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Commercial Banks

Get the Information You Need When You Need It

As a commercial bank, you need a few basic things from your clients. You need accurate information, clear reports, transparent communication, and organized documentation—and that’s exactly what you get with DebtBook, the world’s premier debt, lease, and subscription management software.

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Improve Organization and Collaboration from Day One


Critical Organization for Your Client

As a commercial banker, you need timely and accurate continuing disclosure information—DebtBook makes it easier than ever for your clients to produce it. With access to your client’s DebtBook account, you can always get a hold of critical information without so much as a phone call, greatly streamlining your process.

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The Collaborative Environment You Need

DebtBook really shines when it comes to collaboration. As a secure cloud-based application, DebtBook offers easy-to-tailor remote access. This makes it incredibly easy for the main financial team, outside partners, and banks like you to all stay on the same page in real time.

Case Study

How Vista, CA Improved Efficiency & Data Confidence with DebtBook

Learn how DebtBook helped the City of Vista, CA implement a single solution that reduced the opportunity for human error, improved data confidence, and increased productivity for their busy team.

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Cultivate a Better Client

DebtBook helps your clients get you what you need, quickly and accurately. Everyone wins: your client gets better organization and easier debt and lease management, and you get the information you need when you need it.


Consolidate Debt & Lease Information

Leave the spreadsheets behind. With DebtBook, your client can compile all of their debt and leases into a single management platform, complete with integrated reminders and a more comprehensive view of finances than you’ll get from a spreadsheet.


Essential Document Storage

Establishing new loans often involves a lot of wasted time and energy simply trying to track down important documents and historical records. With DebtBook, all of these documents are in one place and easy to find when you need them.


Truly Collaborative Environment

Many financial errors between clients and banks are the result of clumsy information sharing systems. By being able to directly access your client’s DebtBook profile, you can instantly view financial information right from the source.

See DebtBook in Action
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Get a Firsthand Look at DebtBook

Ready to see what DebtBook can do for you? Let’s set up a personal 30-minute demo. We’ll walk you through every aspect of DebtBook, so you can see how we’re changing the game for organizations like yours.

Start changing the way you work. Schedule a demo today!

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