of number of days in the month
  • Fixed source document override functionality to ensure that once a user designates a “source” file, a system upload will not replace it
  • Fixed issue where Payment Reporting page was not rendering for Guest users
  • Fixed issue impacting the Issue Detail page where clicking the browser’s ‘back’ button was not taking the user back to their previous page
  • Fixed issue where premium amortization was generated on issues with no yield
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Rollforward tabs within the Audit Notes export to include restated balances in the beginning balance columns
  • Fixed spelling errors throughout various lease pages
  • Fixed issue where ‘Summary By’ schedules were not properly generating based on the selected Frequency
  • Fixed issue where Underlying Asset fields were disabled within the Create/Edit Lease form

October 19, 2022

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated source of Original Par Amount values in Issues tab to calculate based on actual par amount in schedules
  • Fixed issue where Custom Milestone Type “Archives” were migrated to Profiles not owned by the Organization where they were created
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Improved load time of Compare All Schedules page for large profiles
  • Removed validation from Payment Reporting where individual payments must have a non-zero value. Validation now only requires Total payment amount to be non-zero.
  • Fixed issue where application was amortizing Lessee Lease Asset over the total lease term instead of the useful life of underlying asset for leases with an asset useful life shorter than lease term
  • Fixed issue where Allocations on Overview tab were showing incorrectly for certain profiles
  • Fixed issue where Deposit amount on Overview tab of Individual Lease View was not populating
  • Fixed issue where the Details table within the Overview tab of individual Lessor leases was displaying a field titled ‘Vendor’ instead of ‘Lessee’

October 12, 2022

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated file upload modals app-wide to only allow PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images and text. Also updated Bulk Import modals to only allow spreadsheets.
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability to apply separate DCNs for Principal and Interest portions of DTC reports and generate principal-only, interest-only and combined reports
  • Enhanced the Issues tab with the ability to sort on all fields
  • Fixed issue impacting schedules view where updating any modifier was generating schedules for all issues rather than just the selected issues
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for a user to override the Lease End Date field within the Create/Edit Lease form
  • Added fields to the Create/Edit Lease form in order to give users the ability to track leases where the entire payment or receipt is based on future performance
  • Updated the Regulated Leases recognized lease revenue paragraph value in Audit Notes to exclude Variable and Other Payments for both Scheduled and Actual exports
  • Fixed issue where Lessee journal entries to remove Lease Asset and Accumulated Amortization were populating at incorrect dates in instances where Lease Asset was fully amortized prior to month-end
  • Fixed issue where Charts were no longer available on Bucket View pages
  • Fixed issue where lease import was failing due to decimals within allocation amounts
  • Fixed issue causing data inconsistencies for a small subset of Leases within certain profiles

October 5, 2022

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for users to specify the chart label structure using the dimension, series, series description and custom text
  • Enhanced the Maturity Detail export modal by adding a validation around the Data Range field and displaying an error message if one is not selected
  • Updated validation that was blocking imports in relation to Effective Interest Rate calculations being performed in application
  • Updated validation that was blocking imports where the Dated Date was equal to the first payment date. This validation will now only be applied if a yield is present on the series.
  • Fixed issue that was blocking the input template upload
  • Fixed issue where archived Custom Milestones were appearing in the ‘Notifications’ options and the ‘Add New Milestone Type’ options
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Improved the error notification users receive when attempting to delete an allocated Dimension or GL Code via Profile Settings in order to make it clear why they cannot delete it. Also improved the confirmation modal users receive when attempting to delete a Dimension or GL Code that can be deleted.
  • Updated the Reporting tab to default to the Payments page for consistency with the Debt side of the app
  • Fixed issue impacting the Create/Edit Lease form where Allocation amount errors were showing on the wrong lease component

September 28, 2022

Change Management - Termination

This feature gives users the ability to apply a termination date to one or more components of a verified lease. “Termination” will be the first of several new modification types being rolled out for verified leases through the overall Change Management feature.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Improved the clarity of the error message a user receives upon attempting to create ‘Actuals’ audit notes when they have not yet setup their Reporting Origination Date
  • Fixed issue where generating audit notes with the Payment Offset and Actual Reporting fields set to ‘No’ was producing incorrect results for any bond issued within the Fiscal Year for which the audit note was generated
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for Admins and Members to delete phone numbers from existing Contacts via the Edit Lease form
  • Added payment frequencies for the Step Payment feature in order to provide further flexibility
  • Added a lease import validation to require numeric values for fields in the Restatement section of the lease input template
  • Fixed issue impacting Schedules bucket view where dates next to the ‘Total’ schedule were disappearing when navigating between buckets of schedules
  • Fixed issue where the Create New Profile modal window was still being displayed after successfully creating a new profile

September 21, 2022

Debt Payment Offset

Payment Offset gives users the ability to create a payment schedule “offset” from the stated due dates. Users can utilize this new “offset schedule” when viewing debt service schedules in both the detail and bucket views. Users can also utilize their Offset Schedule when preparing their audit notes.

Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to export the “Actuals” Debt Service Accounting Schedule
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the presentation of the Lease Liability and Lease Asset values within the initial “Profile Summary” tab view, the related export file and the “View All Leases” view to show only the Lease Liability column and include the “Profile as of” date’s activity

September 14, 2022

Premium/Discount Amortization & Custom Milestones

Premium/Discount Amortization

This feature gives users the ability to generate their Premium/Discount amortization schedule in the application and export related journal entries based on either Straight-Line or Effective Interest Rate Amortization methods.

Custom Milestones

This feature gives users the ability to create their own event reminders in DebtBook, providing them with a consolidated calendar system to track any significant event related to their debt portfolio.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue within the main Contacts tab where Phone, Note and Assigned columns were not sorting correctly
  • Fixed issue where Admin Users were able to access URLs for edit pages within Profiles not owned by their organization
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Moved Milestone Settings and Custom Milestones from the organization level Admin Settings to Profile Settings
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where the Accrued Interest and Interest Expense Balance columns within all lease schedules were being calculated incorrectly
  • Fixed issue affecting the Individual Lease Detail export where Lease Asset and Deferred Inflow of Resources were not fully amortized at Lease End Date for leases with a start date on the last day of the month
  • Fixed issue where the Journal Entries were not balancing for leases with a higher interest amount than what is represented within the Lease Payment
  • Fixed issue where unanswered Lease Determination Questions were displayed incorrectly as “No” instead of “N/A” within the Individual Lease Detail export

September 8, 2022

All Journal Entry Export

We’ve enhanced the Reporting functionality on the Leases side of the application with a Journal Entries option. Users now have the ability to generate customized and comprehensive journal entry exports from their profile in preparation for their financial reporting.

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced the Guest experience by adding a more intuitive empty state message on the Profiles page.
  • Updated the Support Center link and table padding on the Manage Guest Permissions page within Profile Settings.
  • Replaced the “—” character with blanks for all numeric fields in the application exports.
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the Payment Reporting page and related exports to sort payments by Series name when multiple Payments fall on the same date.
  • Fixed issue with Accrued Interest Activity Journal Entries on periods before payment dates.
  • Fixed issue impacting the Milestones Timeline on the Dashboard where clicking the ‘View Issue’ hyperlink for the Call Dates milestone type was taking the user to a blank Issue Detail page.
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Fixed issue where marking payments as paid at a date subsequent to the scheduled Fiscal Year End was causing the Audit Notes - Actual exports to display incorrect beginning balances in the Roll forward tabs.

August 31, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated the spacing around the three-dot action button within the table on all Contacts pages throughout the application
  • Updated the styling of selections within the action menu dropdowns on several pages throughout the application
  • Fixed issue where the Payments Reporting pages were not loading for Guests
  • Added tooltips throughout various pages on the Leases side of the application
  • Added a tooltip to the Guest Permissions page on the Leases side of the application
  • Removed "and depreciation expense" phrase from the revenue activity description within the Full Accrual Journal Entry export for Lessor 'Lease' type leases without an underlying asset schedule
  • Removed the ability for Guests to create Lease Profiles
  • Fixed issue where "Ownership-Transfer-Contract" lease type was being applied when the lease type should be “Lease” and removed the "Ownership-Transfer-Contract" lease type from the app
  • Fixed issue where 'Create Lease' modal was preventing user from adding Non-GASB 87 leases

August 24, 2022

New Option for Debt Bucket View Exports

New option for Debt bucket view exports

We’ve split out our bucket view export into “Accounting” and “Debt Service” options for their respective uses. The “Accounting” export reflects the current export from the bucket view, inclusive of debt service schedules with Accrued Interest and Interest Expense fields and additional tabs for journal entries for the set period. The new “Debt Service” export option strips all accounting fields out of the export, giving you a cleaner view of just the debt service for each selected series you export.

Roll-Forward Tables by Purpose

Audit Notes now include a Roll Forward by Purpose tab. When creating and downloading the Audit Notes export, you will now see a new Roll Forward by Purpose tab which builds roll forward tables based on the Purpose dimension of your profile, supplementing the existing Roll Forward by Activity and Roll Forward by Fund tables. To generate this new tab, you must source your Audit Notes on "Scheduled".

Search functionality for Leases

We’ve enhanced the Leases side of the application with search functionality. Users now have the ability to search for lease components across all profiles within their organization based on the Lease Component Name.

Improvements and Fixes

Global Improvements and Fixes
  • Added the ability for Members of an organization to resend invitations to Guest users by clicking the new Resend Invite link on the Guest Permissions page
  • Added a security measure to notify users via email when their password has been changed. This will enable them to be alerted in the event their account is compromised or the password is changed inadvertently.
  • Removed the validation that previously required an email input when adding or editing a Contact
Debt Improvements and Fixes
  • Enhanced Debt Audit Notes exports to include a Roll Forward by Purpose tab for scheduled audit notes, which populates from the Purpose dimension in a user's profile
  • Updated the Issue Details tabs to hide values in non-applicable filters
Leases Improvements and Fixes
  • Updated the format of the Lease Details Export to provide more clarity on the lease details included
  • Updated the journal entry exports to ensure that all splits are included within the columns that should display total amounts
  • Updated the Profile Summary calculations to aggregate the depreciation expense for the underlying Lessor lease assets
  • Fixed issue impacting leases with multiple fund allocations where viewing the balances by Fund was causing the Interest Expense and Interest Income balances to calculate incorrectly
  • Fixed issue impacting the beginning and ending balances in Lease schedules
  • Fixed issue where payments marked as paid in Payment Reporting were populating in the incorrect fiscal years within the Audit Notes exports for Leases
  • Fixed issue with the Lease Schedules export where paid 'Variable' and 'Other' payment balances from Payment Reporting were excluded from the Total Schedule
  • Fixed issue where attempting to upload a file via the Create Lease page or the Lease Overview tab was failing despite being under the file size limit
  • Fixed issue on Manage Dimensions page where selecting to hide a dimension caused the dimension to disappear from the page altogether

August 17, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Enhanced the Maturity Detail exports with an additional layer of sorting in order to address instances where multiple Series have the same Dated Date
  • Updated First Period End date to adjust automatically according to any changes in the Frequency modifier in bucket view and Issue detail view
  • Removed the ability to set the Date Range filter to "Current Fiscal Year" in Debt Payment Reporting when Profile filter is set to "All"
  • Fixed issue where GL codes containing a decimal with a zero at the end were incorrectly generating as numeric values instead of text values
  • Fixed issue where grouping Profile Summary data by Purpose produced an incorrect "Grouped by" header in the related export
  • Fixed issue where the currently viewed issue’s End Date was set to a previously viewed Issue’s End Date


  • Added new charts to display unallocated lease data within the applicable sections of the Audit Note export
  • Added the ability to simultaneously upload multiple documents to Payment and Receipt records within Leases Payments Reporting
  • Updated the available fields on the Edit Lease form to hide the "Maximum Lease Term" field for month-to-month and year-to-year leases, both in the app and in the related export
  • Fixed issue on the Edit Lease form where setting “Month-to-Month or Year-to-Year" field to “Yes” produced an error within the Lease Term section but did not specify which field caused the error

August 10, 2022

Actuals Audit Notes for Leases

Head into audit with confidence with the Actuals Audit Notes export. Whereas Scheduled Audit Notes report balances according to scheduled payment dates, Actuals uses your recorded payment dates from Payments Reporting to calculate Audit Notes balances. This is critical for accurate reporting when your payments differ from the Scheduled basis.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed issue within Payment Reporting where selecting a group of payments and updating any of the applied filters failed to clear the previously selected payments and disable bulk action options
  • Fixed issue where series with bifurcations could not be expanded into detail views
  • Fixed issue within DTC Paying Agent Report where Series were not listed in alphanumeric order
  • Fixed issue within "Actuals" Audit Notes where the Current Portion column of the Roll Forward tables reflected a negative balance despite the Balance as of Fiscal Year End being $0
  • Fixed issue within Audit Notes where payments marked as Paid after the given Fiscal Year End Date incorrectly generated $0 values in the Current Portion and Accrued Interest columns of the Roll Forward tables
  • Fixed issue within the Issue Detail view where the Split dropdown did not display Outstanding Par amounts for Splits


  • Added charts to the Lease bucket view pages so users can now toggle between schedules and charts when filtering and reviewing their data
  • Added the ability to export charts only within Audit Notes for Leases
  • Added the ability for Admins, Members and Viewers to have view-only access to Profile Settings for Profiles not owned by their Organization
  • Added the ability for Admins and Members to select and delete an entire piece of text when editing Disclosures
  • Updated the "Payable From" column header to "Payable To" for the chart within the "Lease - Lessor Footnote" tab of the Audit Note export
  • Fixed issue where users were able to create a new lease without answering all of the required determination questions
  • Fixed issue where exporting Bucket View with the "Actual" frequency produced blank journal entry tabs for periods with no allocated activity

August 3, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Added a tooltip to provide Admins with more information about enabling 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) for their organization


  • Updated the error message we show users when attempting to save profile details with a blank Fiscal Year End to state that it is required
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to un-favorite issues from the Schedules view and the Favorites tab
  • Fixed tooltip text box placement on charts accessed via Profile Summary and Summary by pages


  • Updated the wording of the default Disclosures paragraph in Individual Lease View and related exports to remove "principal and interest" phrase
  • Updated the profile name reference within the default Disclosures paragraph to pull from the editable profile display name within the Profiles tab
  • Fixed issue where exporting Bucket View with a scheduled Frequency and an End Date set past the end of schedule activity produced blank journal entry tabs for periods with no allocated activity

July 27, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed issue where user-uploaded documents were attributed as uploaded by System instead of the user. Documents uploaded July 7-26, 2022 are impacted.
  • Fixed issue on Contacts where users could not view contacts associated with Profiles not owned by their Organization


  • Added the ability to export Maturity Details "as of" a specified date so users can limit reporting to outstanding obligations or other date range
  • Removed inapplicable “Total” values from Accrued Interest and Interest Expense columns in bucket view flyouts
  • Fixed issue where series with bifurcations could not be expanded into detail views
  • Fixed issue where disabled ‘Milestones’ access blocked Guests from accessing any Issue’s Overview tab. Guests without the Milestones permission may now see the Overview tab with the Milestones chart hidden.


  • Added a 'Triannual' Payment Frequency option for lease components where payments are made three times a year
  • Added tooltips throughout the Create/Edit Lease form to enable better self-service
  • Added validation to the Create/Edit Lease form to prevent users from saving after deleting all lease components
  • Updated lease schedule exports to include columns for Accrued Interest and Interest Expense/Income Balance
  • Updated the "Payable From" column header to "Payable To" for the chart within the "Lease - Lessor Footnote" tab of the Audit Note export
  • Fixed issue where changing a lease type from Material to Immaterial or vice versa caused a broken lease schedule
  • Fixed issue where navigating from Compare All Schedules to any lease component cleared the End Date filter
  • Fixed issue in the Contacts export where archived lease components were added to contacts' Assigned components count

July 20, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Enhanced the Audit Log with new fields and filters which make it easier for Admins to filter and understand user and system events
  • Fixed text alignment issues in Bucket view pages


  • Added back missing totals for Principal, Interest, Total and Annual Total on the Debt Service tab in Issue Details
  • Fixed text alignment in the Profiles list. Text values should be left-aligned and numbers and dates should be left right-aligned throughout the application.


  • Added Related Items tab and Disclosures tab to Individual Lease Details export 
  • Added the ability for Admins and Members to override the General Ledger number with a blank value and to revert back to the system-generated GL number via the "Edit GL Numbers" view
  • Added the ability for Admins and Members to edit and delete assets directly through the Assets tab within the individual lease detail view
  • Fixed grammatical errors in the field names within the Variable Payment section of Edit Lease Information page
  • Fixed issue where leading or trailing spaces in the Dimension name caused an error when attempting to download the Bulk Import template. Extra leading or trailing spaces will be automatically removed when saving changes to Dimension names.
  • Fixed issue on Profile Summary where the bottom-most item in View All Leases was hidden by the Compare Schedule and Bulk Edit Selected Leases action bar when selecting any item 

July 13, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Enhanced the Profile Summary export with additional data displayed in the app but not previously included in the export: Use of Proceeds, Series Description, Tax Status and Interest Type
  • Updated DTC report permissions so only Admins and Members in an organization that owns the Profile may update its DTC reports
  • Fixed issue in Issue Details where a Note created in the Overview Tab was not displayed on the Debt Service tab
  • Fixed issue where users could not record Payments in their Organization's owned Profiles
  • Fixed issue where unanswered Lease Determination Questions were displayed incorrectly as "No" instead of "N/A" within the Individual Lease Export
  • Fixed issue in Payment Reporting where 'Payment Method' field in the Individual Payment view displayed Bank Draft regardless of the user’s selection when marked as Paid
  • Hid "Inflows of Resources not Previously Included within the Lease Receivable" and "Outflows of Resources not Previously Included within the Lease Liability" Audit Note charts. They were prematurely released and will be made visible with the release of Audit Notes - Actuals.

July 7, 2022

Easier document uploads

We've added the ability to simultaneously upload multiple files to Issues and Leases in the Overview tab. This makes it easier for organizations to import batches of files, e.g. when uploading all of the documents that make up a debt issue's transcript.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed issue where updating Profile as of failed to update First Period End in Debt Service details when navigating from bucket view
  • Fixed issue where the Notifications page displayed an incomplete list of Profiles attached to Organizations with a large number of Profiles
  • Fixed issue causing Issue details page to load inefficiently
  • Fixed issue preventing verification of payments when allocating $0 to a split
  • Fixed issue where Lease Schedules reloaded unnecessarily when exporting data
  • Added validation to lease allocations to ensure they sum to 100% exactly
  • Fixed issue where existing lease components could not be deleted
  • Fixed issue in Lease Schedule view, bucket view and exports where lease schedule values were missing when a lease component had a delayed payment
  • Removed the ability for Members to add related leases if their Organization does not own the Profile
  • Added a journal entry within the Lessee Journal Entry export for the reduction of the Lease Asset at the Lease End Date
  • Fixed issue where additional Modified Accrual Lessee reconciliation entries were included in exports beyond the filtered date range
  • Added the ability to set a GL Account Display Name in journal entry exports to align with an organization’s preferred naming convention
  • Fixed table padding issue on the Manage Members member list

June 29, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Actuals Audit Notes where Outstanding Amounts in the credit type tabs were not calculated correctly based on Payment Reporting Settings
  • Updated DTC exports to display payment amounts up to only two decimal places
  • Updated the Issues page export to show Par amounts to two decimal places for more accuracy
  • Fixed the issue where filters were cleared when updating any filter option to "All" on the Leases page
  • Added the Lease Determination Questions to the lease edit fields to allow visibility on the responses provided
  • Fixed issue where Immaterial leases were presenting the full Lease Liability & Lease Asset / Lease Receivable & Deferred Inflow of Resources schedules. Immaterial leases now present the payment or receipt schedule.
  • Added the ability to bulk edit draft and unverified leases statuses

June 23, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Added the ability for users to remove phone numbers from debt and lease contacts
  • Fixed issue where Roll-Forward by Fund tables weren't showing Additions
  • Fixed Accrued Interest Balance and Interest Expense Balance labeling issue in Debt Service details
  • Removed the duplicate Previously Processed option in Payments Reporting's Payments filter
  • Fixed issues limiting functionality on the Issuers page in App Admin and when creating or editing User Notes in Profile Summary that limited functionality
  • Fixed table alignment on the Manage Dimensions settings page
  • Added instructions to the General Ledger Bulk Edit Import Template directing the user not to change the order of the columns within the template, otherwise the import will fail
  • Fixed a bug preventing users from deleting leases
  • Improved the formatting of the lease audit notes export
  • Improved the presentation of the lease application's Reporting Audit Notes feature
  • Fixed a bug preventing users from seeing schedules when navigating to bucket view from the individual lease details page
  • Updated the background of the lease details page when optional items are added and deleted

June 16, 2022

Multiple GL String Functionality

Users are now able to create multiple general ledger string formats and assign them to individual accounts. All general ledger formats are now visible in a new tab labeled 'Manage GL Formats' in Profile Settings.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added Original Par Amount to the Profiles list
  • Addressed technical debt and updated the presentation of Issue details pages
  • Improved handling of user app navigation when an Organization does not have a default Profile set or any attached Profiles
  • Fixed issue where email notifications were missing Series name and description
  • Fixed issue where Actuals-based Audit Notes didn't pull in Actual Balance from ACFR in Payment Reporting Settings
  • Fixed the issue where Admins could not manage Guest Permissions


  • Added the ability for users to add lease assets directly through the Assets tab within the lease profile
  • Added reasonable certainty explanation text boxes for lessee lease purchase and termination options
  • Leases are now required to have at least one lease component. When the user creates a new lease, the first lease component is now visible by default.

June 8, 2022

Lease Payment Reporting

Payment reporting is a key enhancement that allows users to track and manage lease payments and receipts within their lease profile. Users are now able to track all variable payment and receipt portions within the application, as well as payment dates for all payments and receipts. These details will provide users updated schedules and journal entries.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added dimension totals for Original Par Amount in Profile Summary exports
  • Fixed Payments reporting issue where selecting Date Range "All" would ignore all other filter selections
  • Fixed Payments reporting issue where Unverified payments had a blank status on the list page
  • Fixed the issue where schedules ended early in bucket view due to use of the minimum final maturity date among all the series splits as the issue’s final maturity date
  • Fixed issue causing duplicate projects to appear in Profile Summary
  • Added validations within the lease input template and application to prevent duplicate external_ids from being created (Lease profile names must be unique within the Organization, Lease names must be unique within the Profile, and Lease component names must be unique within a Lease)
  • Added a confirmation modal when lease changes are applied to leases with verified payments
  • Updated the modified accrual conversion entries to include full asset values within subsequent reporting periods
  • Updated the tooltip on Step Payment Increases to match the tooltip style used across the app
  • Fixed a bug preventing members from downloading and importing GL codes
  • Fixed formatting issues in Profile Summary exports
  • Users will see a “Link has expired” message when clicking on an expired source link instead of code

June 2, 2022

Debt reporting enhancements

Export underlying chart data to Excel

Until today, users could only export app-generated charts as images. We have added the ability to export the underlying chart data to Excel. You can use the export to create and customize charts in any application that can open an Excel file. Issuers and Professionals alike can customize data formatting to align with your needs and presentation standards.

Bulk record Verified payments as Paid

We have expanded bulk actions in Payments Reporting so you can record multiple Verified payments as Paid. Issuers who have multiple Series they pay on the same day and same wire no longer need to mark each individual Series as paid.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added the ability for Admins to set and update FYE in the Profile list
  • Enhanced DTC reporting with sorted Status filters, sorted and clickable Series on the details pages, and text wrapping on the Summary table
  • Fixed issue where certain lease term inputs were causing create/edit lease page to become unresponsive
  • Added a column to the Asset tab within the individual lease details and within the export that calculates Beginning Lease Asset Value (Lessee) / Beginning Lease Asset Value (Lessor)
  • Improved sorting within the lease listings located within the application's profile summary
  • Improved display of lease splits within the Schedules tab
  • Updated the default sorting for the Leases tab to be based on the Lease Component name instead of the Lease Name

May 25, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed the issue causing the Contacts page to become unresponsive due to a missing phone number
  • Updated issue descriptions in payment detail exports to wrap instead of overrunning a single line
  • Removed the Create New Profile button from the Profiles list
  • Added Original Par Amount to Profile Summary app views and exports
  • Sorted the Profiles selector alphabetically in the Create Notes modal
  • Fixed the second modal in the Create Notes flow to reflect the proper dropdown style
  • Removed the % sign from Call Price in bucket view and bucket view exports
  • Fixed the issue where the "Semi-Annual" frequency filter did not display the full text when selected
  • Fixed the issue where navigating from a Summary by X bucket view to a chart cleared out the End Date filter
  • Simplified the conditions of the Maturity Detail report exports to always show Rate, Yield, and Price if defined/calculable
  • Fixed the issue where the Guest Permissions menu option appeared to organizations that don't own the profile. Users could not access the page but saw an error message.
  • Fixed the issue causing the Lease Dashboard to display incorrect data under Lease Purchase Options
  • Concurrent recalculation of lease schedules no longer cause errors
  • Fixed the issue causing duplicate lease components to show in the dashboard
  • Updated the filter behavior on the Individual Lease Page to remain sticky throughout the user's session
  • Updated the table header alignment on the Individual Lease Schedule pages for Lessee and Lessor 'lease' type leases
  • Updated lease reporting note export feature to include more precise commenced lease information within note creation prompts
  • Updated purchase options titles when multiple purchase options were added within the lease input details

May 18, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Added the ability for Members to view and edit the dimension and general ledger settings within the Lease application
  • Updated the empty state messaging in the tables on Profile Summary, bucket view and individual schedule view lease pages when results do not show due to the filters applied
  • Updated table formatting on lease Audit Notes tables
  • Removed blank flyout menus from the leases Schedules navigation menu
  • Improved error handling and messaging of failed document retrieval during the debt and lease template import process
  • Enabled AWS Region support for disaster recovery data migrations

May 12, 2022

Generate and record DTC Paying Agent reports with ease

We have rolled out a reporting workflow for issuers who act as their own paying agent. Similar to the Payments Reporting workflow, the DTC Paying Agent Report allows you to prepare and update the status of reports you submit to DTC. Review and select series for the prepared report, export in a uniform manner and send to DTC With the confidence that all your CUSIPs are accounted for.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated password settings to accommodate passwords that are seemingly random and meet specific criteria
  • Fixed issue in Bucket View where splits displayed the issue's final maturity date instead of the split's
  • Updated Profile Summary to display each split's final maturity date rather than the overall issue's final maturity date
  • Fixed the issue where Frequency and First Period End were reset when navigating from debt detail view to a Summary bucket view
  • Added the ability to sort all columns on the Leases tab
  • Assigned default accounting methods with each activity type in the Create/Edit Lease modals
  • The GL import template now has the same validations around dimension names that currently exist within the application
  • Changed the Lease ID in the database for Cancellable leases to 'Non-GASB 87 Lease'

May 5, 2022

Debt Accounting Enhancements

We are continually expanding our accounting capabilities to support your operations and methods, both in and out of DebtBook.

Added 30/360 Interest Basis selection

We have added a 30/360 interest accrual option to support client obligations and accounting methods. You can now choose between “Actual/Actual” and “30/360” Accrued Interest Basis options in Accounting Settings.

Expanded Accrued Interest and Interest Expense and added Journal Entry Recognition Basis

We have added accrued interest “activity” to enable clients to book journal entries by activity. You can see Accrued Interest and Interest Expense Activity and Balances in the app in debt schedules and bucket view flyouts. You can now choose between “Activity” and “Balance” Journal Entry Recognition Basis options in Accounting Settings to determine how journal entries are prepared in exported schedules.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added comment fields to allow users to document the rationale for assumptions made within the lease details
  • Removed the loader on the Profile Summary page when the lessee or lessor filter is applied to a profile without lessee or lessor leases

April 27, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed issue where Debt bucket view did not display properly on smaller screens or narrow browser widths
  • Simplified the conditions of the Maturity Detail report in the app to always show Rate, Yield, and Price if defined/calculable
  • Fixed issue in Debt Reporting Notes where State Loans were not designated as “Publicly Sold” or “Notes for Direct Borrowings and Direct Placements”
  • Cleaned up formatting on the Allocations tab in debt details
  • Fixed issue in the Debt Payments list where the Date Range filter option "All" reset to "Next 90 Days" when going into a payment detail and navigating back
  • Added further detail regarding the impacted Lease Component Name and Internal Lease Identifier to each applicable Audit Log entry
  • Added the Non-lease Component to the Lease Payment and Lease Receipt sections of the lease schedule for further visibility regarding the Non-lease Components impact to the Lease Receipt and Lease Payment fields
  • Extended the link access for each source file link, within the Lease Details Export excel file, to 30 days
  • Included the cancelable lease term within the details export for month-to-month or year-to-yer leases
  • Added the ability for users to designate Draft leases as Verified leases without having to first assign an Unverified status
  • Updated the display of negative values throughout the application to be shown in brackets
  • Improved the functionality of the Payment End Date field within the Non-lease component edit lease section

April 20, 2022

Create Scheduled Lease audit notes

Create Scheduled Lease audit notes

You can now export financial reporting information for all verified Lessee and Lessor “Lease” type and “Regulated Lease” type leases. This export contains lease specific disclosure paragraphs relating to the underlying lease details and lease schedules, as well as roll-forward tables of lease activity. To accommodate users that have leases with additional disclosure requirements, users can view and edit their system-generated disclosure paragraphs from the Disclosures tab within Individual Lease Details. All changes made to individual disclosure paragraphs will be included when generating the audit note export from the Audit Notes tab.

Manage historic payments

DebtBook continues to make it easier to accurately record and manage payments. We have added the ability to bulk update payments that precede implementation on DebtBook as "Previously Processed". This new status is distinct from Verified in that users can acknowledge that previous payments have been processed without tying out every payment in granular detail. To build out a comprehensive record, users can still mark historic payments as Verified and Paid.

Improvements and Fixes

  • When adding a new dimension, the visibility setting now defaults to 'Allocations Only' if the profile already contains the maximum number of visible dimensions
  • Updated the Profile selector in the secondary navigation bar to be sorted alphabetically
  • Updated bucket view exports to display "—" instead of 0s for easier data consumption and consistency with the app views
  • Fixed the autocomplete functionality of the Profile selectors in Payments Reporting and Audit Notes

April 13, 2022

Manage your profile’s contacts

We recently introduced the ability to add contacts to individual debt and lease obligations. We have now rolled out the complete feature allowing you to manage contacts at the profile level via the Contacts tab. View, manage and export contacts from a central location. Contacts automatically stay in sync so your team can easily manage debt and leases, not people.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated name of the “Notes” tab to “Audit Notes”
  • Simplified the Files card in the debt detail and lease issue component Overview tabs. The file list now shows the file Name, Date Uploaded and File Size.
  • Fixed issue where Bond Issues that have a Dated Date later than Reporting Origination Date displayed an incorrect Outstanding Amount on Credit Type roll-forward tables
  • Truncated long series descriptions in bucket view to fix issue of misaligned schedule buckets in bucket view. They now end in (...) instead of wrapping to new lines.
  • Added the ability for users to associate governmental and business activity types to modified or full accounting methods within Lease Fund GL codes
  • Added the ability for users to search for an existing contact through the Contacts tab when creating or editing a lease
  • ‘Cancelable’ lease types are now labeled as ‘Non-GASB 87 Lease’ lease type, and two additional determination questions have been added to the Create lease modal to support this change
  • Fixed a bug causing lease types to be labeled incorrectly throughout various lease pages
  • Added the ability to set first payment, second payment and payment end dates for non-lease components
  • Updated the sorting for Account GL Codes
  • The Override Lease Type options were corrected to ensure that only the applicable Lease Types are available for Lessor and Lessee leases

April 6, 2022

Analyze your debt service with maturity-level details

Each issue is a collection of maturities complete with their own attributes beyond principal and interest payments in the debt service schedule. We’ve created the Maturity Detail report to expose the underlying data and attributes for every maturity in your profile. View and export key data on a maturity-by-maturity level like CUSIPs, coupon, yield and call date; accurately report for continuing disclosure; and conduct advanced data analysis on a granular level across your entire debt portfolio.

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Maturity Detail tab via issue details

You can access this report at the series level in an individual issue’s details, or download a bulk maturity detail report from the Issues index page. Head to DebtBook’s Support Center to learn more.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated the display of Call Price throughout the app and exports to remove the percent sign and show three decimal places; added a Redemption Options card to the Debt detail Overview tab
  • Fixed an issue where exports for Audit Notes to Financial Statements were failing
  • Removed the “$” sign from Outstanding Par Amount values in the Profiles list
  • Fixed issue causing Maximum Lease Term to display as incorrect value in the Lease Input Details export. Added Total Lease Term to the export
  • Added the ability for users to edit the Lease name within the Basic Entity Information tab in the Create/Edit Lease form
  • Updated journal entries for "Lease Incentives Paid After Commencement" field & "Lease Incentives Received After Commencement"
  • Dimension overview pages and filters now show properly within Profile Summary for Lease profiles

March 30, 2022

Customize the first period length in a debt schedule

 We have added a new date dimension that gives you greater control of your data in bucket and debt detail views. The addition of First Period End allows you to set a short or long first period in the schedule. This enables both Issuers and Professionals to answer the fundamental question of what outstanding debt service is as of a specific date, not just the debt service in standard periods.

Head to DebtBook’s Support Center to learn how to access and use this feature.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where setting Payment Reporting’s date range filter to Current Fiscal Year would filter the past year
  • Fixed the issue where modifying Profile as of or Frequency would update End Date to the current date
  • Updated sorting on lease component lists throughout lease pages to sort alphanumerically
  • Updated the width of the Lease Details cells within the Lease Details export to show the full value within each cell
  • Updated dropdown fields within the Allocations section to allow users to deselect their allocation selection
  • Updated the Draft Leases tab on the Lease Profile Dashboard to only show when draft leases exist

March 23, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated the order of the secondary navigation bar so Issues or Leases display after Profile Summary and Schedules
  • Added the ability for users to manually override the lease type automatically assigned by the system
  • Adjusted the placement of the horizontal scroll bar within the GL Numbers table on the Lease Details > Overview tab to make it easier to scroll
  • Updated copy in the Contacts tab in Debt detail and Lease Component detail for extra clarity
  • Fixed the broken support link for Reporting Origination Date in Debt Payment Reporting Settings
  • Updated Issuer CUSIPs that were entered incorrectly or corrupted during the import process

March 16, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed accrued interest calculations when a refunding bullet payment is included within the bond schedule. We now support Advanced Refunding, Partial Current Refunding, and Full Current Refunding bullet payments.
  • Removed the Lease Value column (underlying asset dollar value) from the Assets tab within the Lease Details export

March 10, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

We have updated the Create/Edit lease form and made other miscellaneous improvements:

  • Removed the ability to add dollar values as an allocation type on the Create/Edit lease form
  • Added the ability to Allocate the % to four decimal places on the Credit/Edit lease form
  • Second payment field in the Create/Edit lease form no longer automatically populates based on the frequency and can now be left blank
  • Fixed a bug preventing source documents from opening from the Lease Input Details export
  • Fixed a bug causing the values within the Split dropdown on lease Schedule pages to show 'Split 1 of null' instead of 'Split 1 of 1'
  • Updated the technical implementation process to store most ACFRs in the DebtBook cloud which ensures users can access it from Profile Summary

March 2, 2022

Contacts for Debt Management

You can now add your contacts to Debt issues. Adding anyone associated with the issue–your FA, bond counsel, bank or trustee, just to name a few–allows you to maintain a system of record of who is responsible for inquiries and ongoing operational support of the debt obligation.

Debt contacts are especially helpful in the common occurrence of reconciling incorrect invoices with the app’s calculated totals. You no longer need to shuffle through spreadsheets, address books or ask around your department to figure out who to reach in order to resolve an invoice discrepancy. You can simply go to the Issue and its contacts directly from the payment to identify who to reach for resolution.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed a calculation issue of Lease IIR in the edit form caused when a payment increases schedule item is specified without start date and end date

February 24, 2022

GL Numbers Table Updates

GL Numbers Table Updates

Users can now select more than two optional items from the menu within the GL Numbers table on Lease Details > Overview tab, which allows users to override more than 2 account GL codes at a time. Additionally, it will allow users to view any combination of custom dimensions and accounts within the table.

We updated table formatting to show table columns and Optional Items alpha-numerically and based on dimension visibility. Visible dimensions always show first, followed by 'Allocations Only' dimensions, then Accounts.

View Upcoming Payments on the Debt Dashboard

We enhanced the Debt Dashboard’s Payments card to show upcoming unverified, verified and confirmed payments. Users can refer to this as a point of entry to stay on top of making and tracking payments. The Payments card spans the full width of the page as we removed the Suggested card.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Separated draft and unverified leases into different tabs on the Lease profile dashboard
  • Updated the Bucket View export by fixing a bug that showed incorrect labels and added the corresponding dimension label
  • Removed the Dollar Value field in the Underlying Assets section in the Create/Edit lease form and on the Assets tab within Lease Details
  • Added user instructions to the GL Import template
  • Updated cell formatting in GL Code columns within the GL Import template to allow users to add GL codes that begin with '0'
  • Updated a debt Issue’s details to show a source is “Not Provided” instead of being blank if a source document is not uploaded or designated for the issue
  • Fixed an issue where Debt payments that occur after the set Fiscal Year End are not ignored when calculating the outstanding balance in actual audit notes
  • Fixed a page loading issue caused by setting “Profile as of” beyond the final maturity date or by setting certain combinations of “Profile as of” and “End Date” in some cases of viewing splits
  • Implemented a denylist that prevents use of easy to guess passwords or those that have been previously exposed in a data breach.

February 16, 2022

Lease App Enhancements

We have enhanced the Lease app with many features from journal entry booking and bulk GL code management to improvements in usability.

  • Added a journal entry booking to recognize incentive and prepayment activity for Non-GASB 87 Lessor and Lessee leases
  • Added a journal entry booking for Lessor deposit amounts, and updated the journal entry for Lessor non-refundable deposits
  • Added the ability to view incentives and payments at commencement separately from those that occurred before commencement for Lessee and Lessor leases. Also added new accounts for Lease Incentive Expense and Lease Incentive Income to GL Settings.
  • Column headers for lessor lease schedules and exports now say ‘Receipts’ instead of ‘Payments’
  • Unallocated leases now show in bucket view and reflect the correct asset and liability schedule values
  • Removed column headers on the individual lease schedule tab when no data is available within the selected filters
  • Updated the row height on the Profiles tab to be consistent across org-owned and not owned profiles
  • Added lessee/lessor column to the export file on the Leases tab
  • Users can now bulk import and add duplicate GL Codes in GL Settings
  • Updated lease default restatement and implementation dates

February 9, 2022

Bulk Import and Edit General Ledger Codes

Bulk Import and Edit General Ledger Codes

We have enhanced the Lease app with the ability to bulk import and editing of GL codes. This makes setting up and editing GL codes easier and faster. You can still add and edit codes individually within each dimension in your profile. You can download a template which is pre-populated with your existing data, apply changes and then upload the template to apply these changes in bulk. Creating and editing GL codes can be done in the same template.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed actuals calculations in reporting notes that occurred when payments were prepaid
  • Updated Lease Schedule export to show Variable Payments Based on an Index
  • Fixed the Add Related Item dropdown list in Leases to populate from the correct profile
  • Removed the copyright disclaimer from the app as it was blocking access to navigation items
  • Added “Lessee or Lessor” filter and column to Lease components list
  • Fixed display issue in the debt service Split dropdown where totals overlapped with allocations in a long list making it difficult to read
  • Fixed issue affecting the visibility of assigned profiles

February 2, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

We have made various improvements to the Lease app:

  • Updated organization permissions to allow only users in organizations that own a profile to create and edit leases
  • Implemented a variety of small improvements to lease journal entries
  • Updated lease exports to replace special characters in Lease names with an underscore
  • Fixed an error that prevented leases from being imported into production and test environments
  • Type filter now reflects the correct lease types for Lessee and Lessor leases
  • Updated lease restatement and implementation date fields to default to the correct dates
  • Updated an alignment display issue in extension options container in Create/Edit lease form
  • Added the ability for users to add a combination of step payment increase types
  • Applied various infrastructure improvements for background jobs processing

January 26, 2022

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated lease interest rates to accept up to 4 decimal points
  • Fixed issue where type filter on Lease Profile Summary page did not clear when changing Lessee/Lessor filter
  • Updated Total calculations in Schedule exports to show actual sums to two decimal points
  • Fixed issue where Notes were not visible from the Details cards in Schedule view
  • Removed visibility of (empty) Settings menu for Guest users

January 19, 2022

Manage documents, contacts, and users

Improved Document Management

We have enhanced how we process and manage documents which enables you to store and reference them in more productive ways.

  • Importing Files During Template Upload (Onboarding and Updates)
    In the onboarding and profile update processes, files referenced in debt and lease input templates will now be “imported” into our storage buckets and associated with client organizations. This will enable additional functionality and control over these assets within the application. Files can be referenced from an internal Google Drive share or a third party site like EMMA.
  • Attach Multiple Files to Debt and Lease Obligations
    Document storage has historically been confined to a single file associated with the Source Link. With this update, you have the ability to upload multiple files for a particular obligation and designate one as a source. You and your team can store anything related to an obligation all in one place—OS, transcripts, disclosures, rebate reports, etc—and be confident that you are referring to the same data as they are stored in the app.
  • Attach Supporting Documents to Payment Detail
    Clients typically have supporting documentation that is associated with payments like an invoice, wire cover sheet or some other authorization. With the addition of a Files card, you can now upload this documentation to keep all related files related to the payment grouped in this part of their workflow.

Manage Contacts Related to Lease Components

Profile owners can now create and update lease contacts without submitting requests to the implementation team. You can add and manage contacts that are associated with lease obligations using the UI on the Lease Component detail page. This functionality is currently in development for Debt and will be available shortly.

Domain Allow List for Organizations

We've introduced a new setting to improve the management controls and security of internal User and external Guest accounts. You can specify domains that must be used for User accounts (e.g. no personal Gmail accounts). Accounts not matching the allowed domain list may be added as Guests. This level of control ensures that all parties—whether internal to the Organization or supporting Guests like FAs, bond counsel, etc—have the appropriate level of access to the apps.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added Lease Internal Identifier to table and export file
  • Added pagination to lease profile dropdown
  • Fixed validation bug that occurs after change of Reasonably Certain field in Edit Lease
  • Fixed display of GL codes in lease export files when there are no dashes or spaces
  • Fixed display of Cancelable lease type in filter dropdown
  • Updated the lease implementation input template ingestion process
  • Fixed ability to save/update debt Reporting Origination Date
  • Fixed the display of range values of principal/interest amounts appearing in reporting notes
  • Removed visibility of Manage Guest Permissions page for users who don’t have permissions to manage guests
  • Fixed bug preventing Guest user access
  • Disabled X-Runtime headers to limit the amount of information an attacker may get from requests

January 12, 2022

Lease App Improvements and Fixes

  • Created the Type filter for Schedule pages to control the reporting view of multiple lease types
  • Updated Maximum Lease Term calculations to be based on Lessee and Lessor # of Options
  • Added Total Lease Term to show the lease term used in the schedule
  • Added the ability to bulk export leases and all of their input details
  • Balanced beginning journal entries by removing standalone entries for non-refundable deposits and increasing cash amounts by the amount of the non-refundable deposit

December 28, 2021

Manage profiles in order to create and manage leases post-implementation

We have added the self-service capability for Debt and Lease Admins to create, edit and share Profiles in your organization. This also gives you the ability to create and manage leases in the app post-implementation. Creating a new debt issue will later build upon this as well.

For example: If you are a county issuer you may have distinct Profiles for each city under management. You may assign lease obligations (and later, debt obligations) to Profiles. University systems may do the same with their respective universities or business purposes.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed display rendering errors and timeouts caused by specific date filter combinations
  • Added Lease Internal Identifier to Schedule views and the Overview tab of Lease Component details
  • Fixed display of default Cancelable Lease Term to show 12 months
  • Fixed display issue of lease components missing from Components dropdowns
  • Created journal entries for interest accrual of Business Type and Governmental Type Lessees and Lessors
  • Fixed allocations so they cannot exceed 100% when editing a lease
  • Updated the Lessor’s Termination Option Period label in the Lease Details export’s Termination Options list

December 22, 2021

Lease app Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed Lease Schedule detail view to continue through the full Underlying Asset Schedule instead of stopping at Lease End Date
  • Updated Account Titles for journal entries related to Lessee leases that are Short-Term, Cancelable and Regulated

December 16, 2021

Choose columns to view in Payments Reporting

You now have the ability to toggle which columns the app will display in the Payments Reporting summary page. We have also added Principal, Interest, and Other columns. No matter which columns you toggle in the app view, exports will contain all columns for consistency and clarity of reporting information.

Payments Reporting column picker

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added Profile navigation/selection to the Debt app to match the navigation style in use in the Leases app
  • Fixed issue where incorrect Profile as of date format interfered with calculation and display of Schedule view
  • Fixed the issue preventing a Favorite from being removed
  • Fixed issue where Lease GL codes were not displaying correctly in the GL export if they were defined without spaces or dashes between numbers

December 8, 2021

Lease schedule updates and account access history

Lease Schedule View Updates

Because there are several columns in Schedule view that only relate to Leases that are classified as "Lease" (type) within the application, most of the columns for Short-Term, Cancelable and Regulated lease types do not apply and will not have values. We have removed these extraneous columns when viewing those lease types. “Totals” will only contain values for leases with a “Lease” type as Short-Term, Cancelable and Regulated lease types do not have a Beginning Balance, Interest Expense, or Ending Balance columns.

Account Access History

You can now see your app login history in Privacy & Security. This enables you and your supporting IT organization to ensure only authorized users have accessed the DebtBook application.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added the Type badge next to the lease component name to reflect the dimension the user is viewing
  • Fixed issue where sorting in Profile Summary would reset the columns in view
  • Fixed issue where logged-in users who are removed from the Debt app could access it until manually reloading a page or logging out

December 2, 2021

Simplified Issue navigation and enhanced debt service views

View all Issues in a Profile

Profiles may have obligations that are expired, matured or in different states. Currently, the only way to see items like this is in Profile Summary by rolling back the Profile as of to see what issues existed in the Profile at a given point. The Issues summary page shows an unfiltered list of all obligations on your Profile.

Detailed Debt schedules for allocations

For Obligations with two or more allocation components, you can now view an Issue’s allocation summary in debt service details. Clicking on an Allocation navigates you to the debt service details for that specific component.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added journal entries in the Actual frequency export when an amount is specified in either of the Deposit or Non-Refundable Deposit lease details
  • Updated the Lease Dashboard to show Total Deferred Inflows of Resources as of Today
  • Enhanced the data validation of Lease input templates to further streamline and increase accuracy in the Lease implementation process
  • Added sorting to most columns on Profile Summary
  • Updated Schedule view to cooperate with an updated pagination method
  • Fixed an issue where Schedule view showed ** instead of the actual interest rate for issues that have As Is maturity tables
  • Fixed issue where updated GLs were not reflected in Debt payment reporting exports
  • Fixed issue where clicking a series on Favorites takes the user to a blank page
  • Fixed issue preventing users from disabling MFA or regenerating recovery codes
  • Fixed issue where Schedule view fails when selecting matching values for Profile as of and End Date

November 23, 2021

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated the order in which Actual frequency journal entries for Lessor Leases are displayed
  • Added badges next to the lease component name to reflect the dimension (Fund, Purpose, Department and Custom) a user is viewing
  • Fixed the Totals field when viewing a lease split dropdown
  • Enhanced audit logging for Lease changes
  • Fixed issue where the default setting for Profile as of stopped being applied throughout the Debt app
  • Fixed a display issue where a long list of filters applied to Profile Summary overlapped
  • Fixed a display issue in Schedule view where the Total value for Rate displayed as “Total” instead of a null value

November 18, 2021

View leases in All Lease Components

We have added a listing page containing all lease components. From here, you can go directly to a component to view Lease details.

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All Lease Components

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added option for “All” to Type and Status filters on the Leases/All Lease Components page
  • Updated display and flow of pages and actions containing Org Code by making it appear first to add consistency to the Lease app experience
  • Updated table alignment across the Lease app for improved readability
  • Updated error and empty state messages through the apps for more clarity
  • Fixed issue with Schedule view and exports where Accrued Interest was not included in journal entries on Monthly and Quarterly frequencies
  • Fixed issue when sorting in Lease Schedule details hid optional column selections
  • Fixed issue where Lease Schedules failed to display properly

November 12, 2021

Lease App Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated empty state messaging on the Lease Overview tab’s General Ledger Numbers card and the Edit GL Numbers page for more clarity
  • Fixed issue where Variable Payments and Variable Receipts columns were swapped in a Lease’s Lease Schedule detail

November 9, 2021

View Accrued Interest and Interest Expense in Bucket View flyouts

Due to space limitations, Accrued Interest and Interest Expense used to be available only in schedule exports. We have enhanced Bucket View so you can now view these details in the app. You can click a flyout to expand the schedule and see the additional Accrued Interest and Interest Expense columns. Clicking the flyout again collapses it and returns you to the default view.

Expanding and collapsing a flyout

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed browser Page Titles to reflect a user’s location in the Leases app
  • Added the Type column to Lease Profile Summary
  • Added sorting to Lease Profile Summary
  • Updated status icons and status order to bring consistency to Profile Summary, Schedules, and Create/Edit Lease pages
  • Updated bucket view details cards to show vendors, purchase options and lease end/termination dates beneath their titles
  • Updated the default Interest Basis selection to 30/360 in the Create/Edit Lease flow
  • Fixed the Lease Type dropdown to show the selected type in the Create/Edit Lease flow
  • Added tooltip content for Step Payment Increases on the Create/Edit Lease flow
  • Fixed issue causing specific selections of Lease types in bucket view to show as “All Types”
  • Fixed Dashboard issue causing Lease balances to include payments past the as of date
  • Updated column formatting in Lease bucket view and detail exports
  • Fixed issue causing false identification and removal of duplicates of the Purpose dimension on Leases with multiple allocations during the Lease implementation process
  • Fixed a typo in the Allocations tab of Issue detail exports
  • Fixed issue where dropdowns were hidden behind page elements in Refunding Opportunities

November 2, 2021

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where beginning balances on profile summary did not align with lease detail schedule view balances on the same as of date
  • Added Initial Direct Cost to the first journal entry of applicable Business Type Leases
  • Updated Governmental type journal entries to show Cash / Lease Clearing as a credit instead of Initial Direct Cost as a Debit
  • Fixed issue causing values for Lease Liability and Lease Asset to be swapped when viewing expanded Split menu
  • Fixed issue where the Debit column in Lessor leases journal entry exports showed Beginning Balance values from the Deferred Inflow of Resources schedule rather than the Lease Revenue values
  • Fixed issue in Profile Summary that prevented it from displaying updated Dimension names
  • Fixed typos throughout the Lease app
  • Updated the Debt Payment Reporting index page to use the payment date as a link to the specific payment detail instead of using the Series ID

October 27, 2021

Leases: GASB 87 Compliance Coming Soon

We have implemented a significant amount of functionality that make up a launch candidate for our GASB 87 Lease app. We will start onboarding clients in the coming weeks.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Completely refactored Bucket View to improve performance for profiles of all sizes, especially very large ones with many components
  • Updated email notification preferences to give individual users the ability set email notifications for each profile that is available within their Organization
  • Updated Profile Summary export to provide both grouped and ungrouped data to allow for easier manipulation after export
  • Modified Journal Entry format to correlate entries with specific issues and corresponding dimension
  • Improved use of browser back button to navigate back to screens and modals
  • Implemented lazy loading to Reporting settings to better accommodate large profiles
  • Updated Allocations tab on issue detail and fixed navigation menu so it does not hang off the screen
  • Optimized interest calculations for debt service schedules
  • Updated profile switcher to show full name of organization unless it is extremely long
  • Fixed validation that prevented some profiles from being uploaded due to false positives caused by series modifications

October 7, 2021

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Added several features and improvements to the upcoming Lease app
  • Fixed issue where large profiles attempting to retrieve Reporting Notes did not receive an email with an attachment nor an error message when the request timed out
  • Updated Reporting Notes credit type tabs to be listed in a numbered order to work around an issue caused by an excel limitation on overlapping tab names
  • Fixed issue in Profile Summary where selecting a single item resulted in the selection of multiple items

September 6, 2021

Debt Navigation and Setting Enhancements

Enhanced Profile Summary

We have made significant usability enhancements to Profile Summary to better handle profiles with more complexity and larger result sets. We give you more control over the results that are displayed for the selected dimension and how they’re presented. You can now view all issues grouped by their type, fund, purpose, or project along with the count of issues in each group. Selecting individual groupings, or all, presents an option to view the selected items or compare schedules. This separation allows you to create more specific summary views for analysis in the application or export. New filtering functionality enables you to limit the result set in real-time.

Customize default Profile as of setting

Admins can now set the default Profile as of date to align your Organization and Profiles with your fiscal year or any date you choose. Orienting all Organization users on a default, functional view of your obligations enables more intuitive reporting and analysis in the app.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed rate display for as-is schedules so they render correctly with Annual frequency
  • Improved handling of null values for rate so 0% is not shown in the application when a value is not present
  • Added validation for new edge cases involving payment tracking
  • Added more metadata to audit log export to provide more granular details on changes
  • Added several UI improvements to align with the upcoming release of Leases

August 5, 2021

Enhanced payment reporting with audit ready notes based upon actuals

Updated User Interface

Our user interface for reporting payments has been enhanced to allow us to add in new features and enhancements that are easy to use. You still access payment details through the payment listing as you did before this modification. The payment details will load in a full-screen menu with all of the same controls and elements that appeared in the pop-up window. The orientation is now left-to-right versus top-to-bottom. The image below is a preview of what you'll see as you work through your reporting.

Payment Reporting Details

Reporting Notes Generation Using Actuals
For clients who verify and record payments through the reporting function in DebtBook. The application now automatically produces adjusted Reporting Notes that reflect actual payments compared to the scheduled payments in the debt profile. This is especially valuable for organizations that make additional principal payments or make payments in advance. The updated notes format will now also show additional detail like Interest Paid and Accrued Interest for your reporting period.

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Improvements and Fixes

  • Added ability for users with 2-Factor authentication to generate a new recovery code
  • Improved bucket view presentation of splits that have matured so they do not appear and updated Final Maturity to reflect split end date instead of final maturity of the obligation
  • Added ability to export audit log
  • Fixed presentation of Rate in exports for maturities that have multiple rates in the same period

June 29, 2021

‍Adjust visibility of Milestone types to highlight events that are in focus for your team

You can view milestones for Payments, Call Dates, Continuing Disclosure, Arbitrage Rebate and Other types by default in DebtBook from the Dashboard or Issue Overview tab on issue detail. These items can now be controlled using Milestone Settings found in your Admin area. You have the ability to remove any type entirely, or control visibility for the Dashboard or Issue detail page. This will be especially valuable when custom milestones are released soon.

June 29, 2021

Set fund balances to create accurate reporting notes for year-end

Payment reporting settings are foundational to producing audit notes using “actual” reporting from your DebtBook profile. You will provide a reporting origination date that aligns to a recent fiscal year end, and input your fund balances for your issues as of that date. This will enable us to accurately produce audit notes with up-to-date balances that reflect all of your payment activity reported in DebtBook.  

Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated top navigation with new focus states to improve accessibility and provide better context within the application
  • Added Download link to listing of Reporting Notes to eliminate a step in downloading the export
  • Removed Manage Members from profile settings dropdown to avoid confusion
  • Updated bucket view presentation for splits that matured or expired so empty tables do not display
  • Improved keyboard focus and number entry when editing allocation table fields
  • Improved performance of Reporting Payments listing to ensure pages are not skipped when user scrolls fast
  • Fixed issue preventing user from select their state on the Organization Profile page
  • Fixed alignment of email notifications page
  • Fixed the “last changed” date showing password aging
  • Fixed error that appeared when creating a spread group and removing it quickly

May 18, 2021

Improved presentation of several elements throughout the application and resolved minor issues

  • Improved formatting and presenting of Debt Service Detail export
  • Improved presentation of email notifications to render better across a variety of different email clients
  • Fixed issue that affects individual issue selection on staging
  • Modified component interface that allows that same components to be used on Profile Summary for Debt and Leases
  • Adjusted split modal positioning so it was not covered by the bottom page of the page when showing split on the issue at bottom of the table
  • Fixed access issue for Guests that hid link to view Reporting Notes
  • Added labels to doughnut/pie chart types to show % for each part without having to rollover
  • Fixed chart downloads so any items that deselected do not get included in the image file download

April 28, 2021

Miscellaneous Improvements

Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated UI for Reporting Notes to match styles and use familiar components from other parts of the app
  • Fixed positioning of Split modal window so it is not covered by bottom of page when viewing an issue located in the bottom of the summary table

GL Issues #723, #709, #732, #730

April 22, 2021

Use email notifications to receive reminders about key dates or reminders in advance

Great debt management requires knowing about key events before they happen, so that you have the time to prepare. Users can elect to receive email notifications informing them of key dates or milestones in advance. Each user can specify the different types of notifications they would like to receive and select timing that meets their specific preferences.

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Email Notification Settings

Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated color palette to better conform with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1 Level A/AA)
  • Adjusted timing for new account invitations to last 48 hours vs. 12 hours
  • Improved performance of bucket view for large profiles
  • Updated UI style and patterns for Managing Guests to match other parts of the application

February 19, 2021

Create a Favorites workspace to save charts and issues for reference later or to share with your team

Charts can now be added to the Favorites workspace so you can save your work and refer back to them at any time. We've added the ability to expose your Favorites to other team members for easy access and collaboration. This enables you to effectively create a dashboard that is visible to other team members. You can control access and visibility to your workspace using your account settings.

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Favorites workspace with charts and issues.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Debt Service Requirements table in Reporting Notes that occurred when payments were on last day of fiscal year (#672)
  • Fixed issue that prevented guest users to be re-added after an admin removes them from system (#534)
  • Added Mailchimp integration that updates as users are added/removed (#652)

February 10, 2021

Manipulate your debt service schedules using an End Date to create new views

With the addition of an End Date field, you’ll now have more control over how you manipulate data throughout DebtBook and the views that you can create. By default, we show all debt service details from the Profile as of date through the last payment date for the Series you select. You can look at more specific time slices by simply setting the End Date to a specific point in time to limit or expand your time horizon. The presentation will update automatically and any exported data will automatically inherit this setting.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Improved presentation of Profile Summary Export (#544)
  • Fixed error that occurred with automatic debt service calculation when Dated Date falls on last day of month (#650)
  • Added notifications to browser when settings are updated or modified (#542)
  • Update Reporting Notes export to eliminate a circular reference error that occurred when there was no data to show (#651)
  • Removed signed links from exports (#632)
  • Improved performance of front-end rendering and display issues on older browsers (#613)
  • Updated title on Profile Security page (#636)
  • Updated our new address on all footers (#641)
  • Added new symbols to acceptable password character list (#638)
  • Updated URL signing controls for all pdfs (#626)

January 25, 2021

Protecting your account with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

We’ve added support for two-factor authentication (2FA) to provide an additional layer of security for your account to ensure that you're the only person able to gain access, even if someone knows or tries to guess your password. In this age of phishing attacks and data breaches, relying on a login password alone does not guarantee security. No matter how strong or complex your primary password might be, your account stands the risk of a breach if your password happens to fall into the wrong hands.

With two-factor authentication, your DebtBook account can only be accessed on devices you trust. When you want to sign in, you'll need to provide two pieces of information—your password and a temporary passcode known as a time-based one-time password (TOTP) that is generated by an authenticator app. By entering the code, you're verifying that you have access to a trusted device.

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DebtBook is compatible with popular authenticator apps that are widely used like Google Authenticator, Authy, and Microsoft Authenticator. You may use other apps not listed here. Enabling two-factor Authentication is completely optional. But, from a security standpoint, it is highly recommended. The security benefits of 2FA far outweigh the minor inconvenience of having to authenticate through two successive stages.

Administrators have the ability to require two-factor authentication for their entire organization. This optional setting allows for teams to easily comply with IT policies and recommendations. 

Improvements and Fixes

  • Improved UI presentation to leverage full-width of browser window across browsers (#624)
  • Update Forgot Password formatting (#611)
  • Added pagination to Upcoming Payments display on Dashboard (#587)
  • Synchronized debt outstanding amount shown on Dashboard with Profile Summary so it’s reflective of payments made when they on the same date as today (#629)  
  • Fixed issue with chart legend toggling unexpectedly when dates were changed after making a selection (#637)
  • Fixed Reporting Notes to ensure issues with Dated Date outside of fiscal year are not included in export (#616)


  • Modified session handling and cookie storage (#594)
  • Added Subresource Integrity (SRI) verification for scripts hosted on content deliver networks (#581)
  • Added Network Error Logging (NEL) header to enable browsers to log network requests (#591)
  • Added support for mitigating brute force password attacks (#596)

December 30, 2020

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Added accrued interest and interest expense calculations to exports from bucket view
  • Added ability to expand and collapse row groupings in Profile Summary
  • Added notifications to show progress or status of chart downloads
  • Added new security settings to account administration in preparation for upcoming 2FA deployment
  • Fixed presentation issues that occur in a split summary and reporting when an issue is split and some parts have no values
  • Updated input template to better handle Conduit Issuers and different naming conventions
  • Updated UI layout throughout the application to improve responsiveness across all device widths
  • Removed unused fields from database tables
  • Removed menu links from app administration area

December 17, 2020

Accrued Interest

View accrued interest and interest expense balances in your debt service detail view using any profile “as of” date and frequency you choose to assist with accounting for monthly and year-end closing processes. Interest account balances and associated journal entries can be exported into Excel as part of the detail view export. If you do not see this data in your profile, please contact our Customer Success team.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated the Content Security Policy to accommodate Intercom features


  • Removed ability for users that are assigned the Viewer role to add Guest users to the account

December 10, 2020

Multi-Issue Charts


Automatically generate charts and graphs for any selected issues or your entire debt profile to analyze your data visually. You now have the option to change the beginning date, end date and frequency you display in the charts so that you can see exactly the data set that you want presented in several unique chart styles. All charts and graphs can be downloaded in a format that can be included in presentations or distributed via email as an attachment.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added profile selector to the Reporting Payments page to enable you to easily filter out payments that don’t match your selection. Search and Export will limit results based upon your selected profile or show all. (#539)
  • Revised design, layout and structure of account profile screens to accommodate future deployment of two-factor authentication (#537)
  • Updated user notifications in account administration area to highlight when action is completed (#572)
  • Updated format for Summary by Type excel export (#543)  
  • Updated Dashboard presentation in preparation for Milestones (#583)


  • Addressed potential vulnerability that could lead to an XSS attack (#588)
  • Updated content security policy header for better browser compatibility and enforcement (#585)
  • Added new security check on backend to better enforce profile sharing controls (#592)
  • Modified Forgot Password to prevent account enumeration (#589)
  • Updated Organization Profile to limit ability for user to enter unsecured URLs (#593)

November 17, 2020

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Updated Reporting Notes export with additional data and formatting to closely align to GASB 88 standards. As part of this update, we added a new roll-forward table that shows all issues by fund.
  • Payment details can now be exported for printing or electronic distribution.
  • Updated the Profile Summary table presentation to include the Project column when present. If the profile has a different label in use for this dimension, the column heading will reflect that.
  • User Notes will no longer be shown in the Profile Summary so we can better utilize the space for presenting other data. If a note exists, an icon will appear to indicate a note related to the issue.
  • Updated input template to v13 with new fields and structure.


  • Adjusted timing on nightly job schedules to work around AWS maintenance windows


  • Added Content Security Policy header to control resources that may be loaded by the browser  

October 28, 2020

Performance Enhancements

  • Added loader animation to Dashboard to indicate progress of profile switching for accounts that have multiple profiles assigned
  • Added ability for system admin to set default profile for accounts that have multiple profiles assigned
  • Added rollover state to Mixed value in Profile Summary table to reveal additional details related to Type, Fund, Purpose or Project
  • Fixed the way profile loader handles maturities with overlapping fund, purpose and project names
  • Updated key software package versions
  • Fixed error that occurred when attempting to export summary of split issues
  • Improved performance of fetching split info for issues
  • Prepared for 2FA markup

GL Issues #550, #526, #516, #555, #553, #551, #531, #538, #523


  • Added header for Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) to further enforce use of HTTPS

October 21, 2020

Using multiple profiles to organize debt obligations

Organizations can now organize or separate debt obligations into different profiles. You can view the profiles assigned to an account by clicking the profile selector on the Dashboard screen or clicking the Profiles item in the navigation to view a complete listing. (#525)

Improvements and Fixes

  • Ordered split count list in alphabetical order (#528)
  • Added series description to split summary view to show the type/description for the selected issue (#529)
  • Modified alignment of Total row in split count modal (#532)
  • Fixed issue that caused account invite to be sent to user when unchecking the Send Invite checkbox (#521)
  • Fixed bug preventing the display of API documentation (#490)
  • New system administrator functionality for viewing and managing members and guests associated with an organization (#493)
  • Updated error messages to more clearly indicate an issue if a problem occurs with exporting a file (#516)
  • Improved presentation of Favorite listing to address display issues that occurred when adding or removing items (#511)
  • Improved presentation markup for Create Note screen (#456)
  • Fixed minor error caused by retrieving info for split counts (#531)


  • Disabled support for TLS 1.1 and required 1.2 (#524)
  • Added a new set of special characters that may be used for stronger password creation (#519)

October 6, 2020

Split Counts


DebtBook now shows the total number of ways a debt obligation is split or bifurcated along with detailed information about each split like the percentage amount and description. You can view the split counts inline while you’re browsing through the app and navigate to a summary view of the whole issue or go directly to a detailed presentation of the split portion.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed error with Reporting Notes export where reductions did not appear in the roll-forward table when a new issue was added during the specified reporting period (#520)
  • Enabled Reporting Notes export generation with or without activity types to be specified (#518)
  • Added new session timeout to minimize the time or likelihood that someone may hijack an existing user session (#491)

September 18, 2020

Bug fixes

  • Updated date filters for Upcoming Payments on Dashboard and Reporting Date Range to include present day in range (#508)
  • Fixed display issue for Guests that accessing bucket view with Reporting permission turned on (#512)
  • Fixed styling on Scenario Analysis button in Refund mode (#517)

September 17, 2020

Show debt allocations by Project

Implemented a fourth way to split debt allocations to provide you with the ability to view by project. Issuers may customize the label for this dimension if there is a more appropriate or preferable term than Project that better describes the activities of their organization, like Campus or Facility for a university. (#466/507)

Improvements and Fixes

  • Improved performance of excel exports and implemented web sockets throughout the app to better handle exports with large amounts of data. Also, updated styling of in-app notices. (#464)
  • Updated format for bucket view debt service excel export to enhance presentation and be more user-friendly (#477)
  • Added ability to export Reporting Payments data (#415)
  • Created new Manager role for app admins (#492)
  • Removed activity issue column (#439)  
  • Updated source maps to be browser friendly (#470)
  • Added delete confirmation for Notes to Financial Statements (#453)
  • Added a constraint so Notes to Financial Statements are named uniquely (#451)
  • Added additional information to page titles to help users better organize their bookmarks (and provide Intercom with a more accurate view of user activity) (#487)(#404)
  • Implemented fix to preserve Profile as of date through various refunding opportunity screens (#484)
  • Update copy for shared profile email (#498)
  • Added new fields from input template to Admin area (#478)
  • Added redirect to 404 page when issuer profile is not found (#324)
  • Converted Notes to Financial Statements export to use formulas so edits will automatically update totals (#447)
  • Updated the scope of User Notes so all internal members of the organization have visibility (#494)
  • Fixed typos in Notes to Financial Statements (#505)

August 17, 2020

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated Suggest callouts on the Dashboard to inform people about Reporting Payments and provide a link to learn more.
  • Fixed scrolling behavior on Reporting Payments page so it does not stick.
  • Modified label that appears in History section of payment details after user verifies payment. It was showing Approved and now matches action to show Verified.
  • Updated input parser to improve handling of large issuers. Profiles can now consist of multiple parts and no longer need to be merged.

August 12, 2020

Payment reporting and audit notes for year-end

Reporting Payments
View all payments due for each of your obligations, verify amounts against received invoices and confirm payments are made with your accounts payable team with the ability to view history and any notes associated with a particular payment. Save time at year end by sharing access with your accounts for audit. All data is exportable to excel.

Audit Notes
Automatically generate notes to the financial statements for your fiscal year end (or any period you specify) and download in Excel for further edits or copy/paste.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated Profile Summary with wedges to highlight special characteristics related to issues
  • Added additional column to Profile Summary table to view Type, Fund or Purpose for each issue depending upon your Type, Fund, Purpose selection
  • Updated buttons, headers and menus to simplify process for adding Guest users to an organization’s account
  • View and download charts representing outstanding principal and interest for individual issues
  • Added Viewer role for organizations to allow Admins to limit user’s ability to modify data
  • Fixed issue related to displaying a large number of issues in bucket view and
  • Added new multi-level Issues menu navigation to enable user to travers debt profile by going to various views of Type, Fund or Purpose without having to return to Profile Summary
  • Adjusted debt service schedule calculations to handle new interest basis like 30E3/360 and payments that occur on the last day of any/all months
  • Adjusted debt service schedule generation to account for bifurcations with different payment dates
  • Fixed issue with rounding Outstanding Par Amount on Profile Summary to ensure consistency with other areas where amounts are rounded